View Full Version : Truckers: If I get any more breaks out here I won't be able to make a living

06-30-2013, 09:38 PM
The federal government thinks long-haul truckers like Bryan Spoon need more rest.

But with the Department of Transportation's new rules forcing drivers to take longer breaks and cut back on hours behind the wheel, Spoon thinks the government has created a solution looking for a problem.

"I wish the government would just quit trying to fix something that's not broken," he said on a recent rest stop in Columbia, Mo., after hauling a load of construction materials on the 48-foot Great Dane flatbed behind his 2009 Volvo 780.

"If I get any more breaks out here I won't be able to make a living," he said.

Starting Monday, drivers like Spooner will have to stick to a schedule that requires taking a 30-minute break in the first eight hours of driving, cut the maximum workweek to 70 hours from 82, and "restart" those 70 hours with a 34-hour break once a week.

The rules are part of a program by the Obama administration to make U.S. highways safer by reducing the number of truck accidents and fatalities. The program also includes a safety rating system that shippers can review when they chose a new carrier, with the goal of prodding the trucking industry to further improve the safety of its drivers and equipment.

"The updated hours of service rule makes three common sense, data-driven changes to increase safety on our roadways and reduce driver fatigue, a leading factor in large truck crashes," said Anne Ferro administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which issued the rules, in a statement.

Ferro was not available for an interview.

But the trucking industry—which has sued to have the rules reversed—is warning that they will mean more highway traffic and high shipping costs for consumers.

The industry also argues that it's already doing a good job of reducing accidents, and that the government's own data supports that position. The number of people killed each year in large truck crashes has fallen by almost 30 percent, from 5,282 in 2000, to nearly 4,000 in 2011, according to the FMCSA.

http://www.cnbc.com/id/100852239?__source=yahoo%7Cfinance%7Cheadline%7Che adline%7Cstory&par=yahoo&doc=100852239%7CTruck%20Drivers%20Not%20Revved

06-30-2013, 10:16 PM
Truckers don't have a chance, WHY?

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06-30-2013, 10:17 PM
"Free" Enterprise.

06-30-2013, 10:35 PM
Individuals ought be able to make decisions for themselves. Decisions which cause harm to others should be avoided. Opinions on when and if force should be used to prevent such decisions vary. Opinions on the ideal mechanisms for enforcement vary.

Anti Federalist
06-30-2013, 10:41 PM
"Free" Enterprise.

Free Country, comrade.

Ruled by kings.

The rules are part of a program by the Obama administration to make U.S. highways safer by reducing the number of truck accidents and fatalities.

mad cow
06-30-2013, 11:06 PM
"The updated hours of service rule makes three common sense, data-driven changes to increase safety on our roadways and reduce driver fatigue, a leading factor in large truck crashes," said Anne Ferro administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which issued the rules, in a statement.

What in the heck is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration?I thought the Legislative branch of the Federal government was supposed to write laws,not the Executive branch.
These clowns need to start following the Constitution again.

06-30-2013, 11:10 PM
Teamsters just haven't been the same since Jimmy Hoffa disappeared..

Henry Rogue
06-30-2013, 11:40 PM
Teamsters just haven't been the same since Jimmy Hoffa disappeared..Government unions got all the clout now. This affects nonunion and owner/operators too.

06-30-2013, 11:47 PM
I bet many of those truckers (and many of you actually) agree with drunk driving laws.

Same logic applies...

06-30-2013, 11:49 PM
What in the heck is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration?I thought the Legislative branch of the Federal government was supposed to write laws,not the Executive branch.
These clowns need to start following the Constitution again.

Need to? No, no the constitution are guidelines, meaning if it makes sense to break those rules, then its ok.

mad cow
07-01-2013, 12:04 AM
Need to? No, no the constitution are guidelines, meaning if it makes sense to break those rules, then its ok.


07-01-2013, 12:42 AM
Truckers are a job that are going to be phased out anyway...
Google's self driving car will eventually be moved into the long haul trucks.
Then they can hire people for minimum wage to sit in the seat and babysit the computer.

07-01-2013, 09:32 AM

07-01-2013, 03:06 PM
Spoon thinks the government has created a solution looking for a problem.

Quote of the month, perhaps the year.

07-01-2013, 04:38 PM
Truckers are a job that are going to be phased out anyway...
Google's self driving car will eventually be moved into the long haul trucks.
Then they can hire people for minimum wage to sit in the seat and babysit the computer.

I've run through that thought a few times but came to the conclusion that you are wrong (about cheap employees). Companies love to shift liability. The driver is always the dump point. Without the driver they assume all liability. Someone has to be captain of the ship. Someone has to assume liability for product security, condition, and load securement. I suppose the computer operator could handle all of that and be away from home for weeks at a time --- But the most glaring reason that I think that you are wrong is ---> Liability ladened employees don't come cheap.

I'm a specialized hauler. So I'm a bit biased towards my own work -- I think you may be right for some van loads -- I can't even see a reason for a tech to be on board other than security if the truck breaks down in the middle of nowhere.