View Full Version : Challenging the "Angry Supporters" Smear

11-26-2007, 07:49 PM
Now that Dr. Paul has been quoted as being “impressed” by the anger of his supporters, be prepared for a fresh wave of attacks from the MSM that Paulites are full of hate and anger, and that those are no emotions upon which to base a healthy campaign that wants to effect reform. You can fight this argument by stating that there is a big difference between frivolous anger and righteous anger. But unfortunately, our contemporary culture has conflated the two.

Dr. Paul was referring to the righteous variety, a secular version of the kind of anger which compelled Jesus to throw the money changers out of the temple--today, the money changers being the Bush administration and the elite power base of the Republican Party who have trammeled the sacrosanct ideals of freedom and liberty and must be expelled from the halls of government (i.e. the temple).

In addition, you might respond that without righteous anger toward Britain the colonies would never have freed themselves from despotic rule. Democracy and righteous anger have always walked together, because there are always those who seek profit from limiting your ability to live free.

11-26-2007, 07:51 PM
To rail against tyranny is always righteous! God created us to be free... to oppress your fellow man is to sin against God and his divine plan.