View Full Version : [Video] Rand Paul speaks at Audit the IRS rally on Capitol Hill

Matt Collins
06-18-2013, 10:54 PM
TOMORROW: Sen. Paul to Give Remarks at Audit the IRS Rally

WASHINGTON, D.C. – TOMORROW, Wednesday, June 19, Sen. Rand Paul will appear at a rally and press conference to call for auditing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). His remarks will begin promptly at 1:15 p.m. ET.

TIME: 1:15 p.m. ET
DATE: Wednesday, June 19, 2013
LOCATION: West Lawn of the Capitol

video update:


06-18-2013, 11:03 PM
What does "anti-IRS" mean?

06-18-2013, 11:05 PM
It's like he's on full-time campaign mode already. To keep this up for 3 years, in time for the presidential election, is one hell of an endurance feat.

06-18-2013, 11:17 PM
It's like he's on full-time campaign mode already. To keep this up for 3 years, in time for the presidential election, is one hell of an endurance feat.

With all these scandals breaking left and right, he needs to get out in front of them and lead the charge against this crap, and hes doing a great job of it.

06-18-2013, 11:23 PM
Endurance is correct. It is almost unheard of that a candidate can maintain this long a campaign without a screw-up. Let's hope we'll be able to hold together when it happens.

The fight with the media is going to be an epic one this time, folks! I hope you've got your boots on.

Bastiat's The Law
06-19-2013, 01:12 AM
It's like he's on full-time campaign mode already. To keep this up for 3 years, in time for the presidential election, is one hell of an endurance feat.
Rand is a political athlete.

06-19-2013, 07:01 AM
Thanks for the announcement. Meanwhiles, I see that C-SPAN plans to air the rally at noon (ET) on C-SPAN3.

Tea Party Activists Rally Against The IRS
Members of Congress, including Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), join with Tea Party activists in an "Audit the IRS" rally, to protest alleged abuses by the Internal Revenue Service. The event is organized by the Tea Party Patriots.
Today at 12pm (ET) on C-SPAN3
LIVE Today at 12pm (ET) on C-SPAN.org
Here is the link to C-SPAN3:

Matt Collins
06-19-2013, 08:10 AM
Rand eats a lot of fish and not a lot of junk

06-19-2013, 10:52 AM
Did Rand speak yet? Glenn Beck up there right now.

06-19-2013, 10:53 AM
I should say "Pastor Beck". ;)

06-19-2013, 11:11 AM
Isn't this an "Audit the IRS" rally? Pastor Beck has a hard time staying on the topic.

06-19-2013, 11:18 AM
Mike Lee on now.

Bastiat's The Law
06-19-2013, 11:19 AM
Beck wants to be a spiritual leader so bad it hurts.

Bastiat's The Law
06-19-2013, 11:19 AM
Bachmann speaking was pure comedy.

06-19-2013, 11:20 AM
Beck is so annoying.

06-19-2013, 11:21 AM
GAME ON... Rand is up! 1:26PM EST

It appears there are groups advertising on TV/Radio today, timing it with the IRS protests in Washington DC.


The federal income tax system is broken – it’s unfair, too complex and almost impossible for hard working Americans to understand. But there is an alternative that’s reasonable and fair.

Americans For Fair Taxation (http://www.fairtax.org)® is a non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to eliminating the IRS and replacing federal taxes on your income with a national consumption tax.


http://www.endtheirs.com/donate-now-button-red.jpg (http://www.fairtax.org/site/Donation2?4400.donation=form1&df_id=4400)http://www.endtheirs.com/volunteer-button-blue.jpg (http://www.fairtax.org/site/Survey?ACTION_REQUIRED=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS&SURVEY_ID=4880)
http://www.endtheirs.com/view-our-video-button-green.jpg (http://www.endtheirs.com/video.html)
© 2013 Americans For Fair Taxation. 888-390-3450

06-19-2013, 11:26 AM
Rand on now.

06-19-2013, 11:27 AM

06-19-2013, 11:29 AM
Thanks, caught a couple of minutes of it :)

06-19-2013, 11:30 AM
Ok, this pathetic. One minute from Rand and Mike Lee, a full sermon from Pastor Beck.

06-19-2013, 11:31 AM
I wish all of these politicians would use the appropriate words about the targeted attacks by IRS management... including Rand

It's not "Bullies or Bullying" It is Oppression, Tyranny, and Horrific dictatorship.

Remember the name: Bob Bauer spouse: Anita Dunn <=== :eek:


Robert F. Bauer is an American (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) attorney (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawyer) who previously served as White House Counsel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_Counsel) under President of the United States (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_United_States) Barack Obama (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama). Married to Marxist lover, Anita Dunn

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_LD_Ah5tLKV8/SuDQvTA0hJI/AAAAAAAADK4/AJuwKBrX13Y/s400/Bob_Bauer_Anita_Dunn_25.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=jWDYt4c-6884JM&tbnid=0C1E0MI9GSZO5M:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmaggiesnotebook.blogspot.com%2F20 09%2F10%2Frobert-bob-bauer-is-anita-dunns-husband.html&ei=0OvBUZvIPOWciQKu34H4Dg&bvm=bv.48175248,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFR5F_k05qPjNlRZor5aXKVwjxVgA&ust=1371749676625236)

06-19-2013, 11:32 AM
Ok, this pathetic. One minute from Rand and Mike Lee, a full sermon from Pastor Beck.

Looked like Rand called her out on it too.

Anyway Rand Paul is such a powerful speaker! He's gonna go far.

06-19-2013, 11:33 AM
Huh? I got here at 1:33 and already someone else is speaking. How long was his speech?

06-19-2013, 11:34 AM
Huh? I got here at 1:33 and already someone else is speaking. How long was his speech?

About a minute.

06-19-2013, 11:36 AM
Steve Lonegan (up now) - will be running against cory Booker in NJ

One Man Wolf Pack
06-19-2013, 11:41 AM
About a minute.


06-19-2013, 11:47 AM
Steve Lonegan (up now) - will be running against cory Booker in NJ

Heh. Good luck on that. Booker's got a lot of popularity in New Jersey and even more so after his speech at the 2012 DNC.

Neil Desmond
06-19-2013, 11:56 AM

Neil Desmond
06-19-2013, 12:18 PM

06-19-2013, 12:20 PM


06-19-2013, 12:45 PM
quite a good joke from Rand

06-19-2013, 03:14 PM
If they're serious about getting rid of the IRS and having a more fair way to fund the govt, check out The Automated Payment Transaction Tax system (http://apttax.com/). Our local guy on the GOP state committee has been pushing this and is speaking about it in front of a republican club tomorrow, he might even run for a state rep seat opening up in 2014 due to term limits. In essence

What is the APT? In order to raise the same amount of revenue as our current tax system, a "revenue neutral" APT tax would impose a single tiny tax rate on each and every transaction in the economy. This transaction tax would completely REPLACE our current system - not be added on to it.

Since the volume of all transactions is estimated to be 100 times larger than the current tax base, the flat tax rate needed to raise the same amount of revenues is just a hundredth of the current average tax rate of roughly 30%. So if transactions stayed at their current level, the APT tax rate would be three tenths of one percent (0.35%) on each transaction. Even if total transactions fell by 50%, the revenue neutral APT tax rate would only be six tenths of one percent (0.7%) split equally between the buyer and seller in each transaction so each would pay 0.35%.

Feige details how the replacement of our current tax system with an APT tax could save the government and its citizens as much as $500 billion annually by eliminating the compliance, collection, enforcement and inefficiency costs of our current tax system. Additional savings would accrue society in general, which are impossible to compute. Just think of all those beautiful trees that will be left standing when we stop printing the 70,000 page Tax Code and the millions (maybe billions) of copies of forms with instructions still being used at both federal and state levels.

How would it work? Consider a family with an annual income of $60,000, paying $20,000 in interest and mortgage payments on their house and spending $40,000 on all other items. The family has total transactions of $120,000. Today that family would owe roughly $20,000 in total taxes. Under the APT tax, with a rate of 0.7% they would pay $210 (.35% x $60000) on their income receipts and $210 on their expenditures for a total tax of $420. Their employer would pay $210 tax on the income payment, the mortgage company would pay $70 on its receipts and the merchants receiving the family's $40,000 of other expenses would pay another $140 in taxes. In total, the government would receive $840. And all the taxes would be automatically assessed and paid without filing tax returns.

How then does the government collect enough taxes to pay its bills? Most of the revenues would be collected from the massive volume of stock and bond trades and foreign exchange transactions none of which are now taxed. One might be concerned that imposing taxes on these types of transactions would stifle economic activity in these critical areas, however, the tax is so small it would be dwarfed by the simple fluctuations in price that typically occur during the trading process. Although "day trading" and short term foreign exchange transactions will certainly decline, the reduction in these "hot money" transactions are only likely to reduce speculative market activity, thereby reducing the volatility of prices in these markets.

Although every voluntary transaction is assessed the same low tax rate, the APT tax achieves equity and fairness because the wealthiest portion of the population executes a disproportionate share of financial transactions, whereas the poorest members of society engage in relatively few financial transactions since they have so much less wealth to manage. So it's inherently progressive.

How will the APT Tax system work? Every bank, brokerage, or other financial account established by a person, corporation or other taxable organization will pay 0.35% on ALL funds moving IN OR OUT of that account. The tax would be automatically transferred to a federal government tax collection account in the same institution. This will be true for stock, bond, options, and futures traders and investors; foreign citizens, companies and governments exchanging their currency for US dollars; a couple buying a new car (no more 8.25% sales tax, instead 0.35% APT tax); and, a teenager buying movie tickets with a credit card. The movement of funds is taxed and collected immediately without recording who or what was the source of funds or the recipient. This automated system would totally eliminate the need for filing tax returns and information returns, freeing individuals and businesses of enormous costs of tax compliance and greatly reducing the government's costs of collection and enforcement.

06-19-2013, 04:01 PM


Constitutional Paulicy
06-21-2013, 12:48 AM

06-21-2013, 10:18 AM
That rally looks a lot bigger than I originally thought it was.

06-21-2013, 11:30 AM
Does anyone know how many people were in attendance?

06-21-2013, 11:51 AM
only 2 minutes?