View Full Version : imagine this!

06-13-2013, 04:36 PM
in 92 we had 1 guy who stood against the same old government bs on stage at the debates. that was ross perot.

in 2007 we had just 1 guy who was on stage at the debates that stood for our freedoms. that was ron paul.

in 2011 we had 2 guys who stood for our freedom and against government bs. that was ron paul and gary johnson.

now come 2015 we could have any combination of the following on stage who is for our freedoms and against the government bs. they could be rand paul, gary johnson, jesse ventura, amost for sure , but also add for the sake of showing a force ted cruz and maybe one or two more.

just showing up in sheer numbers would be a heart attack for the establishment and a repeated message of freedom to the public. it would be hard to hide or slant the same message from numerous men on stage all at once vs 1 or 2 lone men like last time.

sure some of these guys i mentioned are not as close to ron paul as id like, but they sure have bitch slapped the government multiple times in the last few years and dont take any crap from them.

discuss the possibilities and advantages of this.

edit: id love to see ventura there just to have him cut a hard lined reply to any bullshit asked by the interviewers. he does it like no one else!