View Full Version : Why We Are Doing This

11-26-2007, 02:04 AM
I am a newcomer to this forum, but I've been observing for quite some time, and I've noticed that there has been a lot of tension in here lately, and I think its threatening the progressive nature of what has brought us this far and what we need to ensure that Ron Paul is elected President of the United States of America in 2008. The situation truly is dire; the stakes have never been higher. We are on the verge of a new age on this planet, where, with the facilitation of the Internet, we are truly becoming interconnected and are at a time when we will finally realize what we need to know to overcome what always has brought civilizations to fall.

When I watch and listen to Ron Paul, I see awareness and understanding of reality, being spoken through someone who is in a position to truly act as a catalyst to push us through the threshold to evolving as a planet, past war, collecting around differences out of fear, enabling others to control us by becoming apathetic to our responsibilty as sovereign individuals to care about what is going on in this planet and to take action and to be enthused in playing our role... but only if we do what is necessary to support him so that he is in the position to represent us.

I firmly believe that Ron Paul is the true representative of the ideals this country was founded upon, as well as the people that inhabit it, even as most of them have been lulled to sleep through the limitations of the previous form of media, the television. The difference in the status quo of politics and the revolutionay force of Ron Paul's rise is the difference in media. With the Internet, people have to interact with the media in order to access it, and this is what, I believe, is responsible for the force that is breaking through people's apathy when it comes to politics.

I apologize for getting long-winded, but my intent was to share with you all this video I found on Youtube, which I'm sure most of you have already seen, called Don't Tread On Me. It is remarkably beautiful, and I'll even admit that it had me in tears of joy. :) When I read these quotations of Ron Paul, I had visions of future children of a once again prosporous, free nation, in flourishing schools enabled by the decentralization of governance and the involvement of concerned parents and citizens, reading these words of a true leader, that came at a time when he was sorely needed.


Moderators, I realize this doesn't directly relate to grass-roots efforts, but I really hope this can stay in this forum, as an opportunity to reflect/remind ourselves of why we are so endeavored in these efforts. I moderate a philosophy and spirituality forum, and understand the need for specializing different forums for different topics, but I'm humbly requesting that this one slips through the cracks of being moved, in the name of Ron Paul. :)

11-26-2007, 02:10 AM
Newcomers unite! Haha. Tension, indeed. My first post got me accused as a troll!

I think everyone's on edge because the deadlines are looming. Anxiety will do this to people. There are just so many people so deeply invested in this movement that it has become too near and dear not too worry about.

Anyway, thanks for sharing the video. That's a good one. :D

11-26-2007, 02:12 AM
Yeah, you'll get used to it, its kind of amusing now that I've been here for a while. Those 'paranoid conspiracy theorist' stereotypes have a grain of truth here haha

11-26-2007, 02:28 AM
Anxiety will do this to people. There are just so many people so deeply invested in this movement that it has become too near and dear not too worry about.

Being deeply concerned is one thing - it motivates us and inspires us to do what is necessary to alleviate the cause of concern.

Being full of anxiety and worry is counter-productive. There is a lot of reason that we wish to attach ourselves to the idea that he must win, that we must be successful, the stakes clearly are high, but for us to take on that kind of energy within ourselves will tear ourselves apart.

Perhaps this is what has been happening recently? :)

Why does anxiety and worry and division amongst ourselves arise?

I feel it arises because we begin to doubt. We doubt the ideas of others and we doubt what may result, and we become attached to our own ideas, and we create a self-fufilling prophecy.

This isn't about ourselves, and this isn't even about Ron Paul. We are simply beings who are in the right place at the right time, carrying out something much bigger through us, and it is our responsibility to trust in that, and ourselves and our abilities to make it happen, so that it will happen.

We are all here, really, because of the ideals that are being represented by Ron Paul. They are the ideals we truly feel inside us are right, and thus, he represents us. His intention in running and his intention in being in politics in the first place are these ideals, the ones the country was founded upon, the ones that are most effective and beneficial for humanity and its evolution.

The stakes might be high, but they only seem that way. The resistance to Ron Paul being president isn't conscious and overpowering - it is simply lack of being heard and a trend of apathy and of slowly forgetting who we are and why we are here - why this country exists in the first place. If we who are already tuned in stay immersed within all of this, we will lead the way into a new age of humanity. :eek: :p