View Full Version : Never-Ending War

05-17-2013, 10:33 AM
Here we go again: http://antiwar.com/blog/2013/05/16/aumf-never-ending-war-and-americas-instruments-of-tyranny/

[A] group of senators is mulling a revision to the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force against those who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks. In Senate testimony today, several Pentagon officials tried to dissuade making any changes to the law, which has been notoriously beneficial to the expansion of the warfare state and terribly detrimental to the rule of law, government transparency, and human liberty in general. ...
And thanks to the terse wording of the law, that war has no geographic limit. Any individual or group unilaterally deemed an “associated force” by top officials can be targeted by the U.S. war machine anywhere in the world. And this extraordinary power cannot be rescinded until the overlords in the White House and the Pentagon say so.

Pro-war think tanks, pundits, lobbyists, and arms dealers are foaming at the mouth over this one. In the name of promoting freedom, DC will further expand its control over us, starting with the harvesting of our incomes to pay for the never-ending War on Terror. The IRS (remember them?) will have to shake down the peasants just a little bit harder, and that means more intense scrutiny of those selfish taxpayers to make sure they're paying their "fair share."

Naturally, the brown-skinned people on the receiving end of drone attacks will fail to appreciate what DC is doing for them and will strike back. Or their fellow religionists here at home will do it for them (like those lovable Tsarnaev brothers). Either way, Americans can count on more domestic terrorism. That will trigger even more domestic surveillance and the militarization of everyday life to "protect" the American people.
And at every step of the way, our handlers in DC ratchet up their power.
Meanwhile, "patriotic Americans" will scream "Support the troops!" Because freedom isn't free, you know.

posted by Old Rebel @ Friday, May 17, 2013