View Full Version : Help HR 499 Get To A Floor Vote! The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2013

05-08-2013, 11:04 PM
H.R. 499 is the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2013 and if passed, it will remove marijuana in any form from all schedules of controlled substances under the Controlled Substances Act.


H.R.499 has been referred to five Committees for review, and further referred to six Sub-Committees.

Here's where you can help: Someone from NORML has made it REALLY easy to make phone calls to all the committee members, by setting up a phone bank here: http://phonebank.org/campaign/hr-499-end-marijuana-prohibition

Please note, you do NOT need to create a login to make phone calls! Just go to that page, and one by one it will give you the names and phone numbers of committee members so you can call and ask them to support this bill. Then you click to indicate what kind of response you got, and click submit. Then it gives you the next number to call. You can make as few, or as many calls as you like. That's it! (It really couldn't be any simpler.)

Most importantly, make sure to ask these committee members to allow HR499 to be debated and voted upon, on the floor of the House.

Some other talking points that may be more suited to an e-mail (or a voice mail, if you don't get a person on the line):

Marijuana prohibition has utterly failed. Millions of Americans admit to consuming it regularly.
We have wasted hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars fighting this failed war on pot, and ruined millions of lives in the process.
A recent poll (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2013/04/04/legalize-it-poll-shows/) reveals that 52% of Americans favor complete legalization of marijuana.
Marijuana is less toxic to humans than raw potatoes, according to DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young.
Two states have already legalized it under state law, and more are sure to follow. It's time for the Federal government to respect the will of the people and get out of the way of the States.

It also wouldn't hurt to contact your Representative and ask them to co-sponsor this important legislation: