View Full Version : Jim DeMint: Immigration Reform Will Cost U.S. Trillions

05-06-2013, 02:07 AM

Former South Carolina Republican senator and current Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint argued that implementing immigration reform as proposed by the so-called “Gang of Eight” would “cost Americans trillions of dollars,” citing a soon-to-be released update to the conservative group’s 2007 study on the impact of immigration reform.

“The study you’ll see from Heritage this week presents a staggering cost of another amnesty in our country,” DeMint said this morning on “This Week,” based on the “detrimental effects long-term” of government benefits that would eventually go to the millions offered a path to citizenship under the reform legislation currently being considered. “There’s no reason we can’t begin to fix our immigration system so that we won’t make this problem worse. But the bill that’s being presented is unfair to those who came here legally. It will cost Americans trillions of dollars. It’ll make our unlawful immigration system worse.”


05-06-2013, 02:30 AM
Cato did a study on how Heritage's numbers are off on immigration costs/benefits:

Of course, as a voluntaryist I much prefer Center for a Stateless Society's take on immigration: