View Full Version : Peace, Pride, Prosperity? President Paul?

11-25-2007, 12:17 PM
h ttp://www.thesop.org/index.php?id=8501

Peace, Pride, Prosperity? President Paul?
by Nancy Lee Wolfe

A revolution is boiling to the surface. If you’re not feeling the heat, you’ll soon be forced to feel the pressure being produced by young people prepared to give all to their hero, Republican Texas Congressman and presidential contender, Ron Paul.

For example, in the midst of Thanksgiving feasts, Black Friday frenzy and incessant college rivalries, an all-out fundraiser was staged in Greenville, SC, a state where the war to win the right to fight for the Whitehouse has begun in earnest.

You will find no apathy or indifference in this red-ripe Republican stronghold. Organizers covered all bases to highlight the platform and principles of their candidate of choice; and, they were supported to the hilt.

The Handlebar: A Listening Room, http://www.handlebar-online.com/index.asp, and premier concert venue in the Upstate of SC, provided the venue for this extraordinary event-- amazing generosity.

Of course, if that isn’t enough to measure the commitment concentrated among these youthful warriors, consider the performers who also donated their time and talents:

Evan's Dilemma
True Blues
Brandy Lindsey and The Punch
Rachael Gallman and Band
Happy Ending
Jug Factory

Thrown into the mix of this extravagant event were poignant videos which clearly defined the hope these young people find in Congressman Paul. Campaign literature, yard signs and Ron Paul campaign buttons were among the many items made available and, as was clearly evident in the Handlebar parking lot, Ron Paul bumper stickers are plentiful and displayed with pride.

Why Ron Paul, you ask? According to Phillip Lecroy who co-organized the event, Ron Paul is the only presidential contender who represents freedom and who clings to Constitutional principles and authority.

“It is an honor for me to campaign and support Ron Paul,” declares Lecroy, “frankly, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as far as I’m concerned.”

Lecroy, with his wife, Nikki, radiate when they speak of their dream and of their future living under a Paul administration, “We want America back.”

If the response to Wednesday night’s $10-a-ticket “Rock For Ron Paul” is a barometer of things to come, the South Carolina Primary may well shatter the notions of Chris Matthews, Gretta Van Sestran and Bill O’Reilly. For that matter, the slate of Republican candidates may well be cleared, save Ron Paul. Democrats by the droves will drop from sight-- period, proclaim these Ron Paul supporters.

It is easy to see why these young people have seized upon the Ron Paul parade. The answer can be found, they say, in his record. He voted against the Patriot Act, against regulating the Internet and against reinstating a military draft.

Furthermore, as he serves his 10th term representing the 14th District of Texas, Ron Paul is against the war in Iraq, against the war on drugs and opposes corporate welfare. He has never voted for the Iraq war, an unbalanced budget or to restrict the freedom of Americans.

Connie Ayers, Jimmy Brennan and Teresa Warden, who co-organized the “Rock For Ron Paul” fundraiser, are equally enthusiastic. Their commitment is backed by very hard work. Fundraising is no picnic, of course, and their efforts were clearly visible. Young people reaching young people for Paul seemed to be the order of the night.

“We want everyone to learn about Ron Paul before they vote in the Primary and in 2008. When people come to an understanding of where we are in America and where Ron Paul wants to take us, we will begin to reduce debt, restore freedom and return to the law of our land, the US Constitution,” Phillip Lecroy said with confidence.

To learn more about Ron Paul, his record, principles and platform, go to:



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LZyHoAPL3M, Ron Paul with Jay Leno.

Who knows, you may catch fire.

11-25-2007, 02:15 PM
This article while somwhat favorable to Ron Paul... is horribly written.

11-25-2007, 10:42 PM
Thanks for the negative vibes jerk. It never fails for someone to be a complete DICK, when someone tries and help us out. I am Phillip the guy she quoted in the interview. I met Nancy the other night and she said she would love to cover the event. So she comes out and spends $20 of her own money to attend and does not even know much about Ron, but comes anyway.

I mean why is it that someone always has to find the negative everything. No matter what you post some scumbag will comeback with a mean spirited comment. Why not just take to article for what is for. Positive promotion for Dr. Paul.


11-25-2007, 11:03 PM
This article while somwhat favorable to Ron Paul... is horribly written.

So is your grammar. ;)

11-25-2007, 11:04 PM
Not to mention your spelling. :)