View Full Version : GPS coordinates do not match for location of Boston boat and chopper?

04-22-2013, 08:33 AM
Interesting anomaly to say the least.


04-22-2013, 08:52 AM
Did you read the comments?

Hold on, wait a minute here.
You have to convert the readings from the helicopter to be accurate in Google maps (or whichever map program). ’42 degrees 21.858 minutes N’, is not the same as ’42.21858 degrees N’. You have to take 21.858″ and divide by 60, because there are 60 minutes per degree.
There are 2 readings from the helicopter and I’m assuming the one labeled TLat and TLong are the “Target” lat/long.
Doing the calculations:
Target Lat/Long of 42 degrees 21.987″N, 71 degrees 10.444″W becomes ’42.36645,-71.1741′
Copter Lat/Long of 42 degrees 21.858″N, 71 degrees 10.486″W becomes ’42.3643,-71.1748′
Put those 2 numbers into Google maps and see what you get.

04-22-2013, 08:53 AM
Is that the lat and long of the camera crosshairs or the helicopter. Judging by the altitude and the angle of the picture the helicopter is well off to the side.

04-22-2013, 08:55 AM
Missed comments on phone.

Thanks, closing.