View Full Version : r3volution Film Projects!

04-16-2013, 04:21 AM
Chech this out! - http://thesparkfilm.com/ - I can't wait to see the entire movie!

Christina Heller, who made http://libertopiafilm.com/ is now working on The Spark... "The Spark follows two stories asking the same questions: What does it truly take to fix the world’s problems? What must you sacrifice? What must you endure?"

David Crowley had been making movies since high school, and after joining the service and experiencing our capacity for spreading democracy via two combat tours, David left the military in 2009, and became involved with the liberty movement through film, and is now doing so professionally. His next project “Gray State” is proving to be a vehicle of awakening across party and ideological lines, as this film chronicles what he believes will happen to our country if we don’t start listening to libertarians. David intends to use MSM entertainment to spread the message of liberty.


And David Kirk West of "Buck The System" ... his "aim is to become the premiere film making wing of the burgeoning liberty movement by both thrilling and educating audiences."


Want to help our movement grow? Help these young r3volution filmmakers see their projects to the big screen! Want to know how you can help? Ask me!

In Liberty, Zak Carter

04-16-2013, 06:55 PM
Anyone know of other liberty filmmakers with upcoming projects?