View Full Version : Rubio's border security: non-existent

04-14-2013, 11:56 AM
This seems to be the sticking point and could end up killing the immigration bill. Lots of waffle from Rubio today but very few details.

He mentioned a "trigger" for border security that is tied to the issuance of green cards to the new wave given a legal status.

The arbiter of the secure border? Janet Napolitano.

Is Rubio really selling this garbage? According to the administration the border is already secure. Of course they're going to judge it that way.

Sorry Rubes, try again your bill is dead.

The White House is insisting on no trigger so we end up with a weak one that's at the whim of the administration.

“We have not secured our border, leading not just to an immigration problem, but to a national security, sovereignty and humanitarian problem on the border,” Rubio said on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos.” “And this bill, hopefully, achieves progress on all three of those fronts.”

He said he’s going to try to win over senators by comparing it to the status quo.

“I just hope I can convince people that leaving things the way they are now is much worse than the way we’ve outlined,” Rubio said.

Rubio said by tying the issuing of green cards to border security would give the government an incentive to get it done.

“If they are not fully implemented, there will be no green cards awarded, and we think that will be an incentive,” he said on CNN.

But the issue of requiring border security as a trigger seemed to show signs of a rift between the legislation and the White House.

“We have a bipartisan disagreement because I think a bipartisan group of senators agree that that should be a trigger, and the president disagrees,” Rubio said on CNN. “And hopefully we can pass a bill that has that in there. And if we do, then you’ll have a decision to make about whether to sign it or not.”


04-14-2013, 05:04 PM
Sessions statement:

“When the Gang of Eight was first formed a publicly stated principle was the enforcement would come first—before legalization,” Sessions said. “Today, on the Sunday shows, Gang of Eight members admitted that they abandoned this principle and that, in fact, legalization—or amnesty—would come first. This proposal offers immediate legalization with unfulfilled promises of enforcement in the future. This is contrary to the commitment they made to the American people and raises the same core problem as the 2007 proposal that was rejected by the American people. This should not surprise given that Gang of Eight has refused to meet with ICE officers while consulting with the special interests. The proposal will not stand up to scrutiny.”

If Rubio is really part of this and the border security is insufficient he's in deep trouble.

04-14-2013, 07:04 PM
From what i've been gathering the border security and the "triggers" are a joke.

Rubio is lying when he says they're "tough".

Dicky Durbin and the Democrats have really done a number on him here.

This is going to be a terrible bill and the backlash will be massive.

04-17-2013, 02:01 AM
This is just nuts:

The 17-page document laying out the forthcoming bipartisan Senate “Gang of Eight” immigration reform legislative proposal shows the senators are fully entrusting the Department of Homeland Security with all steps of border security.

The document shows that the Secretary of Homeland Security will, within six months of the bill’s potential passage into law, “submit a strategy, to be known as the ‘Comprehensive Southern Border Security Strategy,’ for achieving and maintaining effective control in all high risk border sectors along the Southern border."

The Gang of Eight’s document shows the legislation will appropriate $3 billion to that initiative at DHS.

By that same six-month deadline, the document shows the Homeland Security Secretary “shall establish a strategy, to be known as the ‘Southern Border Fencing Strategy,’ to identify where fencing, including double-layer fencing, infrastructure, and technology should be deployed along the Southern border.”

To this initiative at DHS, the Gang of Eight document shows the legislation would appropriate $1.5 billion.

According to the document, legalization for the country’s illegal immigrants will begin after the Secretary of Homeland Security “has submitted to Congress the Notice of Commencement upon completion of each of the Comprehensive Southern Border Security Strategy and the Southern Border Fencing Strategy.” That means America’s at least 11 million illegal immigrants will start the legalization process when the Secretary of Homeland Security tells Congress she started implementing the plans she created for herself.

The targeted “Effectiveness Rate” that the legislation will require is that, by the time five years passes after the legislation would become law, 90 percent of illegal entries into the country at so-called “High Risk Border Sectors” are either apprehended or turned back. The Gang of Eight described High Risk Border Sectors as areas along the U.S. border “where apprehensions are above 30,000 individuals per year.”

For that five years, the document the group released shows the Department of Homeland Security will be in charge of all border security metrics. Of course, that Department’s current Secretary Janet Napolitano believes the border is secure. She made that point clear again in an interview with ABC News in early March.

According to the Gang of Eight document, the Southern Border Security Commission would consist of the governors of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, or those governors’ representatives and “border security experts” as designated by the President, the Speaker of the House, the House minority leader, the Senate Majority Leader, and the Senate Minority leader.

The commission would be given six months, or 180 days, according to the document, to develop “a ‘Report and Recommendation’ that specifically recommends the manpower, technology, and resources it believes is necessary to achieve a 90% border effectiveness rate in all high risk border sectors.”

If the bipartisan commission would finish its report, the legislation would appropriate $2 billion to DHS to implement its recommendations to finish attempts to meet that “Border Security Goal.”

However, if the commission did not finish its report within the allotted 180 days, the process would kick right back to the Department of Homeland Security—meaning any Democrat or establishment Republican on the commission opposed to securing America’s borders could stall the process for six months, sending it back into deadlock over at DHS so the borders would never get secured.

“If the ‘Border Commission’ has not issued a Report and Recommendation within the required 180 days, the appropriation will transfer to DHS for its use in creating and implementing a new ‘Southern Border Security Plan’ designed to achieve a 90% border effectiveness rate in all high risk border sectors,” the Gang of Eight wrote in its proposal preview document.
