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04-08-2013, 11:31 PM
George S. Schuyler

The Prophetic Conservative: George S. Schuyler

The New American (http://www.thenewamerican.com/)
November 4, 1985

In recent days there has been much discussion of the growth and vitality of a new generation of black conservatives. Economists Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams, Lincoln Review editor J.A. Parker, Civil Rights Commission Chairman Clarence M. Pendleton Jr., and a host of others are testimony to the fact that those who so frequently claim to speak in the name of black Americans are without any real constituency.

Less well known is that today's black conservatives have distinguished antecedents. One of them is George S. Schuyler, the respected author and first black journalist to attain national prominence.

George Schuyler, who died at the age of 82 in 1977, started his writing career as a socialist and a colleague of A. Phillip Randolph, the black labor leader, with whom he helped found the Messenger Magazine in 1926. His writing caught the eye of H.L. Mencken, who published his work in The American Mercury.

It became rapidly apparent to George Schuyler that freedom and the free market provided the best hope for achieving a society in which men and women would be judged on the basis of individual merit, rather than race. He abandoned his brief affinity for statism and became a lifelong enemy of all forms of both totalitarian government and racism.

Even those who disagreed with Schuyler respected his well-documented views and his pointed wit. He poked fun at many black leaders in the novel Black No More (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0486480402/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0486480402&linkCode=as2&tag=libert0f-20), written in 1931. In the book, a mythical solution to the race problem employed the device of turning blacks white through use of a cream. "And as they began to disappear, black civil rights leaders began to fear their reason for being was slipping away," recalled Henry Lee Moon, who was then public relations director for the NAACP. "I remember W.E.B. Dubois laughing and recognizing himself in George's book," Moon stated.

Between 1926 and 1965, Schuyler was columnist, chief editorial writer and associate editor of The Pittsburgh Courier, a leading black weekly. As the U.S. Communist Party increased its efforts to attract black members in the 1930s, Schuyler became its most vocal opponent. In 1930, the Comintern invented the concept and slogan of "Self-Determination for the Black Belt," and the creation of a "Negro Republic" in the American South. "This puzzled and revolted the black comrades," Schuyler recalled. "I wrote at the time that this was merely a revival of the old slave plantation under Communist direction, and that Negroes would have none of it."

While many intellectuals on the American left contrasted Naziism and Communism in the years before World War II, George Schuyler understood that these tyrannies were mirror images of one another. He wrote in the Courier of February 11, 1939, "In practice there is no difference between Communism and Fascism. Both are anti-democratic, both are dictatorial and ruthless regardless of the alleged reasons, both brutally suppress minorities. It is a cruel jest to say there is any basic difference between them or any fundamental antagonism. There is privately more in common between Hitler and Stalin than there is between Roosevelt and Chamberlain. I should not be at all surprised to hear shortly of a Moscow-Berlin alliance."

On August 23, 1939, the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact was signed in Moscow. On September 9, 1939, Schuyler wrote: "The sudden waltzing together of Hitler and Stalin has shocked the liberals and starry-eyed fellow travelers, and greatly embarrassed the naive majority of Communists, but it left me quite calm and chuckling. I have been saying all along that there is no difference between Fascism and Communism, and this position has brought shrill and frothy protestations from the Comrades and their stooges, especially from the black Reds on the Communist payroll. And yet nothing has been more obvious to an impartial and sensible observer."

In 1946, Schuyler became a contributing editor of Isaac Don Levine's Plain Talk, the first post-war magazine to expose the Communist danger in the U.S. and abroad. He wrote serious as well as satirical pieces, noting that, "The collectivists are deadly solemn folk who never allow wit and humor to penetrate their work, but the anti-Communists are scarcely less so."

Too many intellectuals, Schuyler lamented, have a tendency to support government control over individual lives. He was selected in June 1950 to be a U.S. delegate to the Congress of Cultural Freedom in Berlin, along with James T. Farrell, James Burnham, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Tennessee Williams and others. In his address to the meeting he stated: "The tragedy of so many intellectuals in the contemporary world is that while opposing extreme forms of totalitarianism, they are themselves half-totalitarians; that is to say, they express a desire for a society which is half-controlled, half-regimented, half-planned, part capitalist and part socialist. This strange hybrid they will find (indeed, have found) to be a Frankenstein monster which, ironically, they have a great responsibility for creating."

Without minimizing the remaining racial segregation and discrimination, Schuyler contrasted for his Berlin audience the improvement of life for black Americans with the evils of the Communist world. He concluded: "The cumulative effect of these broad, continued and statesmanlike efforts has been improvement of racial relations in geometrical progression. Thus the gains in the past ten years have far surpassed those made in the previous thirty. This explains not only the social, economic and educational well-being of the colored minority, but the latter's continued and surpassed loyalty. American Negroes understand, far better than Soviet propagandists, that in the American system lies the hope of all submerged peoples who have the ability and determination to rise to the full stature of free men."

This speech was later rewritten with the title "The Phantom American Negro" for The Freeman and was reprinted in the July 1951 Readers Digest. It appeared as well in the Danish, Finnish, Swedish, British, Canadian, Norwegian, Belgian, French and Australian editions.

In 1953, Schuyler was one of the first to point out that the Caribbean with heavy Communist infiltration was the "soft under-belly of the U.S." Immediately after Castro's capture of Havana, and while the bearded dictator was being congratulated in Caracas by his old Communist mentor, Romulo Betancourt, Schuyler wrote: "Cuba Swaps the Devil for a Witch," giving the lifelong Communist background of Castro when most U.S. newspapers were calling him a "liberator." Beginning in 1965, his powerful analysis could frequently be found in American Opinion and The Review Of The News magazines.

George Schuyler married a white woman from Houston, Texas. Their daughter Philippa -- a concert pianist, war correspondent, and one-time child prodigy -- was killed in 1967, in Vietnam, as a helicopter in which she was ferrying orphans to a safe haven crashed and burned.

In the last letter to her mother, Miss Schuyler wrote that "we must bring this war to a swift, merciful conclusion or else, if the Communists are allowed to win, they will sweep all religions out of Vietnam." Mrs. Schuyler died broken-hearted shortly thereafter. Slowly, aging and lonely, George Schuyler receded from public view and died.

While others followed intellectual fads and trends, George Schuyler sought to remain faithful to lasting values. As a result, his legacy lives on and is certain to grow.

04-08-2013, 11:31 PM
Depravity on the Loose
(Excerpted from Mr. Schuyler's "The Fall From Decency to Degradation," published in American Opinion (http://www.thenewamerican.com/), January 1969.)

George S. Schuyler
January 1969

Because his angels could find only one righteous man in depraved Sodom and Gomorrah, the Lord rained upon them brimstone and fire out of heaven; and He overthrew those cities and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. "But Lot's wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt." (Genesis, Chapter 19.)

Today, Lot's wife would be turned to salt in any direction she looked.

Depravity once surreptitious and clandestine is now advocated, excused and publicized; winked at by indulgent authorities, condoned by the highest courts, and blessed by an alarming proportion of an irreverent clergy apparently more interested in ecumenism, street marches and The Pill than in stemming the corruption of moral rot.

Even ordinary corrupt sexual dalliance is today outpaced by the astronomical growth of homosexuality. Incestuous relationships, not unknown in Biblical times, and until recently confined to the more remote sections of the piney woods and the jerry-built ateliers of loafing welfare clients, pale into insignificance compared to homosexuality's prevalence.

Does one exaggerate? The human race has endlessly demonstrated its predilection for corruption, but some people in some periods have been more corrupt than others. We have just moved toward "bottom."

One cannot even begin to understand all of this without recording the role of the dual Marxist conspiracies (Communist and Fabian) in promoting and maximizing this degradation. The Fabian hustlers in England laid down as one of their house rules the studied rotting of bourgeois civilization, paced by Swinburne, Shaw, Beardsley and Wilde. Every literary assault on moral standards was hailed delightedly. Nor did musical, painting, poetical or philosophical standards survive.

Standards were out!
One man was held to be as good as another, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, if he could simply breathe, talk and walk; and, if he couldn't he was a victim of cultural deprivation and capitalist exploitation. Widely quoted on home and family was Friedrich Engels (who had neither) and his partner, Karl Marx, the paragon of Communist virtue who sat on his boils while his children literally starved to death.

Our degradation escalated. And, it was planned that way.

When General William F. Dean was released from a Korean Communist prison camp, the young Chinese psychologists who had been trying to break him said: "General, don't feel bad about leaving us. You know, we will soon be with you. We are going to capture your country." Asked how, they replied: "We are going to destroy the moral character of a generation of your young Americans, and when we have finished you will have nothing with which to really defend yourselves against us."

It is an axiom of subversives, formulated by Adam Weishaupt when he organized the conspiratorial Illuminati in 1776, and reaffirmed by his successors, including Lenin, that the key to destruction of a free society is to provoke the degeneration of "democracy" into rampant immorality by promoting every conceivable perversion. America is in serious trouble. She is rotting at the soul.

04-08-2013, 11:32 PM
Collectivist Slavery
Excerpted from George S. Schuyler's "The Reds and I," published in American Opinion (http://www.thenewamerican.com/), March 1968.)

George S. Schuyler
March 1968

How is it, the sincerely curious have asked, that an American who is colored can be simultaneously a "Conservative" and unalterably opposed to the Communist rumble-bumble?

In such matters, of course, being colored is only incidental -- like being right-handed, green-eyed, or sleeping on one's left side. The important thing is being an American ... born, bred and nurtured on the native soil, and having affection for and allegiance to its basic customs and beliefs; its manners, ambitions, and its goals ... with full knowledge of what is on tap and display on foreign strands.

To be an American is to know that, for better or for worse, you could not be, and do not want to be, anything else -- however persuasively disgruntled emigrés may sing the praises of other continents from whence all who could and can pound on our gates for admittance. Being an American is also, because of our historical background, to be curious about other places, pioneering and footloose; to roam this continent and increasingly visit other lands to an extent no other peoples have, and yet to always return here with relief, reinforced in the conviction that this is, indeed, the Land of the Free.

In this the lampblacked and technicolored citizenry does not differ from those of creamy complexion, for Americanism is more than skin deep, and the Afro-Americans residing abroad without a paid-up United States passport are as rare as equality in India or security in the Soviet Union. It is noteworthy in this connection that only the tiniest maudlin minority of paranoid professional agitators pant for the plains of Uzbekistan or the free soil of Tanzania where complexion allegedly cuts no ice -- if you belong to the one and only Party....

What the average American colored person feels was no better expressed than at the conclusion of the New York City convention of the American Society of Free Persons of Colour in 1831, when the forty-odd delegates unanimously resolved that: "This is our home, and this is our country. Beneath its sod lie the bones of our fathers; for it some of them fought, bled and died. Here we were born, and here we will die."

That was in the heat of the colonization drive to persuade free Negroes to emigrate to presumed freer lands in Africa where slavery and genocide had been endemic for milleniums, tyranny was everywhere (as it is today), and Christian missionism had not yet begun to "ruin" the continent by preaching the Gospel, personal hygiene and literacy. The nearly half-million free blacks were a socially ostracized and economically excluded caste, but they had hopes for the better and faith in America. Although the colonization movement had distinguished backing, received large sums from private philanthropy, and got federal grants, only ten thousand freedmen moved to the Liberian Promised Land between 1820 and the Civil War. The motto of Liberia, the nation they founded, is "The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here"; to which, later, some local wag said should be added: "The Lack of Money Keeps Us Here."

The free colored were well aware of the hazards of emigration. Many of them or their fathers had come from Africa in durance vile (assisted by loving relatives eager to replenish exchequers) and thousands employed in the merchant marine and the American Navy of the time had returned to spread the news of African reality. At that time chattel or feudal slavery extended over much of the earth outside Western Europe. The free colored emigrant to Africa might well be ultimately destined for another plantation, a cemetery or an abdomen.

While the Americans, British and French were trying to suppress the slave trade, the rest of the Europeans, the Russians, the Indians, the Chinese and the Moslems everywhere were engaged in the lively business. A free colored (or a free white/landing among them would promptly be sold to the highest bidder. So it is no wonder that the overwhelming majority of the free colored elected to cast their lot with the country where they had a lot of white well-wishers ... among humanitarians of all faiths and conditions. The ignorance and obtuseness of the current miniscule crop of Black Nationalist agitators is no better illustrated than in their professed belief that there is something in common between the colored here and those elsewhere.

None of my family having been slaves since the dawn of the Republic, but being well aware of the iniquity of the "peculiar institution," as well as the cruelty of the economic color bar against them imposed by the inrushing hordes of European job rivals, my forebears had no illusions about schemes for mob salvation through mass unity. Progressively since 1724, the few labor unions established were lily-white, and every effort to change this foundered on the rocks of racism, as every novice in history knows. Negroes harbored the cynical view that any such mass movements would "include them out," and so it happened.

For all the uproars of the National Labor Union, the Knights of Labor, the I.W.W., the Anarchists and the Socialists screaming for mob action and control, it all left the Negroes cold. In resulting strife the black worker could play no active part except as strike-breaker, to be fired as soon as the conflict was settled. Indeed, while its record is none too good, it was white business rather than white labor which afforded colored folk a chance.

Most of the urban-settled European newcomers, of course, flocked to the Democratic Party. Collectivism was a way of life for many of them....

We got rid of chattel slavery at tragic expense in blood and money, but we shall never rid ourselves of collectivist slavery once it triumphs here. The chattel slave was assured a lease on life because of his economic value, and the more resourceful and intelligent were able to buy their freedom whether in Babylon, Athens, Rome, Richmond or New York. Under collectivist slavery the victim's life is worthless, there's no hiding place, and the only escape is an improbable one under or over the Iron Curtain -- or death.

04-09-2013, 12:30 PM