View Full Version : Ted talk on Election funding, how 0.05% control the elections !

04-08-2013, 01:51 AM
Some very interesting numbers to keep in mind about the elections.

132 Americans, which is 0.000042% of the population contributed 60% of $uperPAC $$$ !!

About 15% (if i heard correctly) Senate leaves on to become lobbyists. About 40% of Congress does that. (Life beyond Congress)

"Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim"


04-08-2013, 04:08 AM

04-08-2013, 04:47 AM


04-08-2013, 08:34 AM
Why is it that everyone thinks we live in a democracy? Of all the things, it seems like TPTB are the most concerned about the definition of our form of government. The founders never wanted a democracy, but nobody seems to know the difference between a republic and a democracy anymore. Why and when did people stop caring about this? Even though he does mention the word Republic he equates it with a "representative democracy" and it seems like you NEVER hear them being differentiated anymore. Why is it that this particular distinction has been so thoroughly brain-washed out of all of us? Of all the things, why this?
