View Full Version : Just The Mention Of A Gun In School

04-03-2013, 04:48 PM

March 1st was just another day when I put my 10 year old, fourth grade son John on the bus and sent him off to school. Or so I thought. On the contrary, today was the day that my life as a gun owner was about to change, dramatically and rapidly.

Sometime during the day, my son allegedly spoke with a few of his classmates. The boys (excluding my son) were involved in a school yard pushing incident the day before. Two or three of these boys (including my son) were talking about going to the house of the boys that did the pushing. These boys were to take with them a water, paint and bb gun. Word of this got to the principal. She immediately interrogated the children. I received a call from the principal advising me of this just as my son got off the bus. She also advised me that my son was to be suspended for two days because of his words. She decided that this talk amongst students warranted filing a police report. If this wasn't bad enough, the police were sent to my residence and I was advised that my guns may be taken from me. This can't be happening, I thought. But it was.

The following Monday I received a call from Pistol Licensing that they would be at my residence in the morning to take my guns and suspend my license. I attempted to explain that this must be a mistake, no wrong doing occurred on my part. My son has no access to any of my guns. The officer that came to my residence saw that all my guns were secured.Pistol Licensing was not interested in my side of the story. They were only interested in what happened with my ten year old son in school.

If you think this can't happen to you, you are wrong. It is happening every day here in American.
Kids get suspended from school and the aftermath can be as ugly as my situation.

When will my license be restored? What is involved? What is the cost? These are all questions that I had. Some still remain unanswered. The few answers I have are not at all comforting. According to the police, I can expect to have my license restored when my son is an adult and moves out of my residence. If I don't want to wait that long I can file an Article 78 and request that my license be reinstated. The cost, so far, about $6,500 monetarily. Emotionally, the cost is far, far higher. That can't be calculated. All my handguns are gone, my license is suspended and my long arms are out of the house waiting to be sold at a local store.

What can you do to protect yourself and others? First, pick up the phone and call Senator Flanagans office. Demand that they enact legislation similar to Maryland's Senate Bill 1058. It will protect school age children, their rights and those of their parents. Second, keep a firearms attorney on your speed dial. Carry his card. Remember his number. Next, buddy up with someone you trust that has a valid pistol license. Be ready at a moments notice to transfer your guns to him. You of course will do the same for him if the need arises. That will protect your guns from becoming property of the County in which you live. Talk to your kids. This is what hurts. In order to make them "School Compliant", you will have to supress there rights to exist as children. Don't let them say "pow" when they point there little fingers. Don't let them mention guns, water, paint, bb, or other. You just learned what can happen. And it happened right here in Suffolk County, to one of us.

With any luck, and some hard work from us all, a bill comparable to 1058 will pass here in New York. Then we can begin to breathe more freely. Schools need to understand that 5-12 year olds pointing their fingers in harmless gestures, are not the threats they need to subdue. What we need to subdue is the army of over zealous, over paid, school administrators that suddenly have become the "finger pointing police",

Lingleville ISD joins growing number school districts to adopt firearm policy

Lingleville Independent School District’s board of trustees recently voted unanimously to allow authorized employees to possess a firearm while on or in school property.

“We just recognize the fact that this world we live in today is different from what it once was before,” said Lingleville board President Larry Griffin, who has 14 years of law enforcement experience and currently works part-time as a Tarleton State University police officer.

“We need to be more proactive in protecting our students,” Griffin said. “We’re in a rural area and potentially 20-30 minutes away from a responding officer and that we needed someone on campus who could respond to a situation before it got out of control.”

Lingleville, a 230-student district from prekindergarten to 12th in Erath County, joins a list of at least 33 school districts out of the state’s 1,030 that have adopted some form of firearm policy in recent weeks, said Barbara Williams, spokeswoman for the Texas Association of School Boards.

In January, Brookesville ISD in Brown County voted to allow select school district employees to carry concealed handguns on campus at the 195-student district.

Lingleville’s policy authorized the board of trustees to permit a group of school employees to carry concealed firearms at school and on school district trips. But the authorization only comes after the employee gets his concealed handgun license, passes a physiological review, receives additional training and Griffin emphasized is “individually” approved by the board.

Superintendent Dennis Hughes said the board will further discuss the implementation of this “extensive process” at its April 11 and May 9 meetings.

Another local policy authorizes employees with a concealed carry license to be able to keep a firearm in their personal vehicle.

Hughes said the two local board policies passed on March 21 were not in response to the December Connecticut shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary that claimed the lives of 20 first-grade students, six administrators and the gunman.

“We’ve been talking about this since November,” said Hughes, who’s in his 15th year leading the district. “School board members were interested and concerned about the safety of the school and wanted another tool for the administration to use.”

Hughes said a shooting incident has never occurred at the school.


Christian Liberty
04-03-2013, 04:52 PM
Ugh. I live in Suffolk too, and I'm still in public school. This is horrible.

04-03-2013, 04:53 PM
Or... Pull your kids from public school and avoid it all.

Christian Liberty
04-03-2013, 04:55 PM
Or... Pull your kids from public school and avoid it all.

At my age it doesn't really matter. I know enough that I can't really be indoctrinated. But then, I'm 18. I'm not really happy that my 11 year old brother is in public school.

Anti Federalist
04-03-2013, 05:03 PM
Poor bastard.

The police state just destroyed his life.

Round two has not started yet, CPS is coming for your kids next, Dad.

And in spite of all that, he still says this:

First, pick up the phone and call Senator Flanagans office.


Oh, lord have mercy...LOL

Good luck dude, you're gonna need it.

04-03-2013, 05:06 PM
How long until advocates of self-defense realize they are best-served going the illegal route?

Seriously, this is disgusting.

Anti Federalist
04-03-2013, 05:07 PM
When will my license be restored?


You surrendered a right and exchanged it for a privilege.

The State has decided that you no longer warrant its favor.

What is involved?

Everything in your life, including your home and children.

What is the cost?

All of it, boy.

Christian Liberty
04-03-2013, 05:10 PM
How long until advocates of self-defense realize they are best-served going the illegal route?

Seriously, this is disgusting.

This is actually impossible. You can go a route that will lead to lowlife thugs that are worthy of no more respect than the mafia going after you with guns, but it is not possible to actually buy a gun illegally in this country. The second amendment is pretty painfully clear.

In any case, I wish I could propose that New York change its state flag to a swastika, but then they'd think I was actually a Nazi or a Hindu.

Anti Federalist
04-03-2013, 05:13 PM
Oh and this:

Public schools are child abuse.

04-03-2013, 05:14 PM
Honestly I think we really should start issuing guns to students by second or third grade

Anti Federalist
04-03-2013, 05:14 PM
Oh hey OP, Link does not work.

Let's make sure we're not being played here.

Christian Liberty
04-03-2013, 05:31 PM
Oh and this:

Public schools are child abuse.

I've been to public school for the past year and a half. This is often a waste of time, and occasional indoctrination that I have trained myself to ignore, but it is not child abuse, in my case. Sometimes, probably, but not always.

I do advocate abolition of public schools though. Private schools could do much better much more efficiently, and don't leave the possibility of a Hitler Youth since they can't compel attendance. If you (Meaning anyone, not you in particular) absolutely can't stomach the idea of someone going without an education you should support vouchers for private schools, not public schools.

Honestly I think we really should start issuing guns to students by second or third grade

No. Heck no.

04-03-2013, 05:51 PM
How long until advocates of self-defense realize they are best-served going the illegal route?

Seriously, this is disgusting.

Yep. Why do we need approval to sway our neighbors and start up citizen militias?

All this garbage about how the Founding Fathers were only referring to militias for self-defense when writing the 2nd amendment coming from shitlibs coming for our firearms - let's show them that that ideal is not necessarily a lost one.

04-03-2013, 05:53 PM
Yep. Why do we need approval to sway our neighbors and start up citizen militias?

All this garbage about how the Founding Fathers were only referring to militias for self-defense when writing the 2nd amendment coming from shitlibs coming for our firearms - let's show them that that ideal is not necessarily a lost one.

Piers Morgan, is that you? :D

04-03-2013, 05:55 PM
Piers Morgan, is that you? :D


Not sure what this even means?

04-03-2013, 06:10 PM
This is just pathetic. How did all of these clowns, with intelligence not even matching a toddler, ever get in charge?

04-03-2013, 06:49 PM
Losing a license to a right... a right that one was endowed with by their creator... seems like our original 13 colonies are a failure. When the right to bear arms was morphed into a privilege that the state requires a license exercise, our Constitution was diminished and took one more step away from a Republic.