View Full Version : CIA Manuals

03-26-2013, 09:31 PM
CIA, "A Study of Assassination", written early 1950s

"For secret assassinations...the contrived accident is the most effective technique. When successfully executed, it causes little excitement and is only casually investigated. The most efficient accident...is a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface. Elevator shafts, stair wells, unscreened windows and bridges will serve...The act may be executed by sudden, vigorous grabbing of the ankles, tipping the subject over the edge. If the assassin immediately sets up an outcry, playing the 'horrified witness', no alibi or surreptitious withdrawal is necessary."

"Drugs can be very effective. If the assassin is trained as a doctor or nurse and the subject is under medical care, this is an easy and sure method. An overdose of morphine administered as a sedative will cause death without disturbance and is difficult to detect. The size of the dose will depend upon whether the subject has been using narcotics regularly. If not, two grains will suffice. If the subject drinks heavily, morphine or a similar narcotic can be injected at the passing out stage, and the cause of death will often be held to be acute alcoholism."

"Edge weapons: Any legally obtained edge device may be success-fully employed. A certain minimum of anatomical knowledge is needed for reliability. Puncture wounds of the body cavity may not be reliable unless the heart is reached. The heart is protected by the rib cage and is not always easy to locate...Absolute reliability is obtained by severing the spinal cord in the cervical region. This can be done with the point of a knife or a light blow of an axe or hatchet. Another reliable method is the severing of both jugular and carotid vessels on both sides of the windpipe."

"Conference room technique: [Assassin] #1 Enters room quickly but quietly. #2 Stands in doorway. #2 Opens fire on first subject to react. Swings across group toward center of mass. Times burst to empty magazine at end of swing. #1 Covers group to prevent individual dangerous reactions; if necessary, fires individual bursts of 3 rounds. #1 Finishes burst. Commands 'Shift'. Drops back through door. Replaces empty magazine. Covers corridor. #1 On command 'Shift', opens fire on opposite side of target. Swings one burst across group. Leaves propaganda [to implicate the opposition].

US Army, "Handling of Sources", 1960s

"The CI [counterintelligence] agent should cause the arrest of the employee's [paid government informant's] parents, imprison the employee or give him a beating as part of the placement plan of said employee in the guerrilla organization."

"The employee's value could be increased by means of arrests, executions or pacification, taking care not to expose the employee as the information source."

"To assure the promotion of an employee...eliminate a potential rival among the guerrillas."

"[Employees are required because] the government is not able to depend only on the information provided voluntarily by faithful citizens or information obtained involuntarily from insurgents who have been captured."

[I]The official Defense Department view of these manuals was that the objectionable material in them had simply fallen through the cracks. The DOD stated: "There was no evidence that there was a deliberate attempt to violate Army or Defense Department policies in the preparation or use of these manuals." However, the office of Rep. Joseph Kennedy (D.-MA), which had followed the issue closely, said that at the School of the Americas, where the manuals had been used, at least two officers had raised questions about the objectionable material with their superiors in the early 1980s, but had been rebuffed.
Passing off the use of drones to the DoD you say?

Respectfully excerpted from the book Rogue State by William Blum.

03-26-2013, 10:02 PM
Frank Olson?

03-27-2013, 01:25 AM
CIA, "Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare", 1984

A manual designed for the US-backed Contra forces (the guerrillas) fighting in Nicaragua against the leftist Sandinista government. It advised: "Kidnap all officials or agents of the Sandinista government and place them in 'public places'."

"Shame, ridicule and humiliate the 'personal symbols' of the government of repression in the presence of the people and foster popular participation through guerrillas within the multitude, shout-ing slogans and jeers."

"If a guerrilla fires at an individual, make the town see that he was an enemy of the people" and "that if that citizen had managed to escape, he would have alerted the enemy that is near the town or city, and they could carry out acts of reprisal such as rapes, pillage, destruction, captures, etc...Make the population see that it was the repressive system of the regime that...really killed the informer, and that the weapon fired was one recovered in combat against the Sandinista regime."

"It is possible to neutralize carefully selected and planned targets, such as court judges, mesta judges [justices of the peace], police and State Security officials, CDS [Sandinista Defense Committees] chiefs, etc." (As writer Holly Sklar has noted: "A hit list that starts with court judges and ends with etcetera is a mighty broad license for murder.") "The notification of the police, denouncing a target who does not want to join the guerrillas, can be carried out easily...through a letter with false statements of citizens who are not implicated in the movement."
"If possible, professional criminals will be hired to carry out specific selected 'jobs'."

"Specific tasks will be assigned to others, in order to create a 'martyr' for the cause, taking the demonstrators to a confrontation with the authorities, in order to bring about uprisings or shootings, which will cause the death of one or more persons, who would become the martyrs, a situation that should be made use of immediately against the regime, in order to create greater conflicts."

"Shock Troops. These men should be equipped with weapons (knives, razors, chains, clubs, bludgeons) and should march slightly behind the innocent and gullible

Throughout, the manual reads like what the Western world was always taught was the way communists scheme and indoctrinate. The World Court found that in producing and disseminating this manual, the United States "encouraged the commission...of acts contrary to general principles of humanitarian law," including the Geneva Conventions of 1949

Excerpts from Rogue State, written by William Blum.

03-27-2013, 05:25 AM

We're right. They're wrong. Ends justify means.
Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut.
Follow orders without hesitation, reflection or remorse.

Sergeant Phil Esterhaus, HILL STREET BLUES: "Hey, let's be careful out there."

How quaint is THAT?

09-17-2014, 07:07 PM
Techniques have only advanced.

09-17-2014, 07:37 PM


08-31-2015, 02:35 AM