View Full Version : Jeb, Reince & the Drowning GOP

A Son of Liberty
03-20-2013, 04:48 AM

By, Chris Rossini

NationalJournal says that Jeb Bush gave "the signature speech" at CPAC. So naturally I took a peak.

Here are a few things that I found:

"In our country today, if you’re born poor, if your parents didn’t go to college, if you don’t know your father, if English isn’t spoken at your home, then the odds are stacked against you.”
Isn't that interesting....

Of all the countries on Earth, he's describing America.

This used to be the place where people would escape to from their tyrannical governments. It didn't matter if they were poor; if their parents were educated, and the need to speak English was not required.

I know from my own family history that the legends are actually true. My grandfather came here as a teenager, his parents stayed behind, he didn't know anyone, and only finished the 8th grade. And yet...in America (at that time) those conditions would not be an excuse to give up. You were the lucky one to have a chance in the land of the free.

For goodness sakes, the Statue of Liberty even says: "Give me your tired, your poor Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Today? Jeb Bush says that the odds are stacked against you. And, in a sense, he's right. But his diagnosis is surely the exact opposite of mine. I say that the very tyranny that people were escaping, has, like a blob, been devouring freedom here for many years now.

Back in the land of opportunity days, there was no minimum wage forcing the low-skilled and teenagers into unemployment. There was no income tax, and no Federal Reserve killing the currency. There was no military empire...no police state...and no desire to bomb every foreigner into 'doing it our way.'

So yeah, the government has stacked the odds...but not only against the poor; against all of us.

Jeb then gives his analysis on a problem that Republicans are having:

“Too often we’re associated with being 'anti' everything,” he said. “Way too many people believe Republicans are anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-science, anti-gay, anti-worker…and the list goes on and on and on."
Poor Republicans....they have a marketing problem.

Perhaps I can give them a hand, by pointing out the things that they are for. They can use these (royalty free) in their marketing materials.

We're Republicans, and we are "For" the following:

War & Military Empire
Spying on your every move
Handouts to Crony Corporations
The Welfare State
The Federal Reserve
Licensing, the Minimum Wage, Subsidies, Price Ceilings, Price Floors
much, much more...
We Republicans are not the "anti" party...We are passionately "for" lots of evil stuff.


Is it just me, or does Jeb look like the illegitimate love child of George W. and Karl Rove?