View Full Version : 9/11 widow blasts Obama: You're just like Deadly Dick

03-14-2013, 03:19 PM
Why is she complaining? Did she take Deadly Dick's "compensation" and sign away her rights to a lawsuit?

Anyone know anything about her?

Dear Mr Obama: You're Just Like Dick

Kristen Breitweiser
9/11 widow and activist

Mr. President, what a high bar you have set for yourself in assuring us that you are no Dick Cheney when it comes to drones.

Wow, the country must feel so comfortably numb with your glowing self-assessment.

But actually Mr. President, you are probably worse than Dick Cheney.

Because with Cheney, the Democrats screamed and yelled (ok, more like ineffectively grumbled and mumbled) about Cheney's unconstitutional power grabs. Yes, with Cheney at least there was a modicum of pushback, a scintilla of oversight -- even if it was only due to partisan politics.

With you Mr. Obama, indeed, the halls of Congress, the media, and the provocateurs of the prattle-sphere are mostly silent. And that's what's so dangerous.

Because who could believe that the first African-American President -- a former Con-law professor, no less! -- could so thoughtlessly, recklessly throw our Constitution under the bus?

Who would have imagined that such a man like Barack would have maintained a kill list that would please even the staunchest, most hawkish Republicans?

Who would ever think that a Democratic President would task his legal team for over two years to find the language and loopholes necessary to assassinate US citizens -- even innocent 16-year-old citizens?

Tell me Mr. President, is your current aversion towards any oversight surrounding your drone program a faculty of your own lack of conviction in having killed all these people (allegedly a sum of more than 4700) or simply that you feel you are above the law? Because humbly, I think we are entitled to know.

And by the way Mr. President, glad to see you picked up Cheney's idea of using minders when it comes to protecting WH arse. It works quite well in cover-ups. I should know, since Cheney used it with regard to the 9/11 Commission investigation. But again, you're nothing like him, are you.

For me, it's quite clear. You have gone from a Senator who allegedly believed in transparency, oversight, and the balance of powers -- notably all requisite things in a d-e-m-o-c-r-a-c-y -- and erased them from your memory banks. Not because you have cogent, intelligent reasons that reveal any sort of deep conviction on your own behalf, but rather because you've tasted power.

Should I expect you to take up fly-fishing on the Snake River in the near future just to be more like Dick?

Respectfully, Mr. President, perhaps there is one thing that separates your Administration from that of Bush/Cheney, at least they returned phone calls and told you -- to your face -- when they were going to stab you in the back.


03-14-2013, 03:27 PM
That is a verbal pimp slapping. With rings and everything. I like this lady alot. I fink she freaky.

03-14-2013, 03:33 PM
So GLAD to hear from this woman! She's one of the 9-11 widows known as the Jersey Girls and a force to be reckoned with! If you read her book, "Wake-Up Call: The Political Education of a 9/11 Widow" her face to face with Kissinger nearly made poor Henry crap his pants. She's been silent for awhile so it's good to see her being so outspoken again.

From Amazon:

Breitweiser, whose husband perished in the South Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, describes in searing, intimate detail the tragic events of that morning and the following days. As she suddenly morphed from wife into widow, her initial confusion was transformed into blind, futile rage. A few months later, she joined forces with several other 9/11 widows; fueled by anger and energized by a zealous sense of mission, these women were determined not only to survive but also to get to the bottom of what happened in order to "make sure someone is held responsible so that nobody else ever has to walk in our shoes."

Breitweiser's odyssey from wife and mother to political activist and grassroots organizer makes for inspirational reading and doubles as a sharp rejoinder to Ann Coulter's callous comments about 9/11 widows in her recently published diatribe, Godless: The Church of Liberalism. This heartfelt memoir will resonate with most Americans regardless of their political affiliations and serve as a reminder to many that there is still work to be done and action to be taken.

h ttp://www.amazon.com/Wake-Up-Call-Political-Education-Widow/dp/0446579327/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363296351&sr=8-1&keywords=Kristen+Breitweiser

03-14-2013, 03:35 PM
Why is she complaining? Did she take Deadly Dick's "compensation" and sign away her rights to a lawsuit?

Anyone know anything about her?

Dear Mr Obama: You're Just Like Dick

Kristen Breitweiser
9/11 widow and activist

Mr. President, what a high bar you have set for yourself in assuring us that you are no Dick Cheney when it comes to drones.

Wow, the country must feel so comfortably numb with your glowing self-assessment.

But actually Mr. President, you are probably worse than Dick Cheney.

Because with Cheney, the Democrats screamed and yelled (ok, more like ineffectively grumbled and mumbled) about Cheney's unconstitutional power grabs. Yes, with Cheney at least there was a modicum of pushback, a scintilla of oversight -- even if it was only due to partisan politics.

With you Mr. Obama, indeed, the halls of Congress, the media, and the provocateurs of the prattle-sphere are mostly silent. And that's what's so dangerous.

Because who could believe that the first African-American President -- a former Con-law professor, no less! -- could so thoughtlessly, recklessly throw our Constitution under the bus?

Who would have imagined that such a man like Barack would have maintained a kill list that would please even the staunchest, most hawkish Republicans?

Who would ever think that a Democratic President would task his legal team for over two years to find the language and loopholes necessary to assassinate US citizens -- even innocent 16-year-old citizens?

Tell me Mr. President, is your current aversion towards any oversight surrounding your drone program a faculty of your own lack of conviction in having killed all these people (allegedly a sum of more than 4700) or simply that you feel you are above the law? Because humbly, I think we are entitled to know.

And by the way Mr. President, glad to see you picked up Cheney's idea of using minders when it comes to protecting WH arse. It works quite well in cover-ups. I should know, since Cheney used it with regard to the 9/11 Commission investigation. But again, you're nothing like him, are you.

For me, it's quite clear. You have gone from a Senator who allegedly believed in transparency, oversight, and the balance of powers -- notably all requisite things in a d-e-m-o-c-r-a-c-y -- and erased them from your memory banks. Not because you have cogent, intelligent reasons that reveal any sort of deep conviction on your own behalf, but rather because you've tasted power.

Should I expect you to take up fly-fishing on the Snake River in the near future just to be more like Dick?

Respectfully, Mr. President, perhaps there is one thing that separates your Administration from that of Bush/Cheney, at least they returned phone calls and told you -- to your face -- when they were going to stab you in the back.


Check out the Obama zombie reply to this editorial:

Anyone who thinks the last 2 presidencies are the first to have a "kill list," must be very naive. Having a more transparent Government, we find out about things that we never though we would do. But, if having a drone take out our enemy, without sending in 200,000 troops, isn't this better? And I don't believe there is any comparison between Cheney, who starts a war with a country, based on lies, causes the deaths of over one hundred thousand people, to drone strikes on our enemy, to take out maybe 10 people, is a far better way to deal with terrorists. No comparison! But then no matter what President Obama does, there are always people waiting to criticize.