View Full Version : Maxed Out Donors

11-23-2007, 05:42 PM
There has been a lot of misinformation about what maxed out donors can legally do. I hope this thread will help clear some of that up.

For example, with many of the ChipIn funds, reasonable donors could expect substantial portions of their contributions to go to the express advocacy of the election of Ron Paul. Therefore, such a contribution would count as a contribution to Ron Paul's campaign. A person who gave $100 to such a ChipIn fund would only be able to give $2200 to Ron Paul's campaign.

I have created RonPaulmax.com (http://www.ronpaulmax.com) as a directory legal resources for maxed out donors. Please submit the websites of any funds that qualify. If they are legal and would have a meaningful impact on the election, I will list them.

Please pass word about this. While most people are not maxed out, the people who are need to know about this. You can help spread the word by posting this info in directories, blogs, etc. Thank you.

11-23-2007, 05:53 PM
There has been a lot of misinformation about what maxed out donors can legally do. I hope this thread will help clear some of that up.

For example, with many of the ChipIn funds, reasonable donors could expect substantial portions of their contributions to go to the express advocacy of the election of Ron Paul. Therefore, such a contribution would count as a contribution to Ron Paul's campaign. A person who gave $100 to such a ChipIn fund would only be able to give $2200 to Ron Paul's campaign.

I have created RonPaulmax.com (http://www.ronpaulmax.com) as a directory legal resources for maxed out donors. Please submit the websites of any funds that qualify. If they are legal and would have a meaningful impact on the election, I will list them.

Please pass word about this. While most people are not maxed out, the people who are need to know about this. You can help spread the word by posting this info in directories, blogs, etc. Thank you.

As far as I know, independent expenditures can include express advocacy. They cannot be coordinated in any manner with the campaign and FEC disclosure is required. I believe there are also limits to how close to an election such expenditures can be made.

If you are claiming that independent expenditures cannot include express advocacy, could you please clarify? Thanks.

11-23-2007, 06:24 PM
As far as I know, independent expenditures can include express advocacy. They cannot be coordinated in any manner with the campaign and FEC disclosure is required. I believe there are also limits to how close to an election such expenditures can be made.

If you are claiming that independent expenditures cannot include express advocacy, could you please clarify? Thanks.

An independent expenditure is by one person and, yes, it may include express advocacy.

Contributing to somebody else's independent expenditure on behalf of a candidate, however, is treated as a contribution to the candidate.

11-26-2007, 04:22 AM
If you are maxed out, just give money to your family or friends to donate to the campaign instead. They may want to max out ALSO! lol

11-26-2007, 04:27 AM
people donate under their 2 year old kids names

11-26-2007, 04:31 AM
hey babies and toddlers like freedom too

11-27-2007, 04:26 AM
If you are maxed out, just give money to your family or friends to donate to the campaign instead. They may want to max out ALSO! lol

... to donate in somebody else's name. 2 U.S.C. § 441f (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode02/usc_sec_02_00000441---f000-.html).