View Full Version : If nobody believed that Barack Obama was POTUS how much power would he have?

03-03-2013, 12:14 AM
If nobody believed that Barack Obama was the President of the United States how much power would he have?


If everyone believed that the United States government was a criminal gang, would you still fear the consequences of not paying the IRS?

If everyone believed that I owned the White House, would I be able to make money "selling" it?

If nobody believed that people working for the government have more rights than everyone else, would police be able to get away with kidnapping people for possessing certain plants?

If nobody believed that it was necessary to imprison those who refuse to pay governments to wage wars, how would war funding be affected?

If 50% of people supported abolishing governments to achieve a free and just society, would governments still be able to hold onto their power?

Gene Sharp, How to Start a Revolution (2011) documentary:

There’s one thing that’s been ‘learned’ maybe from Tunisia and Egypt that I think is a mistake. And that is that the existing ruler has to resign. He doesn’t have to resign. You take all the supports out from under him; he falls. No matter what he wants to do. This is the distinction in the analyses between nonviolent coercion in which he has to resign, but he’s forced into it, and disintegration when the regime simply falls apart. There’s nobody left with enough power to resign."
