View Full Version : How Law Enforcement and Media Covered Up the Plan to Burn Christopher Dorner Alive

02-13-2013, 07:43 PM
RARE: Honest journalism

Highly disturbing behavior by newspaper and Live TV sources in complying with the San Bernardino Sheriffs.


02-13-2013, 07:51 PM
The “burner” of choice for the modern American soldier is the AN-M14 TH3. It is a hand held grenade comprised of a thermite mixture that rapidly converts to molten iron when it is thrown, burning at a temperature of 4000 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to burn through a half inch steel plate or bring an engine block to a boil.

02-13-2013, 08:02 PM
“We’re gonna go ahead with the plan with the burner,”
one sheriff’s deputy told another.
“Like we talked about.”
Minutes later, another deputy’s voice crackled across the radio:
“The burner’s deployed and we have a fire.”
It is a hand held grenade comprised of a thermite (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_lxHkFGQPc90/S4dVPy4_pbI/AAAAAAAAAgI/DQdfueuriLU/s400/Thermite+Proof+on+9-11.jpg)


02-13-2013, 08:03 PM

nope...all out

02-13-2013, 09:05 PM

02-13-2013, 09:48 PM
Unverified transcript:

26:22 Seven burners deployed, and we have a fire.

27:05 Guys, be ready on the #4 side. We have fire in the front and he might come out the back.

27:12 Ready.

27:20 On the four side, remember your backdrops.

28:30 The one side's fully engulfed; fire on the four.

28:16 10-4, engulfed

29:33 Contact fire to staging, have them bring an engine down here.

30:44 14, 10-5-0

30:56 Control, 61 Lincoln, sounds like one shot fired from inside the residence.

31:00 Copy: One shot fired from inside the residence. Confirm you still want fire to roll in?

31:04 Roll in at stage.

31:17 Copy. They're staged at [inaudible] and 38.

31:14 Fire will be staged at the first contact with the first armored unit down there.

31:26 61 Lincoln to all perimeter units: Stand by, maintain your discipline

31:51 12-61 Lincoln, 1-2 corner fully engulfed

31:55 Copy, 1-2 corner fully engulfed.

32:46 61 Lincoln, we have ammo exploding inside

32:52 Copy, ammo exploding inside.

36:09 [inaudible] Status check?

36:14 I'm code four. I'm on the four side. Over.

36:18 Copy. Do we have, uh, do we have fire back there yet?

36:24 [inaudible] I'm on the number four side, fully engulfed

36:34 [inaudible] Two and four side fully engulfed. Fire moving to three now.

36:37 Copy, number two and four fully engulfed.

38:36 [inaudible] Is there any propane cylinders or anything back there we need to be aware of?

38:47 No, not that I can see from my position

38:52 Copy. Thanks. Break. Guys on the #3 side: Any propane tanks visible?

39:02 [inaudible] We [inaudible] propane tanks on the backside

39:33 62-10-1 to control, confirming that fire's been notified to come down this way?

39:39 Fire was staging just a [inaudible]

39:57 Do you need them closer?

40:16 61-Lincoln, 61-Charlie.

40:20 Go ahead, [inaudible].

40:21 Do we want to have, uh, fire start putting water on it once the
roof starts to settle down a bit, and, uh, like it's starting to

40:29 Affirm, uh, gimme me some time, here. We're not quite there. We
still have the, uh, 2-3 corner, there, that's still vulnerable.

40:37 10-4, We're just bringing fire in about 200 yards out. Your call.

40:40 Copy.

40:46 [inaudible]

40:47 Go, Tim.

41:04 [inaudible] Is there still a lot of room on the 3-4 corner that's not engulfed yet?

41:11 Copy, thanks Tim. 3-4 corner, there's a lot of room left. I copy.

42:45 Control 61-Lincoln. We still have ammo going off in the fire.

42:49 61-Lincoln: copy.

46:10 [inaudible]

46:12 George-2.

46:22 [inaudible] Get everybody over here.

46:37 61-George-2

46:47 [inaudible] your status?

46:53 61-Lincoln [inaudible]

46:57 We just had open mike, it sounded like some time of commotion. Just checking your status.

47:04 [inaudible]

47:09 Okay.

47:33 [inaudible] Monroe

47:39 John, uh, how's that fire doing on the back west side?

47:43 It's taking its dear sweet time to get there. This thing's
well-constructed. Uh, we don't even have any roof uh [inaudible] not
ready for those reasons and I still have ammo popping here.

47:58 Fire

48:00 Monroe

48:02 Break. 61-Lincoln, 61-Charlie. You ready for fire?

48:08 61-Lincoln, 61-Charlie: That's negative. I still don't have
adequate penetration on the 2-3 or the 3-4, and I still live ammo

48:29 Lights off, please.

49:07 [inaudible] no way

49:09 Open mike.

49:27 61-Charlie, 61-Lincoln: [inaudible] from your vantage point, you
can see how it's, uh, containing itself quite well. Can you see that I
don't have adequate penetration on the 2-3 yet?

49:39 Yeah, I don't see that, uh, corner yet. I'm leaving it to your call, John.

49:42 Copy that.

50:14 [inaudible] Monroe

50:20 Go ahead, Jeff.

50:25 We got the, uh, Dodge truck [inaudible] slide down the hill. Did you want that cleared?

50:35 Let's, uh, hold until we start mop-up with fire.

50:42 I want to hold the permiter until, uh, 61-Lincoln makes the call.

50:50 Copy.

51:32 10-13

51:42 [inaudible] relay there's [inaudible] fire [inaudible] 3-4 corner

51:48 Fire on the 3-4 corner?

51:54 Yeah, that's [inaudible]

51:58 61-Lincoln, the fire is [inaudible] I'm still not ready for fire,
um. Fire is moving [inaudible]... but we still have a lot of
smoldering. So just stand by.

52:11 Copy.

53:05 [inaudible] How we doing back there?

53:13 Uh, [inaudible] the, uh, 1-4 corner.

53:22 [inaudible] down to the 3-4?

53:32 I can drive around that way if you want me to.

53:41 [inaudible]

52:49 Last traffic was unreadable at [inaudible]

53:56 Copy [inaudible]

53:58 Fully engulfed.

54:01 [inaudible] copy. 3-4 is fully-engulfed.

54:10 [inaudible] Luke?

54:14 More ammo going off.

54:16 Copy, more ammo going off.

54:23 Luke?

54:24 Go.

54:25 Hey, John, if these, uh, cabins have [inaudible] areas? Something to consider.

54:33 Affirmative, I'm told that there's basement in the cabin. So as a
precaution, since the fire's self-containing itself I'm going to let
that heat burn through that basement.

Note: they are using the word "fire" at least 2 different ways; in the literal sense, and also for fire dept. They also may be using it to refer to positioning shooters.