View Full Version : NY Safe Act - thinking about making an Ad for some major papers, need feedback

02-07-2013, 10:59 AM
I have been talking to many many people here in NY about the NY Safe Act (Im sure you've heard about it, there were several threads, but in case you missed it - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NY_SAFE_Act

Im looking to write up a middle-of-the-road, likely best to be an infographic type thing, and particularly point out to the general public how this effects ex-cops and ex-military since I feel this would strike a chord here when they see the heroes of the state are conversely effected. Basically I want to state some facts in a simple and easy to read manner in such a way that it will appeal to liberals (since I believe the majority of the libertarians republicans and conservatives are already pretty much 100% against this law)

I dont really want it to be an opinion piece, but state the facts and dispel rumors such as:

* Cuomos "message of necessity" that removed the three days of public review that bills are supposed to have under the state constitution.

* A list of the new laws - some of which can be found here:

* Making it clear that full auto weapons are not what is being discussed (seems to be the general uninformed populaces thinking that whats being discussed are full -autos)

* A list of the problems with the new laws (example: no provision for police issue weapons, a % of the number of firearms that cannot be used with a 10 round magazine (smaller magazines don't exist, for example the glock 17, 18, 26, 20, 29, 22, 23, 27 whose smallest mag cap I know of is 10 rounds, so since the new law states 7 rounds there are literally no new magazines legally available in NY for law abiding people, or police for that matter, and where is the money going to come from to re-issue all ~600,000 police with new side arms?)

* A list of the politicians and their contact information that voted for the bill, their districts, and their contact info.

* Citations for each point of information, possibly from multiple reliable sources.

The idea is to come up with something and start a crowdsource (indiegogo) campaign to try to raise enough money to take out full page ads in some major papers here (Between 2 and 4). I am aware this is very expensive but I am hoping that I can inform enough people to make it happen with some planning.

I come here asking for feedback because you have all done so much with similar things through the campaign(s) and may offer some insight on a project like this' effectiveness, cost, etc as well as valuable input you may have on content and interest in such a thing.

I want to do this with no political affiliations or organizations whatsoever. Just a guy in NY that decided that rather than make a few calls and write some letters that they needed to do something and this is what I came up with.

I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

02-07-2013, 11:45 AM
I'd think a crowd sourced "come and take it AR15 flag" plain and simple, half page with a half page of text beneath would collect donations.

02-07-2013, 12:42 PM
I'd think a crowd sourced "come and take it AR15 flag" plain and simple, half page with a half page of text beneath would collect donations.

Yes, Im sure it would, but I dont believe it would turn some minds here.

Im hoping this to be several-fold, to lay out what the bill does (a lot of people dont know) to make a list of the people that voted for it (hopefully to be used for future voting reference) and dispel some myths (full auto, etc) and raise some awareness (How can someone use a legal firearm if all the magazines for it are illegal? Why remove the public review of the law? Why vote on a law you didn't/couldn't read? etc)

Maybe its a terrible idea. Thats why I came to ask opinions first.