View Full Version : Dems Vs Guns, Reps Vs Handouts

01-21-2013, 10:17 AM
I’ve been thinking about this whole gun fiasco that is going on. I’m relatively assured that Obama/Dems are going to get their way. I am also relatively sure that someone somewhere will do something non-peaceful as a response. It got me to thinking. Eventually when we run out of money and we actually have to cut benefits to some of these social programs. Do you think the same thing will happen to “us”? Those of us who are the loudest in our own communities about truly scaling back government. I still have my Re3loution sign up and have no intention of taking it down. I’m sure pretty much the ones left here are the ones that refuse to shut up.

With guns we’re talking about our safety but we’re not talking about an immediate physical threat. Unless of course there is a home invasion immediately after the bill was passed. Whereas with say food stamps, section 8, hud etc we really are talking about some people not having something to eat or live.

Its an interesting quagmire to say the least. At some point we’re going to flip the political table on them and take back whats been taken.

Anyway, thought it’d make a interesting conversation on MKL day.