View Full Version : Santorum's smear/slander campaign against Hagel begins

01-10-2013, 11:58 AM
Santorum vs. Hagel (II)


Here is Santorum at the start of his anti-Hagel campaign:

His anti-Israel, pro-Iran mindset makes him uniquely unqualified to serve as our Defense secretary.

Consider how many layers of dishonesty and delusion are packed into that sentence. Unless someone subscribes to Santorum’s hard-line version of what constitutes support for Israel and opposition to the Iranian government, Santorum believes that this person has an “anti-Israel, pro-Iran mindset.” Santorum may be one of the more fanatical critics of Hagel, but he shares the assumptions of other opponents of the nomination, so it’s worth reflecting on these charges a little more.

The first thing to note about these charges is that they are automatically self-discrediting. No remotely fair reading of the evidence supports this description of Hagel, and in a saner foreign policy debate it would be dismissed out of hand. Unfortunately, it won’t be, and that tells us a great deal about what is wrong with the state of foreign policy debate in this country. On one side, there are people attempting to make reasonably good-faith arguments about the pros and cons of the nomination, and on the other there are people inventing things out of thin air and hurling the most despicable accusations. Somehow we’re still supposed to believe that the latter are engaged in serious, substantive debate.

Why would anyone trust the judgment of someone who makes such an obviously dishonest argument? Of course, describing Hagel as being either “anti-Israel” or “pro-Iran” is wildly and intentionally inaccurate. Labeling others in this way is an old tactic that hawks have used for a long time to marginalize even the mildest dissenters. It is supposed to imply that the person is sympathetic to an antagonistic government and declares that disagreement over the best policy for the U.S. is tantamount to disloyalty.

Something else that continues to impress me is how self-destructive it is for “pro-Israel” hawks to fling these charges at people with such modest policy disagreements. Not only are the people being targeted with these attacks never going to follow the hawks’ line on policy, but they are making their definition of “pro-Israel” so narrow and exclusive that fewer and fewer people can possibly qualify. These hawks are putting themselves on a fast track to irrelevance. Considering how much damage they have done to U.S. and Israeli interests over the years, that is a very welcome and overdue development.

Voluntary Man
01-10-2013, 12:09 PM
I question the standards by which Hagel (rhymes with "bagel"....coincidence?) is "anti-Israel." He used the wrong flavor jelly, last time he tossed AIPAC's salad?

01-10-2013, 12:10 PM
You know what's worse? Santorum will probably be the GOP nominee in '16.


Santorum really is the hawkish gift that keeps on giving. If there is one current or former elected official other than John McCain who embodies everything wrong with the Republican Party’s current foreign policy thinking, it would have to be Rick Santorum.
Instead of being chastened by the overwhelming repudiation of those views, Santorum intensified his support for reckless and militaristic policies. He was bound to be opposed to Hagel’s nomination. There has scarcely been one sound idea related to foreign policy and the military that Santorum hasn’t opposed. The GOP has a choice in the coming years on foreign policy: it can become more like Santorum or it can become more like Hagel. If the party chooses the former, its political fortunes over the long term will be every bit as bright as Santorum’s.

Republicans are falling all over themselves to prove to the American people, once again, that they have not learned their lesson from the Bush disaster, and therefore can't be trusted to govern.


The initial reaction to Chuck Hagel’s nomination from many movement conservatives and elected Republicans suggests that there is not much more room inside the party for deviations from hard-line positions than there was five or ten years ago. The natural response to such a stifling environment has been for people to abandon the party, which is one reason why Hagel will be serving in a Democratic administration rather than in a Republican one. If the party’s hawks do not make substantial room for the ideas of the skeptics, realists, and non-interventionists that they have spent the last decade condemning, the GOP will keep losing supporters it already has as well as alienating new voters for years and perhaps decades to come.

Voluntary Man
01-10-2013, 12:17 PM
Let's just move the capital from DC to Tel Aviv, and stop all the pretense.

That Hagel is the most "anti-Israel" candidate that could be found for the post says something about the decline of true nationalism, among our elected officials.

That Hagel faces so much opposition says something about the strangle hold the Israeli lobby has on America.

Having said that, it's all just theater.

01-10-2013, 12:24 PM
Compare this to the utter lack of resistance from people like McCain, Graham, Kristol and Santorum over Obama's nominations of Kagen and Sotomayor. A far more important issue, with much more disastrous results.

01-10-2013, 12:30 PM
Santorum smear


01-10-2013, 01:35 PM
How can anyone take this guy seriously? He lost his Senate seat by what, 16 points? I know it was a bad year for Republicans, but that wasn't even a fight. He's such an unserious candidate that his finger pushed against a button ready to nuke any country in the world at any moment in time.

01-10-2013, 02:32 PM
iowa in 2015/16 looms in his mind's eye? is he giving BHO flac just to be a nutter annoyance about things?
there are worse choises than chuck hagel out there. eventually someone is going to get the job anyway...