View Full Version : Political commentator Jack Hunter, FreedomWorks Director Austin Petersen attack Alex Jones

01-08-2013, 04:41 AM
Austin Petersen:


People like Piers Morgan and Alex Jones are what is wrong with American culture.


‎"Alex Jones Vs. Piers Morgan"? or more like: "The Redcoat vs. the Pea Brain"


Alex Jones does not speak for libertarians.


Piers is a redcoat but Alex is obviously insane.


One of the great conspiracies of all time was how the KGB and Soviet disinformation agents spread conspiracy theories across America. Genius plan. It worked!


Alex Jones made an excellent case for gun control last night.


was once invited by Alex Jones to be on his show. Instead of having me on he cancelled at the last minute and ran a hit piece, claiming I looked like very attractive celebrities. Strange but true! WHY U NO DEBATE ME ALEX JONES?


As it turns out, Operation Northwoods never happened. Also, Oswald actually shot JFK and the magic bullet theory should have been called the "regular bullet theory". Plus 9/11 wasn't an inside job. And a bonus: The Gulf of Tonkin wasn't actually a false flag at all. Plus there aren't any FEMA camps. Sorry guys, I looked it up.

Petersen wrote an article on his site about it:

The worst thing that can happen to a good cause is, not to be skillfully attacked, but to be ineptly defended.”
― Frédéric Bastiat

CNN talk show host & British transplant Piers Morgan struggled meaninglessly to debate American paranoid conspiracy hustler Alex Jones over the issue of gun control tonight on evening news. Jones stonewalled Morgan for around twenty useless minutes hurling invectives, insults and hyperbole at his host, likely confirming European suspicions that Americans really are lunatics who don’t deserve guns. Despite the fact that Americans do indeed require military grade weaponry for their personal defense, Alex Jones was unable to articulate just why “more guns equal less crime” even though there are plenty of factual statistics to prove that is the case.

Alex Jones blamed the problems in American society on what he called “mass murder pills” and immediately attacked the corporate sponsor of CNN whom he tried to characterize as poisoning people with antidepressants so they would be motivated to commit murder. Although it is strange that Alex would make that claim as America always has been a statistically more violent nation compared to the UK even since before antidepressants were commonly distributed. The actual statistics of gun crime clearly point to the fact that when American citizens are allowed to conceal carry weapons, multiple-victim shootings decline 84%, deaths from shootings plunge 90% and injuries recede by 82%.

Morgan invited Jones on his show for what he claimed was supposed to be an honest debate, but Jones nearly immediately launched into filibuster as he did when he appeared on another popular show “The View” two years ago. Piers was unable to get Jones to answer nearly a single question as the Austin, Texas based conspiracy theorist pushed false-flag conspiracy theories such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, an overly hyped skirmish between American & Vietnamese gunboats which gave Lyndon Johnson an excuse to escalate the hostilities of the war in Vietnam. Jones connected the Gulf of Tonkin to the attacks on 9/11, claiming that sinister forces in the American government either planned or executed the attacks on 9/11. Despite the fact that in order to carry out a secret plan for an inside job it would take nearly $5 trillion dollars to bribe all the participants necessary for the conspiracy, it hasn’t stopped Jones’ millions of followers from being convinced that somehow President George W. Bush might have been a criminal mastermind. No one is quite sure what any of this has to do with gun control.

Although Piers Morgan was unable to participate an actual debate with Alex Jones, there’s a strong lesson to be learned from the reaction of the fans of conspiracy theories. Jones’ supporters often point to the fact that they identify with the rage that Jones expresses in his screaming rants such as those displayed below. Many of his fans state that they often wish to express their rage and “go off” like Jones does with his non-factual insults and tangential diatribes. It gives insight into just how a society could be delivered into a 1984-like big brother totalitarian state when citizens without critical thinking skills mindlessly express undirected rage at targets they little understand and fail to critically analyze. It also likely gives hope to gun grabbers that they will succeed in their mission to disarm the American populace that can so easily be swayed by hucksters and paranoiacs such as Alex Jones that speak to only their blind rage and never to their sense of intellect or reason.

The debate below after your obligatory two minutes of hate.


Not all conspiracy theorists are Nazis, but all Nazis tend to be conspiracy theorists.

Petersen's commentator column:

A young, attractive couple joined my group of dedicated liberty activists for cocktails and dinner one night in downtown New York City in the late summer of 2011.

The man, we’ll call him “Sven”, a handsome blonde of Germanic descent, and his similarly beautiful corn silk-haired girlfriend had been invited to join my friends and I in discussion and debate for the evening. We were all classical liberals, fighting for freedom from oppressive government, for civil rights, liberty and free markets for all.

But that’s not what one young man at the party believed.

As the presidential political season approached and the re-election of Barack Obama signaled that there would be no hope for change in leadership, the modern American libertarian movement found itself in a difficult position.

The campaign of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul had inspired hordes of free market youth activists, including this author, to his banner. The movement was composed of people from all ages and backgrounds and there was really only one thing that united all of them together, the belief in individual rights and personal liberty.

This was the second effort for many of these young men and women who had cut their teeth on the 2008 version of the Texas congressman’s campaign for the White House. Noted organizations such as the Campaign for Liberty, Young Americans for Liberty, and the now International Students for Liberty took root and have seen rapid growth across the nation. The total result of this movement has been to create a mini-industry centered on the ideas of limited government and personal freedom. We have our heroes and villains, our clowns and our workhorses. It’s really quite remarkable.

One self-proclaimed hero (that is up for debate in the community) is a man by the name of Alex Jones, whose conspiracy theory rants are broadcast into millions of homes on a daily basis. Jones is a radio broadcaster whose shows feature stories on how the US government is building camps, presumably to intern Americans in event of national disaster, and that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were an orchestrated attack carried out by elements within our own government.

Jones was recently made known to the world through an appearance on CNN’s Piers Morgan show where his maniacal rants and ad hominems painted the British host a perfect stereotype of the gun-toting lunatic American. Although Jones has taken steps to personally distance himself from the worse of anti-Semitism; it’s an open secret that his online forums cultivate and harbor the worst kind of backwards thinkers and rage filled racists in the world of political discourse.

During those Tea Party takeover years of 2007 to 2010, American libertarians rose up and either established or blatantly took over major institutions (including my own). There has always been a small element of this conspiracy fringe that has occupied a portion of the debate at events and online suggesting that the president was not born in America, or that he is secretly a Muslim.

Many of these people are simply what you might consider garden-variety conspiracy theorists and are relatively benign. However there are some who are much more and they are dangerous. This is how I met Sven.

I broke the ice with Sven and his girlfriend while another of our crowd ordered us drinks at the bar. It didn’t take long for the conversation to switch to politics. The history of foreign policy came to the forefront. We talked about our belief in free markets, limited government and a non-interventionist foreign policy. It was then that I learned something interesting about our new friend. Sven revealed that he believed the world would have been a better place if Hitler had won World War 2.

I blinked and laughed assuming he must have been joking, but he just stared at me with those steely blue eyes and didn’t laugh back.

I leaned forward and asked in hushed tones… “Are you a Nazi?”

He smiled… and nodded.

Sven confessed that his heart ached for what happened to Germany after the war. “We were a great people once until the Communists took over. We were on our way to becoming the greatest empire the world had ever seen. And you Austin, you are of Germanic descent. Your nation took the side of the Soviets against us and look what it brought you.”

“But… what about the Jews?” I asked. He shrugged. “Why do you care about the Jews? They were and still are a problem. They are the ones behind the Federal Reserve that you despise. The Jews attacked an American ship, the USS Liberty. Why would you defend them?”

I couldn’t hide my disgust and the atmosphere at the party immediately grew cold. This was no ordinary kook that could just be written off as a simple lunatic. This was an articulate, supposedly intelligent and well-spoken defender of the tenets of National Socialism. My stomach may have turned, but my heart and my resolve hardened.

I feel deeply as a libertarian that all people must be protected from tyranny and genocide. I secretly promised myself I would do whatever it takes to make sure that people like Sven would never be associated with the message of liberty. Libertarianism is not a philosophy compatible with racial hatred. National Socialism is in no way compatible with liberty and defenders of freedom must repudiate these philosophies to make a clear distinction between them. There is no room in the freedom revolution for those who advocate for racial hatred or eugenics. There will be no liberty for some if there is no liberty for all.

When William Buckley attempted his famous purge of John Birchers from the conservative movement in the 1960’s he received a hellish backlash from many of his supporters and major donors. Although he knew that there would be no way for his movement to succeed in beating back the Social Democrats with the conspiracy theorists tagging along, he took strong action anyway to stand against what he saw as a group dedicated to discrediting his cause. He ultimately succeeded and the American conservative movement was able to regain its footing scoring major victories in elections in the coming years. The American liberty movement desperately needs to clean its own house if it plans on moving forward with policies of ending the Federal Reserve and foreign aid.

For my part in standing up to would be totalitarians and racists, I have earned the scorn and derision from people who think I have now become a part of a conspiracy.

As I write this, I am currently enduring blistering hatred and criticism from many who have called me friend in the past. I have done everything in my power to educate my fellow citizens, even participating in a public debate where I provided actual evidence of real conspiracies to prove to them how critical thinking works and what the differences are between actual conspiracies and conspiracy theories. But it has been an uphill struggle. And for my trouble I have received death threats and have had my personal information sought out and exposed to the public.

It is strange that some Nazis believed that they could hide behind the message of liberty when many of the great minds that pioneered our Austrian system of economics were Jewish or spoke out against Nazism directly.

Murray Rothbard, a Jewish libertarian himself was inspired by Ludwig von Mises and went on to help found America’s third largest political party, the Libertarian Party. Rothbard was extremely prolific in his defense of the individual versus the state. His brand of libertarianism is often referred to as “anarcho-capitalism”, a philosophy devoted to the advocacy of a totally voluntary society free from coercion and state monopoly. In other words, it is the total opposite of National Socialism.

Friedrich Hayek was a Nobel Prize winner in economics, although not a Jew was credited as a founding father of the modern American liberty movement. He wrote in his famous book “The Road to Serfdom” is about how authoritarian regimes come to power. Hayek used the Nazis as his backdrop for a depressingly real story of how a democracy can turn into fascism as a result of flawed ideas and hyper-nationalism.

Ludwig Von Mises was an Austrian Jew who fled Switzerland in the 1940’s before the Nazis could persecute him. His work “Omnipotent Government” offered harsh treatment of the Third Reich stating: “Nazism conquered Germany because it never encountered any adequate intellectual resistance.”

I am determined to ensure that the warnings of men such as these do not go unheeded today. After all, all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. And though I may be persecuted for taking a stand; even if I stand alone I believe that one man, with courage, makes a majority.

Jack Hunter:


Alex Jones currently doing a great job of making Piers Morgan look reasonable. Good grief. Smart move by Morgan to make pro-2nd Amendment people look crazy.


The Rock is returning to RAW tonight. Piers Morgan's guest tonight is Alex Jones. Which will devolve into childish name calling quicker? I bet Morgan behaves more childish, more quickly than Rock or Jones.


A great piece here by my friend Tim Stanley. I really hadn't planned on posting anything else about this, and then Tim had to go and write something fantastic. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/timstanley/100197129/conspiracy-nut-alex-jones-goes-bananas-on-piers-morgans-show-all-good-fun-but-jones-doesnt-speak-for-gun-owners/


Brilliant marketing strategy by both Piers Morgan and Alex Jones tonight. Morgan used Jones to make gun advocates looks nuts, pleasing his core audience, and Jones followers will think his maniacal ranting was somehow unloading the "truth," pleasing his core audience. Win-win for all involved.
(Shared by Austin Petersen, who added "My NWO accomplice hits the nail on the head.")

Julie Borowski:


Oh of course the Piers Morgan show would book Alex Jones to defend the pro-gun position.

Not saying I agree with them, just letting you guys know.

01-08-2013, 04:44 AM
Alex Jones has never claimed to be a libertarian, has he? He's a paleocon

01-08-2013, 04:48 AM
More like a constitutionalist.

01-08-2013, 04:48 AM
Alex Jones has never claimed to be a libertarian, has he? He's a paleocon
He was known mainly as a paleocon up until the Ron Paul 2008 campaign. Since then he has often called himself a libertarian.

More like a constitutionalist.
Yeah, constitutionalist is the main term he uses to describe himself.

01-08-2013, 07:28 AM
did anyone try to get a quote out of THAH DONALD on this all hopefully?

01-08-2013, 07:52 AM
did anyone try to get a quote out of THAH DONALD on this all hopefully?

Who's he?

01-08-2013, 07:59 AM
Alex Jones income is generated by his being seen by the largest group of people possible. His theatrics last night are guaranteed to increase his name recognition as the media crucifies him. So he wins. Piers Morgan also wins because he now has classic video of a raving lunatic right-wing nutjob to bolster his position.

The losers in the debate? Gun owners.

01-08-2013, 08:05 AM
Alex Jones income is generated by his being seen by the largest group of people possible. His theatrics last night are guaranteed to increase his name recognition as the media crucifies him. So he wins. Piers Morgan also wins because he now has classic video of a raving lunatic right-wing nutjob to bolster his position.

The losers in the debate? Gun owners.

I think you hit the nail on the head here. As far as I know this is the largest mainstream (for lack of a better term) audience that Jones has ever been in front of. He doesn't lose his existing fans through this, since they love when he goes ballistic. So any new followers he gains is a net positive for him and therefore more money in his pocket. Some people tend to forget that Alex Jones, first and foremost is a business.

01-08-2013, 08:06 AM
What can you expect from someone who backstabbed Ron Paul by defending an endorsement of Mitt Romney on Ron's own campaign website?

Constitutional Paulicy
01-08-2013, 08:07 AM
Alex Jones income is generated by his being seen by the largest group of people possible. His theatrics last night are guaranteed to increase his name recognition as the media crucifies him. So he wins. Piers Morgan also wins because he now has classic video of a raving lunatic right-wing nutjob to bolster his position.

The losers in the debate? Gun owners.

Well said.

01-08-2013, 08:08 AM
The losers in the debate? Gun owners.

I think something is missing in your analysis. You say this was a win for Jones. So he gains listeners, who will become strong gun rights advocates, and that's a win for gun owners. The question is whether more people than that will become advocates of gun control due to this interview. I don't expect that.

01-08-2013, 08:14 AM
I think something is missing in your analysis. You say this was a win for Jones. So he gains listeners, who will become strong gun rights advocates, and that's a win for gun owners. The question is whether more people than that will become advocates of gun control due to this interview. I don't expect that.

I think the listeners he gains will not be from watching last night, but from those who have a morbid curiosity after listening to his crucifixtion in the media over the next 24 hours. They are not likely people to have their minds' changed. Hope I am wrong.

01-08-2013, 08:14 AM
Who cares what Jack Hunter and some guy from Freedom Works think? Alex Jones took a bold stand last night, something that needs to happen more often...not less.

01-08-2013, 08:20 AM
Who cares what Jack Hunter and some guy from Freedom Works think?

People that respect Jack Hunter and Austin Petersen and are interested in what they have to say care.

01-08-2013, 08:22 AM
People take shit too seriously. Nothing that happened on that interview will have any bearing on absolutely anything. If the elite decide they can get a way with taking away the 2nd amendment, they will do it. I'm not a big AJ fan but he laid the cards out last night exactly like they needed to be. And to go into morgan's own studio and mock him and make him look like the pissant bitch he is? priceless.

01-08-2013, 08:25 AM
People take shit too seriously. Nothing that happened on that interview will have any bearing on absolutely anything. If the elite decide they can get a way with taking away the 2nd amendment, they will do it. I'm not a big AJ fan but he laid the cards out last night exactly like they needed to be.

From some stuff that I have read this morning, I think the concern is that Jones will be used as the poster boy for raving lunatic gun nuts and a justification why people shouldn't have guns. Probably a bit of an overreaction on their part. It was to be expected that Jones would come off looking like a raving lunatic regardless of the topic at hand - that's just his schtick. Jones would come across as a raving lunatic in a debate of Coke vs Pepsi. I have always felt he does it by design to attract listeners and therefore more buyers of his various products.

01-08-2013, 08:28 AM
I'm no AJ fan, but neither of these guys have any interest in rational discussion. This was supposed to be exactly what it was.

9-11 aside, I'm with Alex on this. The left isn't interested in a rational debate - they want to take away yet another right and will stop at nothing to do it. Perhaps it isn't best to go on liberal squawk shows to shout at them, but the time for talking is done when it comes for this subject.

01-08-2013, 08:30 AM
From some stuff that I have read this morning, I think the concern is that Jones will be used as the poster boy for raving lunatic gun nuts and a justification why people shouldn't have guns.

They wont. Using a nonviolent raving lunatic talkshow host that most of america doesn't recognize as your poster boy will fail. If they want posterboys for gun control they will just use one of the many murderers.

01-08-2013, 08:31 AM
Why is it that those on the "Right" always accept liberal talking points at face-value? Pretty soon anyone with a moderate Conservative viewpoint will be labeled "nuts" and it's thanks to weird-looking people like David Frum.

01-08-2013, 08:33 AM
Who cares what Jack Hunter and some guy from Freedom Works think? Alex Jones took a bold stand last night, something that needs to happen more often...not less.

Petersen was previously associate producer of Freedom Watch, so he's very close to Judge Napolitano. He's the guy who got Napolitano to speak at the FreePAC events and to endorse Connie Mack for Senate in Florida. He also used to work for the Libertarian National Committee. He now works with Julie Borowski at FreedomWorks.

Jack Hunter is a chief ghostwriter for Rand Paul and Jim DeMint. He was also heavily involved with the Ron Paul 2012 campaign and sometimes co-hosts Mike Church's radio talk show as writes for the Pat Buchanan affiliated magazine, The American Conservative.

Neither are strangers to the liberty movement. That's why I posted this on here. As I've said, I don't agree with their view on Jones, but I do agree Jones could have handled this interview better.

01-08-2013, 08:36 AM
They wont. Using a nonviolent raving lunatic talkshow host that most of america doesn't recognize as your poster boy will fail. If they want posterboys for gun control they will just use one of the many murderers.

As I said in my post - it is probably an overreaction on their part. Last night was mutually beneficial for both parties because people are talking about them, and that is what media personalities want. The more attention they get the more money they make.

01-08-2013, 08:38 AM
More like a constitutionalist.

Well, whatever his affiliation or philosophy, he came across as a complete lunatic last night.

01-08-2013, 08:39 AM
Alex did what he did to gain attention for himself. It's why he agreed to go on the show, it's why he acted up at the airport, and it's why he went full nutjob on air.

01-08-2013, 08:42 AM
Well, whatever his affiliation or philosophy, he came across as a complete lunatic last night.

Were you not entertained?

01-08-2013, 08:44 AM
Were you not entertained?

I don't find any discussion of limiting our rights to be entertaining. You do?

01-08-2013, 08:47 AM
Piers gave him a rope and he hung him self.

01-08-2013, 08:49 AM
Were you not entertained?

I didn't even watch, but all the same, I'm on Alex's side.

Look, if he doesn't represent you, (he doesn't represent me) what does it matter? He was him, not any of us. seems to me that the 'libertarian' thing to do is say he is him, we are respectively us, and he speaks as his own person. Not that I claim the label for myself, necessarily, I just think that being upset that someone is defending a position in a way you consider to be substandard is good reason for tweets that defend it better, not tearing down the guy on the spot.

I've liked Austin Peterson in some stuff, but this seems elitist, honestly.

01-08-2013, 08:49 AM
I don't find any discussion of limiting our rights to be entertaining. You do?

Is that what they were supposed to be discussing?

Matt Collins
01-08-2013, 08:50 AM
What can you expect from someone who backstabbed Ron Paul by defending an endorsement of Mitt Romney on Ron's own campaign website?No one backstabbed Ron Paul, not sure where this falsehood keeps coming from? :confused:

01-08-2013, 08:51 AM
Were you not entertained?

As entertained as one could be while watching a total disaster. So yeah, pretty entertained.

01-08-2013, 08:52 AM
Petersen was previously associate producer of Freedom Watch, so he's very close to Judge Napolitano. He's the guy who got Napolitano to speak at the FreePAC events and to endorse Connie Mack for Senate in Florida. He also used to work for the Libertarian National Committee. He now works with Julie Borowski at FreedomWorks.

Jack Hunter is a chief ghostwriter for Rand Paul and Jim DeMint. He was also heavily involved with the Ron Paul 2012 campaign and sometimes co-hosts Mike Church's radio talk show as writes for the Pat Buchanan affiliated magazine, The American Conservative.

Neither are strangers to the liberty movement. That's why I posted this on here. As I've said, I don't agree with their view on Jones, but I do agree Jones could have handled this interview better.I know who they are, I just don't know why I should care what they had to say about it. IMO, that's one of the problems with the liberty movement right now....we care too much what people think. I'm pretty sure most people have already made up their minds as to how they feel about losing yet another Constitutional right. If they haven't, they're not paying attention anyway.

Kudos to Alex Jones for taking a stand and doing it boldly and without apology. We need more of that.

01-08-2013, 08:54 AM
I don't find any discussion of limiting our rights to be entertaining. You do?

I tend to agree with you a lot on here, but keep this charade last night in perspective. Jones was being Jones - the character he has built over the years. At the end of the day, this isn't about moving the debate in one direction or another, but about how many DVD's, water-filtration systems and website subscriptions are sold.

01-08-2013, 08:58 AM
I was about to gouge my ear drums during that shout fest. He made Morgan look rational, and you must have screwed up big time to accomplish such a feat.

01-08-2013, 09:01 AM
Do you folks remember Morton Downey Jr? Same thing here folks, a big portion of it is an act.

01-08-2013, 09:07 AM
We have a ton of elitists here. Even at Jones' enemy Glenn Beck's site theblaze.com people are cheering Alex.

01-08-2013, 09:16 AM
Alex did what he did to gain attention for himself. It's why he agreed to go on the show, it's why he acted up at the airport, and it's why he went full nutjob on air.

And on the same note it was a win-win for Morgan. Reflect back on the last month or so with Morgan - his show was failing, no one was watching him. So he makes some extreme statements about gun control and everyone is talking about him. Then the petition comes around - more attention. Then he makes those controversial statements about the Bible (i.e. let me find another group to piss off) and gets more attention. He has to keep the ball rolling, because fame does fleet quickly, so he books Jones, who everyone knows is a ticking time bomb, that's Jones' act, and he gets the result he wanted, and therefore more attention.

And Jones took advantage of the situation as well. He gets called by Morgan's staff, and probably thinks "hey everyone is paying attention to Morgan now, this is a good opportunity to get more fans". And he ups the ante by doing the TSA thing, knowing that it will get him some more attention the day of the TV show.

Of course, we are all sucked into it, because it's entertaining and provocative. If the same debate was exchanged last night between Jim Lehrer and John Lott - minus the fireworks, no one would be talking about it.

01-08-2013, 09:17 AM
All I can say, is that I was in that chair, I would have done the same thing. Minus the volume of my voice. But I would hijack the fuck out of a CNN TV show and personally embarrass Piers. Piers may have won politically, but he looked like such a wimpy little shit last night.

Are we still trying to compromise and play nice with the establishment? Why? I thought we learned from the last year that the system won't allow us to co-opt shit. Ever since this movement went to Washington, it's splintered and became some insecure mess. Why? Because I feel that too many people have gotten the taste of Washington now. We need a little less Jack Hunter, Jesse Benton, Freedomworks type strategy. We used to applaud the in-your-face actions. Like Kokesh at the convention before he took too much DMT. I like that shit. We applaud when it's done in other countries. But here it seems, the new "leaders" of this movement are very comfortable writing articles, Facebook posts, Youtube videos spreading opinions, when it used to be about just spreading KNOWLEDGE.

I don't know, I took Dr. Paul's message quite seriously when he spoke about how we are over the cliff as a nation, and only a change in the voters minds will save us. Playing nice with the media or Washington so that Rand Paul can MAYBE get a cabinet position in 2016 has nothing to do with my freedom.

I sound negative I know. But I see this movement is turning into a lot of different sects trying to influence the overall future of Liberty in this country. We have the FreedomWorks, YAL, Hunter, Youtube celebrity side. That uses words like "purge" when it comes to the Jones crowd. Then I see the old guard of 07, some of which (me included) are so turned off by the political dancing of Liberty candidates, and I guess "pundits". When I read the quotes in the OP, I just see the same media belittling we complain about on a daily basis.

When I read Hunter's comments, or that kid that I think is the President of YAL that always has some snarky FB remark towards the "truther" or "conspiracy crowd", I think of two things:

1) They are just attacking what they don't understand. They are attacking what makes them uncomfortable. They are attacking what they don't believe in. They are attacking what is different. They are attacking what is against their best interest. Sound familiar. And worst of all, they are attacking critical thinking and freedom of expression. I have no time for that. It's sad really.

2) "“The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. "I don't understand this person. So they're crazy." That's bullshit. These people are not crazy." -Dave Chappelle

Just a shitty job of following Ron Paul's footsteps. You know, the gentleman that never "purged" anyone and pretty much is the reason that YAL guy (or Mr. FreedomWorks) is even important.

I just want to get back to what got us here. Behind the scenes, grassroots efforts to educate the PEOPLE.

But let's instead spend 2 days pointing fingers at an Alex Jones. Like he's the actual reason our 2nd Amendment is under attack. It's under attack because of one thing; mindless masses that proudly admit to ignoring politics, unless Anderson Cooper tells them some something is important.

"Alex Jones hurts our movement!". Movement where? To the White House? To "take our government back!"? Does anyone really believe we are headed in that direction? I'm sure a ton of people here have some plan or theory about how we will take back our liberty through Washington in 2016. But the success I have seen is in the conversations I have on a daily basis. With normal people who see at least some of what we see.

Last night was entertainment, pure and simple. We act as if these individuals owe us something.

I speak for myself, and no one speaks for me. This should be a leaderless effort to educate. Like I think the doctor ordered.

01-08-2013, 09:19 AM
We have a ton of elitists here. Even at Jones' enemy Glenn Beck's site theblaze.com people are cheering Alex.


Posted on January 7, 2013 at 10:47pm
holy crap – everyone needs to watch those videos. Forget what you think about Alex Jones, this was a classic. Forward it to EVERYONE

Posted on January 7, 2013 at 11:01pm
This is how you man handle a two bit piece of garbage liberal.

El Pistoffo
Posted on January 7, 2013 at 11:11pm
I loved, especially the part where he does the accent. LOL. Jones defiantly has a pair and I applaud him for it. He says it as he sees it with no hesitation, no spin. Morgan is a weasel who just brings up the same stupid questions every time. He cant see the big picture and he just got schooled.

your claim appears to be truthful.

01-08-2013, 09:24 AM
Austin Petersen is a douchebag who does not speak for me.

01-08-2013, 09:50 AM
We have a ton of elitists here. Even at Jones' enemy Glenn Beck's site theblaze.com people are cheering Alex.


your claim appears to be truthful.Now maybe the scaredy cat liberty activists here can settle down....looks like AJ impressed Glenn Beck's audience. That's the people you're trying to impress, right? :rolleyes:

01-08-2013, 09:54 AM
I didn't even watch, but all the same, I'm on Alex's side.

Look, if he doesn't represent you, (he doesn't represent me) what does it matter? He was him, not any of us. seems to me that the 'libertarian' thing to do is say he is him, we are respectively us, and he speaks as his own person. Not that I claim the label for myself, necessarily, I just think that being upset that someone is defending a position in a way you consider to be substandard is good reason for tweets that defend it better, not tearing down the guy on the spot.

I've liked Austin Peterson in some stuff, but this seems elitist, honestly.
Seriously. You gotta watch the video.


I'd also add that the country does not have a libertarian philosophy. When the MSM equates Jones to being representative of our cause they will listen. I really would not care if that wasn't the case.

01-08-2013, 09:55 AM
Now maybe the scaredy cat liberty activists here can settle down....looks like AJ impressed Glenn Beck's audience. That's the people you're trying to impress, right? :rolleyes:

You seem to have a very jaded view of political activism. I don't believe anyone is trying to impress Beck's audience, but instead to persuade them to support particular candidates and/or to lobby their representatives to vote for/against various pieces of legislation.

Politics is a numbers game and it all comes down to votes. If your guy has more votes than the other guy you win. If your bill has more "yeas" than "nays" it passes. Maybe that's not your bag, but repeatedly shitting all over the efforts of others is really getting old.

01-08-2013, 09:59 AM
You seem to have a very jaded view of political activism. I don't believe anyone is trying to impress Beck's audience, but instead to persuade them to support particular candidates and/or to lobby their representatives to vote for/against various pieces of legislation.

Politics is a numbers game and it all comes down to votes. If your guy has more votes than the other guy you win. If your bill has more "yeas" than "nays" it passes. Maybe that's not your bag, but repeatedly shitting all over the efforts of others is really getting old.Golly, Capt, I didn't even mention you among "scaredy cat liberty activists" but you stepped right up. I don't have a jaded view of activism, but I am definitely downright cynical when it comes to politics.

Look, it's all good this time. Glenn Beck's and Mark Levin's audience are already on our side about gun rights. They might not like AJ's style, but so what? As sailingaway said earlier in this thread, he has his style, you have yours, and I have mine. We don't all have to do everything the same way.

01-08-2013, 10:02 AM
What can you expect from someone who backstabbed Ron Paul by defending an endorsement of Mitt Romney on Ron's own campaign website?

On Ron's own campaign website...Ergo, on behalf of Ron. That's not backstabbing.

01-08-2013, 10:03 AM
Golly, Capt, I didn't even mention you among "scaredy cat liberty activists" but you stepped right up. I don't have a jaded view of activism, but I am definitely downright cynical when it comes to politics.

Look, it's all good this time. Glenn Beck's and Mark Levin's audience are already on our side about gun rights. They might not like AJ's style, but so what? As sailingaway said earlier in this thread, he has his style, you have yours, and I have mine. We don't all have to do everything the same way.

Well I agree with you regarding AJ's style. I view him as (pardon the expression) an attention whore. Jones is in this for Jones. The screaming lunatic is his shtick. He isn't the first and he won't be the last. Last night was a well played charade that benefited both parties.

01-08-2013, 10:04 AM
I agreed with what Jones was saying but he strayed off to talk about conspiracies too much. He got off topic way too easily and although he was right, talking about 9/11, etc hurts his credibility.

01-08-2013, 10:05 AM
I agreed with what Jones was saying but he strayed off to talk about conspiracies too much. He got off topic way too easily and although he was right, talking about 9/11, etc hurts his credibility.

Do you honestly think Jones went on that show to increase his credibility?

I'll put it to you this way - if Jones went on that show last night and was mild-mannered, stuck to the issue of the 2nd Amendment, and never lost his cool, would anyone other than his loyal fans be talking about him today?

01-08-2013, 10:06 AM
No one backstabbed Ron Paul, not sure where this falsehood keeps coming from? :confused:

A lot of his supporters did when they tried to force him to give a nomination speech at the RNC after he had done everything he could to make clear that he wasn't going to.

01-08-2013, 10:10 AM
We have a ton of elitists here. Even at Jones' enemy Glenn Beck's site theblaze.com people are cheering Alex.

Isn't that kind of like Harry Connick Jr. fans cheering for Michael Buble'? I mean it's what you would expect.

01-08-2013, 10:10 AM
Well I agree with you regarding AJ's style. I view him as (pardon the expression) an attention whore. Jones is in this for Jones. The screaming lunatic is his shtick. He isn't the first and he won't be the last. Last night was a well played charade that benefited both parties.Well, let's face it: Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and -- of course -- Piers Morgan are also in it for themselves. That's called capitalism. I don't agree with Jones all of the time, and I disagree with the others most of the time. But don't kid yourself, the others are just as much attention whores as Jones is.

01-08-2013, 10:11 AM
A lot of his supporters did when they tried to force him to give a nomination speech at the RNC after he had done everything he could to make clear that he wasn't going to.

Actually, Tate himself 'corrected' the 'mistake' the staffer had made saying that Ron would not accept nomination from the floor, and said Ron of course would accept it if he got it.

Not getting into the rest of it, yet again, but you misrepresent Ron's position.

01-08-2013, 10:12 AM
the 'mistake' the staffer had

Riiiiighht. Wink, wink.

01-08-2013, 10:13 AM
Well, let's face it: Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and -- of course -- Piers Morgan are also in it for themselves. That's called capitalism. I don't agree with Jones all of the time, and I disagree with the others most of the time. But don't kid yourself, the others are just as much attention whores as Jones is.

Oh totally agree. I detailed Morgan's last few weeks in an earlier post. They all have their personas that they portray, some of it is an act, some of it is genuine. I think the more flamboyant ones (Jones, Morton Downey Jr, Savage, etc) are more of an act, at least when it comes to their delivery. It's the media, and therefore a certain portion of it is entertainment, and personality based. That's why Beck has a ton more listeners than Boortz does even though their content is very similar - its the style that keeps people listening.

01-08-2013, 10:17 AM
Riiiiighht. Wink, wink.


I think Ron had no idea that was being said on his behalf. I don't think you want me to marshal the reasons I think that.

Note that while Tate even in his clarification that Ron would accept said they didn't have the five states to nominate, Ron in fact had six states file to nominate him, and was entitled to a nomination speech until the rules were retroactively changed by vote to change the rules, which not just us, but most conservatives who commented on it, thought to be at most a tied voice vote that should have been counted. http://www.google.com/search?q=rnc+teleprompter+scandal&aq=1&oq=rnc+telepromp&sugexp=chrome,mod=7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

But if you are saying Tate was lying, then why should we believe any of that line at all? where did it come from?

01-08-2013, 10:22 AM

I think Ron had no idea that was being said on his behalf. I don't think you want me to marshal the reasons I think that.

Note that while Tate even in his clarification that Ron would accept said they didn't have the five states to nominate, Ron in fact had six states file to nominate him, and was entitled to a nomination speech until the rules were retroactively changed by vote to change the rules, which not just us, but most conservatives who commented on it, thought to be at most a tied voice vote that should have been counted. http://www.google.com/search?q=rnc+teleprompter+scandal&aq=1&oq=rnc+telepromp&sugexp=chrome,mod=7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

But if you are saying Tate was lying, then why should we believe any of that line at all? where did it come from?

You were one of the back stabbers, and you can't admit it. I know you'd love to talk yourself back into being able pretend you were in the right again. Feel free. I won't read it anyway.

Ron was happy about the rule change. He was probably in on it. He didn't want to be nominated. You and some others just didn't give a hoot what he wanted.

01-08-2013, 10:30 AM
So treacherous Neo-Con trash does not like Alex Jones .... to me this indicates Jones did something good.

Jack Hunter is NOT a patriot in my opinion .... he is a sold out whore!

01-08-2013, 10:34 AM
All I can say, is that I was in that chair, I would have done the same thing. Minus the volume of my voice. But I would hijack the fuck out of a CNN TV show and personally embarrass Piers. Piers may have won politically, but he looked like such a wimpy little shit last night.

Are we still trying to compromise and play nice with the establishment? Why? I thought we learned from the last year that the system won't allow us to co-opt shit. Ever since this movement went to Washington, it's splintered and became some insecure mess. Why? Because I feel that too many people have gotten the taste of Washington now. We need a little less Jack Hunter, Jesse Benton, Freedomworks type strategy. We used to applaud the in-your-face actions. Like Kokesh at the convention before he took too much DMT. I like that shit. We applaud when it's done in other countries. But here it seems, the new "leaders" of this movement are very comfortable writing articles, Facebook posts, Youtube videos spreading opinions, when it used to be about just spreading KNOWLEDGE.

I don't know, I took Dr. Paul's message quite seriously when he spoke about how we are over the cliff as a nation, and only a change in the voters minds will save us. Playing nice with the media or Washington so that Rand Paul can MAYBE get a cabinet position in 2016 has nothing to do with my freedom.

I sound negative I know. But I see this movement is turning into a lot of different sects trying to influence the overall future of Liberty in this country. We have the FreedomWorks, YAL, Hunter, Youtube celebrity side. That uses words like "purge" when it comes to the Jones crowd. Then I see the old guard of 07, some of which (me included) are so turned off by the political dancing of Liberty candidates, and I guess "pundits". When I read the quotes in the OP, I just see the same media belittling we complain about on a daily basis.

When I read Hunter's comments, or that kid that I think is the President of YAL that always has some snarky FB remark towards the "truther" or "conspiracy crowd", I think of two things:

1) They are just attacking what they don't understand. They are attacking what makes them uncomfortable. They are attacking what they don't believe in. They are attacking what is different. They are attacking what is against their best interest. Sound familiar. And worst of all, they are attacking critical thinking and freedom of expression. I have no time for that. It's sad really.

2) "“The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. "I don't understand this person. So they're crazy." That's bullshit. These people are not crazy." -Dave Chappelle

Just a shitty job of following Ron Paul's footsteps. You know, the gentleman that never "purged" anyone and pretty much is the reason that YAL guy (or Mr. FreedomWorks) is even important.

I just want to get back to what got us here. Behind the scenes, grassroots efforts to educate the PEOPLE.

But let's instead spend 2 days pointing fingers at an Alex Jones. Like he's the actual reason our 2nd Amendment is under attack. It's under attack because of one thing; mindless masses that proudly admit to ignoring politics, unless Anderson Cooper tells them some something is important.

"Alex Jones hurts our movement!". Movement where? To the White House? To "take our government back!"? Does anyone really believe we are headed in that direction? I'm sure a ton of people here have some plan or theory about how we will take back our liberty through Washington in 2016. But the success I have seen is in the conversations I have on a daily basis. With normal people who see at least some of what we see.

Last night was entertainment, pure and simple. We act as if these individuals owe us something.

I speak for myself, and no one speaks for me. This should be a leaderless effort to educate. Like I think the doctor ordered.

Thread winner.

plus rep.

01-08-2013, 10:35 AM
so sick of the Ron Paul Inc. crowd. Can't these people just plow ahead and not offend "the base"?

So much fail.

01-08-2013, 10:36 AM

People are pissed at Alex Jones for being angry? We should all be fucking livid. Stop acting like docile, mentally castrated pussies and grow a pair. It's time to get in their face. Why should we speak in hushed tones and act all polite when we are being metaphorically raped in the ass every day?
- Paul Joseph Watson

01-08-2013, 10:40 AM
so sick of the Ron Paul Inc. crowd. Can't these people just plow ahead and not offend "the base"?

So much fail.

LOL ... ain't that the truth. These clowns need to go away ....

01-08-2013, 10:53 AM
so sick of the Ron Paul Inc. crowd. Can't these people just plow ahead and not offend "the base"?

So much fail.

The people offended aren't the base. If they ever were, those days are gone. We here are plowing ahead, right there with Hunter, Petersen, Rand, Amash, Bentivolio, etc. The day will come fairly soon that those who intend to be counterproductive to this will not last here.

01-08-2013, 11:07 AM
The people offended aren't the base. If they ever were, those days are gone. We here are plowing ahead, right there with Hunter, Peterson, Rand, Amash, Bentivolio, etc. The day will come fairly soon that those who intend to be counterproductive to this will not last here.

Very true. People that are offended by the comments made by Petersen and Hunter are an infinitely small portion of the electorate. And if it wasn't these comments that would offend them, it will be something else that will offend them.

Just this week we have seen people here be highly critical of Kerry, Cruz, Rand and now Hunter and Peterson. Is it really worth it for those folks, and others like them to pander to a very small, highly volatile "base"? I don't think so.

01-08-2013, 11:10 AM
The best thing Alex Jones did was expose the lie and conceit of "formal" news media. He made a mockery of it all, just by being Alex Jones. It's all a sideshow. It's infotainment. It's unSerious stupidity.

Bastiat's The Law
01-08-2013, 11:21 AM
The people offended aren't the base. If they ever were, those days are gone. We here are plowing ahead, right there with Hunter, Petersen, Rand, Amash, Bentivolio, etc. The day will come fairly soon that those who intend to be counterproductive to this will not last here.

01-08-2013, 11:25 AM
All I can say, is that I was in that chair, I would have done the same thing. Minus the volume of my voice. But I would hijack the fuck out of a CNN TV show and personally embarrass Piers. Piers may have won politically, but he looked like such a wimpy little shit last night.

Are we still trying to compromise and play nice with the establishment? Why? I thought we learned from the last year that the system won't allow us to co-opt shit. Ever since this movement went to Washington, it's splintered and became some insecure mess. Why? Because I feel that too many people have gotten the taste of Washington now. We need a little less Jack Hunter, Jesse Benton, Freedomworks type strategy. We used to applaud the in-your-face actions. Like Kokesh at the convention before he took too much DMT. I like that shit. We applaud when it's done in other countries. But here it seems, the new "leaders" of this movement are very comfortable writing articles, Facebook posts, Youtube videos spreading opinions, when it used to be about just spreading KNOWLEDGE.

I don't know, I took Dr. Paul's message quite seriously when he spoke about how we are over the cliff as a nation, and only a change in the voters minds will save us. Playing nice with the media or Washington so that Rand Paul can MAYBE get a cabinet position in 2016 has nothing to do with my freedom.

I sound negative I know. But I see this movement is turning into a lot of different sects trying to influence the overall future of Liberty in this country. We have the FreedomWorks, YAL, Hunter, Youtube celebrity side. That uses words like "purge" when it comes to the Jones crowd. Then I see the old guard of 07, some of which (me included) are so turned off by the political dancing of Liberty candidates, and I guess "pundits". When I read the quotes in the OP, I just see the same media belittling we complain about on a daily basis.

When I read Hunter's comments, or that kid that I think is the President of YAL that always has some snarky FB remark towards the "truther" or "conspiracy crowd", I think of two things:

1) They are just attacking what they don't understand. They are attacking what makes them uncomfortable. They are attacking what they don't believe in. They are attacking what is different. They are attacking what is against their best interest. Sound familiar. And worst of all, they are attacking critical thinking and freedom of expression. I have no time for that. It's sad really.

2) "“The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. "I don't understand this person. So they're crazy." That's bullshit. These people are not crazy." -Dave Chappelle

Just a shitty job of following Ron Paul's footsteps. You know, the gentleman that never "purged" anyone and pretty much is the reason that YAL guy (or Mr. FreedomWorks) is even important.

I just want to get back to what got us here. Behind the scenes, grassroots efforts to educate the PEOPLE.

But let's instead spend 2 days pointing fingers at an Alex Jones. Like he's the actual reason our 2nd Amendment is under attack. It's under attack because of one thing; mindless masses that proudly admit to ignoring politics, unless Anderson Cooper tells them some something is important.

"Alex Jones hurts our movement!". Movement where? To the White House? To "take our government back!"? Does anyone really believe we are headed in that direction? I'm sure a ton of people here have some plan or theory about how we will take back our liberty through Washington in 2016. But the success I have seen is in the conversations I have on a daily basis. With normal people who see at least some of what we see.

Last night was entertainment, pure and simple. We act as if these individuals owe us something.

I speak for myself, and no one speaks for me. This should be a leaderless effort to educate. Like I think the doctor ordered.
Damn I wish I could buy you a beer right now. You summed up exactly how I feel about all these johnny come latelys, and the supposed 'veterans' of the liberty movement with their upturned noses at us folks that started this whole thing. You are 100% completely spot on right, cheers to you.

01-08-2013, 11:31 AM
The people offended aren't the base. If they ever were, those days are gone. We here are plowing ahead, right there with Hunter, Petersen, Rand, Amash, Bentivolio, etc. The day will come fairly soon that those who intend to be counterproductive to this will not last here.
Go right ahead and schmooze to your heart's delight, be assimilated all you like. The old guard will keep on, keepin on and hold the torch while you look back and wonder how you got compromised right into the same mess you were trying to change. But do not think for one second that you watered down so called activists are going to push us out.

01-08-2013, 11:32 AM
All I can say, is that I was in that chair, I would have done the same thing. Minus the volume of my voice. But I would hijack the fuck out of a CNN TV show and personally embarrass Piers. Piers may have won politically, but he looked like such a wimpy little shit last night.

Are we still trying to compromise and play nice with the establishment? Why? I thought we learned from the last year that the system won't allow us to co-opt shit. Ever since this movement went to Washington, it's splintered and became some insecure mess. Why? Because I feel that too many people have gotten the taste of Washington now. We need a little less Jack Hunter, Jesse Benton, Freedomworks type strategy. We used to applaud the in-your-face actions. Like Kokesh at the convention before he took too much DMT. I like that shit. We applaud when it's done in other countries. But here it seems, the new "leaders" of this movement are very comfortable writing articles, Facebook posts, Youtube videos spreading opinions, when it used to be about just spreading KNOWLEDGE.

I don't know, I took Dr. Paul's message quite seriously when he spoke about how we are over the cliff as a nation, and only a change in the voters minds will save us. Playing nice with the media or Washington so that Rand Paul can MAYBE get a cabinet position in 2016 has nothing to do with my freedom.

I sound negative I know. But I see this movement is turning into a lot of different sects trying to influence the overall future of Liberty in this country. We have the FreedomWorks, YAL, Hunter, Youtube celebrity side. That uses words like "purge" when it comes to the Jones crowd. Then I see the old guard of 07, some of which (me included) are so turned off by the political dancing of Liberty candidates, and I guess "pundits". When I read the quotes in the OP, I just see the same media belittling we complain about on a daily basis.

When I read Hunter's comments, or that kid that I think is the President of YAL that always has some snarky FB remark towards the "truther" or "conspiracy crowd", I think of two things:

1) They are just attacking what they don't understand. They are attacking what makes them uncomfortable. They are attacking what they don't believe in. They are attacking what is different. They are attacking what is against their best interest. Sound familiar. And worst of all, they are attacking critical thinking and freedom of expression. I have no time for that. It's sad really.

2) "“The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. "I don't understand this person. So they're crazy." That's bullshit. These people are not crazy." -Dave Chappelle

Just a shitty job of following Ron Paul's footsteps. You know, the gentleman that never "purged" anyone and pretty much is the reason that YAL guy (or Mr. FreedomWorks) is even important.

I just want to get back to what got us here. Behind the scenes, grassroots efforts to educate the PEOPLE.

But let's instead spend 2 days pointing fingers at an Alex Jones. Like he's the actual reason our 2nd Amendment is under attack. It's under attack because of one thing; mindless masses that proudly admit to ignoring politics, unless Anderson Cooper tells them some something is important.

"Alex Jones hurts our movement!". Movement where? To the White House? To "take our government back!"? Does anyone really believe we are headed in that direction? I'm sure a ton of people here have some plan or theory about how we will take back our liberty through Washington in 2016. But the success I have seen is in the conversations I have on a daily basis. With normal people who see at least some of what we see.

Last night was entertainment, pure and simple. We act as if these individuals owe us something.

I speak for myself, and no one speaks for me. This should be a leaderless effort to educate. Like I think the doctor ordered.


01-08-2013, 11:35 AM
Damn I wish I could buy you a beer right now. You summed up exactly how I feel about all these johnny come latelys, and the supposed 'veterans' of the liberty movement with their upturned noses at us folks that started this whole thing. You are 100% completely spot on right, cheers to you.
There's no need to have this cry me a river mindset in dealing with how the bulk of the movement operates. The fact is, these figure heads of the RP movement will always have the vast majority of supporters tending to run with their tactics as they have the avenues and mouth pieces to organize said movement. Those that don't like it are free to do whatever they want to advance their version of how the movement should be ran but cohesiveness works better in the long run. That said, I'm neutral to these guys' take on Jones performance and really don't care one way or the other. I'd venture to say that those that do hold the view that Jones and whoever hurts the movement feel this way because they're constantly being lumped into a faction that they're not a fan of.

01-08-2013, 11:38 AM
Go right ahead and schmooze to your heart's delight, be assimilated all you like. The old guard will keep on, keepin on and hold the torch while you look back and wonder how you got compromised right into the same mess you were trying to change. But do not think for one second that you watered down so called activists are going to push us out.

Then how would you suggest this movement grows in both size and influence, if a percentage of it is so quick to criticize like-minded individuals like Hunter, Petersen, Kerry, Rand, Cruz, et al? For starters, just based on your statement above you have no place for folks like erowe and myself in your clique - now if half of the folks here are choosing them same path as people like myself are, you just alienated half of your potential audience. How can you then grow from where you are at now?

01-08-2013, 11:39 AM
Go right ahead and schmooze to your heart's delight, be assimilated all you like. The old guard will keep on, keepin on and hold the torch while you look back and wonder how you got compromised right into the same mess you were trying to change. But do not think for one second that you watered down so called activists are going to push us out.

Here's a rule from the forum guidelines:

Content Guidelines: The following guidelines regulate site content:

+ No promoting agendas that counter our Mission Statement.

This does apply to being antagonistic against the campaigns that we are promoting when they're going on. People who want to do that may be able to up through 2014. But once Rand becomes the flagship here, then, yes, they will be pushed out. You probably know this already.

01-08-2013, 11:42 AM
Here's a rule from the forum guidelines:

This does apply to being antagonistic against the campaigns that we are promoting when they're going on. People who want to do that may be able to up through 2014. But once Rand becomes the flagship here, then, yes, they will be pushed out. You probably know this already.
Time will eventually tell who was in the right I suppose. I hope you are right actually, because if we are, it's all for the worse for our republic.

01-08-2013, 11:42 AM
funny, all the people at my office thought the interview was awesome, and one person called Jones intelligent.
these are average folk, not jones fan club.

01-08-2013, 11:43 AM
funny, all the people at my office thought the interview was awesome, and one person called Jones intelligent.
these are average folk, not jones fan club.
You and them are completely wrong of course. /s

01-08-2013, 11:46 AM
funny, all the people at my office thought the interview was awesome, and one person called Jones intelligent.
these are average folk, not jones fan club.

Personally, I haven't encountered anyone that watched it since there was a game on last night and a lot of other choices. The handful of people that have emailed me on it today saw some stuff on the news. Like I said, this was calculated - Jones was being Jones, and I am sure he will sell more water filters today than he did all last week.

01-08-2013, 11:49 AM
The only reason Jack Hunter, Jesse Benton, Collins, etc keep attacking anyone who doesn't agree with their strategy, is because they are jockeying for power and control of a "movement" they can barely understand.

We could have all just gotten along, but it appears that the continuance of these attacks just furthers the division. so be it.

01-08-2013, 11:59 AM
We could have all just gotten along, but it appears that the continuance of these attacks just furthers the division. so be it.

It goes both ways though: one statement, one vote and there is a whole contingency that forms a lynch mob. There's a nice number of liberty candidates in the House right now. I bet that by summer time everyone of them will be raked over the coals and called "traitors to the movement" by some cabal here.

01-08-2013, 12:04 PM
The only reason Jack Hunter, Jesse Benton, Collins, etc keep attacking anyone who doesn't agree with their strategy, is because they are jockeying for power and control of a "movement" they can barely understand.

We could have all just gotten along, but it appears that the continuance of these attacks just furthers the division. so be it.

that's the feeling i get too...

01-08-2013, 12:07 PM
The only reason Jack Hunter, Jesse Benton, Collins, etc keep attacking anyone who doesn't agree with their strategy, is because they are jockeying for power and control of a "movement" they can barely understand.

We could have all just gotten along, but it appears that the continuance of these attacks just furthers the division. so be it.


01-08-2013, 12:10 PM
funny, all the people at my office thought the interview was awesome, and one person called Jones intelligent.
these are average folk, not jones fan club.

Funny, the people I've spoken to about it thought he was insane and that it was entertaining.

01-08-2013, 12:13 PM
Funny, the people I've spoken to about it thought he was insane and that it was entertaining.

I guess I keep better company.

01-08-2013, 12:17 PM
I think the listeners he gains will not be from watching last night, but from those who have a morbid curiosity after listening to his crucifixtion in the media over the next 24 hours. They are not likely people to have their minds' changed. Hope I am wrong.

Anyone with "morbid curiosity" enough to listen to a couple of Alex Jones shows and then follows up with enough "morbid curiosity" to actually look up some of the "crazy" information Jones talks about will likely change their mind and quit supporting big government. I look forward to more "curious" people looking up the Saudi Visa Express program.

01-08-2013, 12:32 PM

your claim appears to be truthful.

To be fair, there were quite a few negative comments as well.

Piers Morgan knew what he was doing to get Alex Jones on his show because Jones IS a right-wing zealot living in his own conspiracy theorist world. The LAST person you want arguing a 2nd Amendment case for us gun owners is Alex Jones. The dude is a liability that everyone needs to distance themselves from.

Alex Jones LOST because he LOST his temper. Alex Jones has some good facts and then he says “How many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pen?” Geez, Alex, why are you talking about great white sharks or jumping off the top of the Empire State Building? Suicide pills?? Alex can’t stay on topic!!

Serious question: Is Alex Jones mentally insane?

Yeah, unfortunately Morgan won. Jones made the gun rights side look bad.

It did seem positive overall though. Nevertheless, although I'm not a fan, I don't have any problem with Alex doing what he wants.

01-08-2013, 12:33 PM
I'm surprised that Jack Hunter has not already written a blog about how stupid Ron Paul is for going on AJ's show tomorrow and the damage he is doing to the movement.

01-08-2013, 12:35 PM
Alex Jones blamed the problems in American society on what he called “mass murder pills” and immediately attacked the corporate sponsor of CNN whom he tried to characterize as poisoning people with antidepressants so they would be motivated to commit murder. Although it is strange that Alex would make that claim as America always has been a statistically more violent nation compared to the UK even since before antidepressants were commonly distributed.


And here we go again. Just because Alex Jones talks about a lot of different "conspiracy" theories does not make everything he says automatically invalid. Jones is bombastic, but the danger and role of prescription drugs in these mass murder cases needs to be addressed. The manufacturers know what the side effects are. It's printed on the damn label! How can that be a "conspiracy"?!

01-08-2013, 12:36 PM
I can't wait for the return of the Hale Bopp comet so AJ and all of his "awakened" followers can put on their Nikes and be gone.

01-08-2013, 12:42 PM
I can't wait for the return of the Hale Bopp comet so AJ and all of his "awakened" followers can put on their Nikes and be gone.

the statist are the ones drinking the kool-aid.
The AJ people will have proper water filters.

01-08-2013, 12:43 PM
Exclusive coverage of Alex's last trip with his followers to chase bilderbergs latest annual meeting...I wish i could find video evidence of when he had his followers running for the hills when he said the russians were setting off nukes in 2000.


01-08-2013, 12:45 PM
the statist are the ones drinking the kool-aid.
The AJ people will have proper water filters.

Sold to them of course by Alex Jones.

01-08-2013, 12:47 PM
Sold to them of course by Alex Jones.

well, he doesn't own the company, but he will make a cut.
He is getting their product in front of people, people get paid for that...
Unless you also have a problem with people getting paid.

01-08-2013, 12:49 PM
You were one of the back stabbers, and you can't admit it. I know you'd love to talk yourself back into being able pretend you were in the right again. Feel free. I won't read it anyway.

Ron was happy about the rule change. He was probably in on it. He didn't want to be nominated. You and some others just didn't give a hoot what he wanted.


01-08-2013, 12:49 PM
well, he doesn't own the company, but he will make a cut.
He is getting their product in front of people, people get paid for that...
Unless you also have a problem with people getting paid.

Not at all. I just think when you get to the bottom of it all, last night was all about Jones being his bombastic self to get more people onto his website. He could have very well been mild-mannered and stuck to the 2nd Amendment issue alone - but if he did, no one would be talking about him today. I believe, the whole of the events from yesterday from the TSA incident to him flying off the handle were all carefully orchestrated.

Jones is a showman first, a pitchman second, and a commentator third.

01-08-2013, 12:53 PM
Not at all. I just think when you get to the bottom of it all, last night was all about Jones being his bombastic self to get more people onto his website. He could have very well been mild-mannered and stuck to the 2nd Amendment issue alone - but if he did, no one would be talking about him today. I believe, the whole of the events from yesterday from the TSA incident to him flying off the handle were all carefully orchestrated.

Jones is a showman first, a commentator second.

everyone is also talking about the 2nd amendment, and people are feeling emboldened in general by the interview.
at work, people never heard of Jones or any of the other things he was talking about-
today, i have them looking all the stuff up.

I sent the tube to one guy at work. He apparently sent it to everyone else... and it has been topic of the day.

01-08-2013, 12:53 PM
Here's a rule from the forum guidelines:

This does apply to being antagonistic against the campaigns that we are promoting when they're going on. People who want to do that may be able to up through 2014. But once Rand becomes the flagship here, then, yes, they will be pushed out. You probably know this already.

Each subforum has a mini mission statement, but this is the mission statement:

Mission Statement: Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

If Josh decides to make Rand 'the flagship' here, so all who post mustn't say anything about the way Ron's campaign ended even if it doesn't include Rand, as what I posted wasn't about Rand at all, that would certainly be his option, but right now you are simply making things up, as far as I can tell.

01-08-2013, 12:56 PM
everyone is also talking about the 2nd amendment, and people are feeling emboldened in general by the interview.
at work, people never heard of Jones or any of the other things he was talking about-
today, i have them looking all the stuff up.

I sent the tube to one guy at work. He apparently sent it to everyone else... and it has been topic of the day.

Right - all because Jones was being Jones. Some guy files off the handle at Pierce Morgan - come see the freak show.

The event won't move the debate an inch one way or another. It was a mutually beneficial ratings ploy for both parties. Like I said if it was a calm and mild-mannered interview than no one would care and it wouldn't be on the front page of Drudge. Both Jones and Morgan got exactly what they wanted - attention. And honestly, I highly doubt that anyone is going to turn from pro-gun to anti-gun (or vice versa) because of this.

01-08-2013, 01:00 PM
but right now you are simply making things up, as far as I can tell.

You just keep telling yourself that.

I don't expect you to get the boot, since you haven't yet. You obviously have some kind of special arrangement here, not sure if you're Josh's mother-in-law or what. But you and I both know that others of your ilk will need to find ways to be more supportive of whatever official campaigns we're rallying around by the time doing that becomes important.

If you haven't checked where the url randpaulforums.com takes you, it's worth a look.

01-08-2013, 01:04 PM
The event won't move the debate an inch one way or another. It was a mutually beneficial ratings ploy for both parties.

Entirely true. There's no need to panic or rejoice over it.

01-08-2013, 01:09 PM
You just keep telling yourself that.

I don't expect you to get the boot, since you haven't yet. You obviously have some kind of special arrangement here, not sure if you're Josh's mother-in-law or what. But you and I both know that others of your ilk will need to find ways to be more supportive of whatever official campaigns we're rallying around by the time doing that becomes important.

If you haven't checked where the url randpaulforums.com takes you, it's worth a look.

It takes you to Rand Paul's subforum, as it has since he started to run for Senate. I noticed it then.

I will likely end up voting for Rand if the lineups are what they seem likely to be at this point, and barring some other liberty bear coming out of the woods so to speak. However, he will have to motivate me between now and then to make it more than that. That could happen, as I have said he is one of our best senators, and he has three years. But you are the one making this about Rand, not me, your statement was about RON, and about those who supported his campaign through convention, and I was defending him, and our support of him, not saying anything at all about Rand.

01-08-2013, 01:10 PM
Entirely true. There's no need to panic or rejoice over it.

Well you can rejoice if you own the storable food company that advertises on his show - because for them their pitchman did a great job last night.

01-08-2013, 01:15 PM
your statement was about RON, and about those who supported his campaign through convention, and I was defending him, and our support of him, not saying anything at all about Rand.

Those who supported Ron supported his decision not to pursue the nomination. Those who tried to force him to were not supporting him. You banned people for not joining you in your efforts against him.

But no, that's not what my statement was about in the post you quoted in the post of yours to which I was replying, to which you replied with the post to which I am replying here.

01-08-2013, 01:16 PM
I believe, the whole of the events from yesterday from the TSA incident to him flying off the handle were all carefully orchestrated.

Anyone who disagrees with you is just a Coincidence Theorist!

01-08-2013, 01:18 PM
Those who supported Ron supported his decision not to pursue the nomination. Those who tried to force him to were not supporting him. You banned people for not joining you in your efforts against him.

But no, that's not what my statement was about in the post you quoted in the post of yours to which I was replying, to which you replied with the post to which I am replying here.

You are the one who brought in Rand. Ron wasn't being forced, which was my response. If someone actually wants the facts of it I will post them, but I'm not going around on this topic with you, who already know them.

01-08-2013, 01:21 PM
One thing is true, our enemies are better united than us. The last thing we need is more divisive pricks.

01-08-2013, 01:25 PM
Anyone who disagrees with you is just a Coincidence Theorist!

Haha. I suppose so.

But seriously (and this is my last post on this for the day), yesterday morning Alex Jones had a choice to make. He could keep his calm, stay on topic and make the case for gun rights. Or he could refuse to take off his shoes at the airport and then fly off the handle during the show saying some pretty wild soundbites. Hmmm which one is going to get me the most attention? Ca-ching.

Ok, I have said enough. No one needs to get their panties in a bunch about all of this either way. Stay safe folks, and have a great day!

01-08-2013, 01:31 PM
You are the one who brought in Rand.

That was on the topic of this website's mission in reply to someone else who seemed to be under the impression that the kind of anti-"Ron Paul, Inc." stuff that is allowed here for now will continue to be even when it becomes counterproductive to us.

No, Ron fortunately didn't end up being forced to accept or turn down the nomination. But some people were trying to force him. And you did everything you could to hijack this website to support them in that. Maybe the same types of people think they still have an ally here, since you're still a mod. And maybe for now they still do. But if you think that will continue, who are you trying to kid?

01-08-2013, 01:35 PM
That was on the topic of this website's mission in reply to someone else who seemed to be under the impression that the kind of anti-"Ron Paul, Inc." stuff that is allowed here for now will continue to be even when it becomes counterproductive to us.

No, Ron fortunately didn't end up being forced to accept or turn down the nomination. But some people were trying to force him. And you did everything you could to hijack this website to support them in that. Maybe the same types of people think they still have an ally here, since you're still a mod. And maybe for now they still do. But if you think that will continue, who are you trying to kid?

This website and certainly Ron's forum which at that time even had a mission statement saying it was in support of his run, was supporting Ron through convention. Suggesting doing precisely what the website was for was hijacking it is ludicrous. Telling people it was impossible for Ron to get 5 states, as some who wanted people's efforts elsewhere were doing, or that Ron didn't want it, as Tate's own email clarifies was untrue (which I posted the link to above) was going against that purpose.

You have reached a level of spin where I am going to disengage and let you twirl on your own.

01-08-2013, 01:40 PM
This website and certainly Ron's forum which at that time even had a mission statement saying it was in support of his run, was supporting Ron through convention.

That's a lie. You know full well that you actively prohibited people from supporting Ron's decision not to pursue the nomination in that forum. The only opinion allowed was from those who went against him. You repeatedly deleted posts that only went so far as to encourage people merely to ask themselves the question of whether or not Ron wanted what they were pursuing.

01-08-2013, 01:58 PM
The people offended aren't the base. If they ever were, those days are gone. We here are plowing ahead, right there with Hunter, Petersen, Rand, Amash, Bentivolio, etc. The day will come fairly soon that those who intend to be counterproductive to this will not last here.You made a similar statement (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?400526-Bentivolio-I-m-not-really-a-Ron-Paul-person&p=4809527&viewfull=1#post4809527) to me yesterday. What makes you think you get to determine who will be purged from this board?

01-08-2013, 01:58 PM
Haha. I suppose so.

But seriously (and this is my last post on this for the day), yesterday morning Alex Jones had a choice to make. He could keep his calm, stay on topic and make the case for gun rights. Or he could refuse to take off his shoes at the airport and then fly off the handle during the show saying some pretty wild soundbites. Hmmm which one is going to get me the most attention? Ca-ching.

Ok, I have said enough. No one needs to get their panties in a bunch about all of this either way. Stay safe folks, and have a great day!

Thats his role. To act like a raving lunatic like Jim Jones to discredit anything of serious value. Then whatever he espouses is then seen as a crazy view. "Oh, gun rights? Didnt that crazy person on tv advocate that?"

01-08-2013, 02:01 PM
Go right ahead and schmooze to your heart's delight, be assimilated all you like. The old guard will keep on, keepin on and hold the torch while you look back and wonder how you got compromised right into the same mess you were trying to change. But do not think for one second that you watered down so called activists are going to push us out.http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t270/cajuncocoa/Emoticons/clap.gifhttp://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t270/cajuncocoa/Emoticons/clap.gifhttp://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t270/cajuncocoa/Emoticons/clap.gif

and +rep!

01-08-2013, 02:04 PM
The only reason Jack Hunter, Jesse Benton, Collins, etc keep attacking anyone who doesn't agree with their strategy, is because they are jockeying for power and control of a "movement" they can barely understand.

We could have all just gotten along, but it appears that the continuance of these attacks just furthers the division. so be it.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ninepointfive again.

01-08-2013, 02:46 PM
But seriously (and this is my last post on this for the day), yesterday morning Alex Jones had a choice to make. He could keep his calm, stay on topic and make the case for gun rights. Or he could refuse to take off his shoes at the airport and then fly off the handle during the show saying some pretty wild soundbites. Hmmm which one is going to get me the most attention? Ca-ching.

Alex Jones has the echo chamber in full swing with post after post, thread after thread and blog post after blog post, I think it was a grand slam for Jones. If he was impassionate at this interview there would hardly be any discussion the next day. This is a huge win, there were more truth bombs packed into that interview than any I have seen recently. If he kept calm it would have been a big FAIL. Don't fault AJ for being AJ, it's what he does and he does it well.

Capt, my troll radar is starting to alert.

01-08-2013, 02:57 PM
Here's a rule from the forum guidelines:

This does apply to being antagonistic against the campaigns that we are promoting when they're going on. People who want to do that may be able to up through 2014. But once Rand becomes the flagship here, then, yes, they will be pushed out. You probably know this already.

LOL! You do realize this is a forum right? A virtual space on the internet? Ain't no one getting "pushed out". Not by you or anybody else. If they want to stay and post here, what can you do about it? Besides whine that is.

01-08-2013, 02:58 PM
LOL! You do realize this is a forum right? A virtual space on the internet? Ain't no one getting "pushed out". Not by you or anybody else. If they want to stay and post here, what can you do about it? Besides whine that is.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't speaking as someone with any authority. It was just a prediction. You probably know it was accurate, unless you really didn't know that people had been banned from here.

01-08-2013, 03:01 PM
Young newbies attack their veteran pioneer mentor, classy!

01-08-2013, 03:03 PM
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't speaking as someone with any authority. It was just a prediction. You probably know it was accurate, unless you really didn't know that people had been banned from here.With all the elitism coming from the Ron Paul Inc. crowd these days I'd say this site is in a perilous spot already. If those of us that hold principle over all are pushed out, the site will be officially dead.

01-08-2013, 03:07 PM
Hunter is wrong in his analysis, judging Jones by the contrived political rules. Jones program is more of a precursor to something far more revolutionary. Politics by nature confines and restrains change under false pretenses.

01-08-2013, 03:08 PM
Alex Jones is an entertainer and self-styled truth teller.

He is not running a political campaign...

Detractors need to remember that. It's not his job to win votes. We are diverse enough to have different opinions.

01-08-2013, 03:10 PM
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't speaking as someone with any authority. It was just a prediction. You probably know it was accurate, unless you really didn't know that people had been banned from here.

who was banned and why?

01-08-2013, 03:10 PM
Alex Jones is an entertainer and self-styled truth teller.

He is not running a political campaign...

Detractors need to remember that. It's not his job to win votes. We are diverse enough to have different opinions.

yep, his job is to speak what people want to hear and make money doing it.

01-08-2013, 03:15 PM
who was banned and why?

Hundreds of people, for lots of reasons. But when we're in campaign mode here, which we aren't right now, then fighting against our campaign efforts has definitely resulted in people being banned.

01-08-2013, 03:17 PM
Then how would you suggest this movement grows in both size and influence, if a percentage of it is so quick to criticize like-minded individuals like Hunter, Petersen, Kerry, Rand, Cruz, et al? For starters, just based on your statement above you have no place for folks like erowe and myself in your clique - now if half of the folks here are choosing them same path as people like myself are, you just alienated half of your potential audience. How can you then grow from where you are at now?

I dont think Cruz is "like minded". He's an israel first teocon. He has small government rhetoric but hasn't suggested what to cut from the budget and like Rubio is just offering platitudes that are essentially meaningless. Though I appreciate strong statements on 2nd Amendment so he's not all bad.

Most of us can see through the Teocon act.

We have to be careful who we consider "like minded".

01-08-2013, 03:17 PM
You were one of the back stabbers, and you can't admit it. I know you'd love to talk yourself back into being able pretend you were in the right again. Feel free. I won't read it anyway.

Ron was happy about the rule change. He was probably in on it. He didn't want to be nominated. You and some others just didn't give a hoot what he wanted.

This is crap. Pretty much every grassroots conservative opposed the rule change. Even Palin. A fair few Romney delegates voice voted against it. No way Ron would be in on this.

01-08-2013, 03:19 PM
Alex Jones has the echo chamber in full swing with post after post, thread after thread and blog post after blog post, I think it was a grand slam for Jones. If he was impassionate at this interview there would hardly be any discussion the next day. This is a huge win, there were more truth bombs packed into that interview than any I have seen recently. If he kept calm it would have been a big FAIL. Don't fault AJ for being AJ, it's what he does and he does it well.

Capt, my troll radar is starting to alert.

Mine too. But, it's on you.

01-08-2013, 03:19 PM
Hundreds of people, for lots of reasons. But when we're in campaign mode here, which we aren't right now, then fighting against our campaign efforts has definitely resulted in people being banned.

I've only ever seen obvious trolls banned here. If there's disagreements on strategy and a ban then that is heavy-handed. If there's non-stop criticism and hostile posts about a candidate we're backing during a campaign then you have to conclude they're a troll/COINTELPRO/infiltrator

01-08-2013, 03:20 PM
Thats his role. To act like a raving lunatic like Jim Jones to discredit anything of serious value. Then whatever he espouses is then seen as a crazy view. "Oh, gun rights? Didnt that crazy person on tv advocate that?"

Yup, I wholeheartedly agree.

01-08-2013, 03:26 PM
I dont think he has a "role". Alex Jones is himself. He's his own boss. He's a radio host and an entertainer. He's built his business from scratch and he doesn't adhere or take orders from anyone.

And the criticism about him not sufficiently blaming Israel for 9/11 is ridiculous. I remember after 9/11 he was covering the Israeli front groups house moving company and those Israeli nationals who were high fiving. Wasn't one of them detained or deported? I can't remember anyway but he has covered the Israeli involvement including the Israeli messaging company in the WTC building. I think it could have been in one of his films.

01-08-2013, 03:26 PM
Yup, I wholeheartedly agree.

I disagree LE. If it was another show or channel I might agree. But Morgan proved that he wasn't interested in a real discussion on the subject based on how he treated the GOA guy. I think AJ did perfectly, morgan didn't deserve anything else.

01-08-2013, 03:28 PM
This is crap. Pretty much every grassroots conservative opposed the rule change. Even Palin. A fair few Romney delegates voice voted against it. No way Ron would be in on this.

I don't know. He definitely didn't want to be nominated. And he definitely didn't complain about that. If he or one of his surrogates didn't explicitly go along with it behind the scenes, then he was relieved to have someone other than himself be the one to tell his delegates they couldn't nominate him.

01-08-2013, 03:30 PM
I disagree LE. If it was another show or channel I might agree. But Morgan proved that he wasn't interested in a real discussion on the subject based on how he treated the GOA guy. I think AJ did perfectly, morgan didn't deserve anything else.

It's not about Piers Morgan. It's ALWAYS about the lookers-on.. the listeners.

01-08-2013, 03:31 PM
Thats his role. To act like a raving lunatic like Jim Jones to discredit anything of serious value. Then whatever he espouses is then seen as a crazy view. "Oh, gun rights? Didnt that crazy person on tv advocate that?"

That is exactly what Alex just did. No sane person lets their passion get the better of them the way that he did in that interview. But Alex is sane, and it was intentional.

01-08-2013, 03:31 PM
I'm not a fan of Alex Jones, but I finally took the time to watch his interview with Piers Morgan last night. I really don't care if you dislike Alex Jones or not. The man has been correct on numerous topics. Just as he is on the topic of the 2nd amendment. He's a very passionate and emotional man, so what? Doesn't make him any less wrong on those topics. It just makes him rather annoying to listen to (for many).

Give him credit where it's due, instead of shunning someone who is in the right. You should embrace the people that speak the cold harsh truth, even if they do it in a manner you personally disagree with. We should be threatening a revolution, if they attempt to pass gun control.

01-08-2013, 03:33 PM
It's not about Piers Morgan. It's ALWAYS about the lookers-on.. the listeners.

I get that, but it is about him. Morgan is not impartial and by the very fact that he has his show, gives an air of authority. AJ crapped all over that supposed authority. I'm of the opinion that it was all a net gain.

01-08-2013, 03:35 PM
It's not about Piers Morgan. It's ALWAYS about the lookers-on.. the listeners.

And I hope the lookers-on..the listeners took this single thing from that interview....

"1776 Will Commence Again If You Try To Take Our Firearms"

01-08-2013, 03:37 PM
And I hope the lookers-on..the listeners took this single thing from that interview....

"1776 Will Commence Again If You Try To Take Our Firearms"

I didn't see the interview. But this is definitely a true statement, and those who do support taking our guns need to know it.

John F Kennedy III
01-08-2013, 03:41 PM
Lol. Yet another thread that will devolve into rabid AJ hatred and false statements from the haters.

There's a difference in legitimate critiques and just being a hateful childish AJ basher.

Don't get me wrong, some of you actually do have legitimate critiques. But in my almost year and a half on here I'd say easily 90% of you just bash with no attempt at a legitimate critique.

Have fun in this thread that is also destined to be several dozen pages of pointless bullshit.

01-08-2013, 03:43 PM
The truth got out and for that I am very thankful.

How folks react to truth doesn't have anything to do with how the truth was presented, but rather where folks are in their thinking.

Lead a horse to water.. -It sure ain't the water sitting in a dirty hole or water sitting in a pretty goblet's fault.

01-08-2013, 03:48 PM
Please take note our relative post counts and tell me again who's trolling?

Mine too. But, it's on you.

01-08-2013, 03:51 PM
Lol. Yet another thread that will devolve into rabid AJ hatred and false statements from the haters.

There's a difference in legitimate critiques and just being a hateful childish AJ basher.

Don't get me wrong, some of you actually do have legitimate critiques. But in my almost year and a half on here I'd say easily 90% of you just bash with no attempt at a legitimate critique.

Have fun in this thread that is also destined to be several dozen pages of pointless bullshit.


01-08-2013, 03:52 PM
Alex is not a political figure. He can drop his trousers and light farts for all I care. He is not restrained by the false dialogue that goes on.

01-08-2013, 03:55 PM
It's not about Piers Morgan. It's ALWAYS about the lookers-on.. the listeners.Again, some of you worry too much about people who can't think critically. If they could, they wouldn't need to be persuaded about the 2nd Amendment; they would already KNOW.

01-08-2013, 03:58 PM
Lol. Yet another thread that will devolve into rabid AJ hatred and false statements from the haters.

There's a difference in legitimate critiques and just being a hateful childish AJ basher.

Don't get me wrong, some of you actually do have legitimate critiques. But in my almost year and a half on here I'd say easily 90% of you just bash with no attempt at a legitimate critique.

Have fun in this thread that is also destined to be several dozen pages of pointless bullshit.

Devolve into hatred? The only post I saw that fits into that category today is this one:

Originally Posted by John F Kennedy III
Fuck anybody and everybody bashing AJ. If he was calm you would have whined like little bitches that he allowed Morgan to control the "debate" and didn't end up saying anything noteworthy.

You sick, twisted, establishment loving (people?) should be ashamed of yourselves for constantly filling every thread about AJ with your ridiculous child like hatred. You get up there and say it better then if you don't like it.

You're no different than the fucking blind sheeple crying about muslim terrorists. You're worthless. Either accept it or change it.

01-08-2013, 04:03 PM
Hundreds of people, for lots of reasons. But when we're in campaign mode here, which we aren't right now, then fighting against our campaign efforts has definitely resulted in people being banned.If people were banned for causing a disruption for RON PAUL's campaign, that would be completely understandable since his name is on the banner, the url, and because HE is the primary reason most people signed up for this board. It was never part of the deal that I would like and support Rand, Bentivolio, Jack Hunter, Jessie Benton, FreedomWorks, Judge Napolitano, Alex Jones, Amash, Massie, or any of the other people we talk about. Some of the people I really like, some I like a little, others not so much...but RON PAUL is the man who brought me here and who unites most of us.

I hope the owner of the site remembers that going forward. The best thing that this board could do (in my opinion) is drop what divides us (campaigning for candidates not all of us agree about) and go back to what unites us: promoting ISSUES that Ron Paul supported.

01-08-2013, 04:04 PM
It's not about Piers Morgan. It's ALWAYS about the lookers-on.. the listeners.

Its about the onlookers who can witness AJs own actions and words in the following video. The onlookers can see right through the silly people who resort to labeling critical thinkers as "haters" when the only hate seems to be coming from Alex himself:


Feeding the Abscess
01-08-2013, 04:16 PM
It goes both ways though: one statement, one vote and there is a whole contingency that forms a lynch mob. There's a nice number of liberty candidates in the House right now. I bet that by summer time everyone of them will be raked over the coals and called "traitors to the movement" by some cabal here.

Oh no, people are holding people who claim to believe in the same thing as they do to a high standard.

Cry me a fucking river. What would you have us do, be moronic sycophants like Obamadrones, who still think he's going to strike down the PATRIOT Act, Gitmo, and actually try to say he's shut down secret prisons? While apologizing for outright murdering people all around the world, apparently in some plot to bring liberal progressive peacemaking to the world?

01-08-2013, 04:17 PM
Fact Check Debate: Alex Jones Vs. Piers Morgan

Fact checking Alex Jones is no easy task, especially when he made over 30 statements in a 10 minute clip. This is only a partial list of statements, a full report would take days to dissect.
Alex Jones

* FBI says there’s a 20%+ rate drop in crime: True, but over many years, not just in a single year
* About 74% of about 11,000+ gun homicides in the US were gang related: As an average, True
* 190,000 people died from hospital infections: Couldn’t find recent data but in 2009 it was the 4th leading cause of death in the United States, and this 2012 article put’s it around the same rank
* The Number 1 killer in history is “governments” who killed 292 millions people in the 21st Century: True
* Britain took your guns 15-16 years ago and it tripled violent crime: True. Britain is the most violent country in Europe
* Michael Springman head of (inaudible) department blew the whistle that the hijackers were allowed into the US: Potentially True. A lot of news outlets reported on this. Here’s one.
* Mexico, total gun ban on citizens, over 50,000 died in three years: True
* German fasle-flag firebomb April 27th 1933: True
* Mega banks have bragged that they have taken over in Bloomberg, AP. True, this has been said on those outlets. I’ve seen them personally but don’t have time to dig around for them.
* Criminal elements of the military industrial complex were behind 9/11: Unknown, but history will tell.
* Criminal factions of the US Military were behind Gulf of Tonkin: True, Robert McNamara said publicly that it was a false flag.
* Criminal elements of the military industrial complex were behind Operation Gladio: True
* Why don’t you go back and face charges for the hacking scandal? True
* Why did you get fired from the daily mirror for putting out fake stories? True
* The government buys 1.6 billion bullets last year : True
* The number 1 cause of death is suicide: Couldn’t find solid 2011 or 2012 data but suicide is in the top 10 and has climbed every year for over a decade. Link
* Why don’t you want to get rid of drugs? Because they’re half your sponsors? This is an exaggeration but a lot of drug companies advertise on CNN.
* 3 times the amount of people are killed with rocks, pipes, knives: Need more information, but this number is higher than you think.
* Murder with a semi automatic weapon is very low. Unknown but Hand Guns are #1 but a long shot. Here.
* Mao killed 80 million people because he was the only guy who had the guns: Estimates vary widely, with 80,000,000 on the very HIGH end.
* Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe, and your country (Britain) has the highest: True

Piers Morgan

There were 35 gun murders in Britain last year: True

America has the most guns out of 23 of the richest countries in the world: True

He didn’t make too many statements.

01-08-2013, 04:23 PM
* Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe, and your country (Britain) has the highest: True

Piers Morgan

There were 35 gun murders in Britain last year: True

America has the most guns out of 23 of the richest countries in the world: True

He didn’t make too many statements.

Help me with this one.

So Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe, and Britain the highest.
Britain has only 35 gun murders last year, how many did Switzerland have last year?
Does Switzerland have ANY gun control? Or gun control debate?

Feeding the Abscess
01-08-2013, 04:25 PM
Help me with this one.

So Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe, and Britain the highest.
Britain has only 35 gun murders last year, how many did Switzerland have last year?
Does Switzerland have ANY gun control? Or gun control debate?

England has tons of knife crime, muggings, and other violent crimes.

01-08-2013, 04:30 PM
England has tons of knife crime, muggings, and other violent crimes.

+rep. Thanks for answering the question. I got tied up with something else.

01-08-2013, 04:32 PM
It needed to be done.Alex is like the guard dog of the liberty movement and he's not going anywhere, he's here to stay.

01-08-2013, 04:44 PM
England has tons of knife crime, muggings, and other violent crimes.And, as you might expect, there was an attempt to ban steak knives in the UK. Piers Morgan is probably proud. :rolleyes:

Occam's Banana
01-08-2013, 04:50 PM
The event won't move the debate an inch one way or another. It was a mutually beneficial ratings ploy for both parties. Like I said if it was a calm and mild-mannered interview than no one would care and it wouldn't be on the front page of Drudge. Both Jones and Morgan got exactly what they wanted - attention. And honestly, I highly doubt that anyone is going to turn from pro-gun to anti-gun (or vice versa) because of this.

I agree, but there is more to it than just this: http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?400712-No-more-gun-control-quot-debates-quot-!-Molon-labe!

01-08-2013, 04:56 PM
Please take note our relative post counts and tell me again who's trolling?

That would be you.

01-08-2013, 04:57 PM
It needed to be done.Alex is like the guard dog of the liberty movement and he's not going anywhere, he's here to stay.

Alex doesn't have a thing to do with the liberty movement.

01-08-2013, 05:01 PM
Alex doesn't have a thing to do with the liberty movement.

Please define "liberty movement."

01-08-2013, 05:16 PM
Alex doesn't have a thing to do with the liberty movement.Maybe not to the polite don't-offend-anybody GOP wing of the "liberty movement", but I'll take AJ over those who are playing a political game any day.

01-08-2013, 05:22 PM
Jack Hunter:

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4Fhgipbf6YT1D3rBK0cxw0qw4Far4L INPkuoL63_huq_OfJR5

01-08-2013, 05:30 PM


was once invited by Alex Jones to be on his show. Instead of having me on he cancelled at the last minute and ran a hit piece, claiming I looked like very attractive celebrities. Strange but true! WHY U NO DEBATE ME ALEX JONES?


As it turns out, Operation Northwoods never happened. Also, Oswald actually shot JFK and the magic bullet theory should have been called the "regular bullet theory". Plus 9/11 wasn't an inside job. And a bonus: The Gulf of Tonkin wasn't actually a false flag at all. Plus there aren't any FEMA camps. Sorry guys, I looked it up.

Petersen continues to attack AJ, claiming that Alex tried to have him on his show.

Here is the message from the Alex Jones Show team he included as proof:

6/26/12 - A user has submitted their contact information.
Name: Darrin REDACTED

Hello from Austin, Texas. I just read an article on Examiner.com that talked about the proliferation of conspiracy theories within the ranks of the Liberty Movement. We are wondering if you'd be interested in discussing this topic with Alex Jones either on the syndicated radio broadcast or vis skype interview for the InfoWars Nightly News. Hope to hear from you soon.

Julie Borowski (also of FreedomWorks) also chimed in on Twitter.


Oh of course the Piers Morgan show would book Alex Jones to defend the pro-gun position.

Disclaimer: I am neutral on this and believe both sides are guilty of some wrongdoing, just reporting the news as it is.

01-08-2013, 05:43 PM
Alex doesn't have a thing to do with the liberty movement.Holy crap!!! The ONLY person to give Ron ANY chance to spread his message for YEARS..... The man almost maniacally promoting the first moneybombs.... The man thats years ahead of the curve talking about all types of encroachments on our freedoms and the constitution.... And you have the audacity to say he has nothing to do with the liberty movement!?!?!? AND...AND claim you aren' trolling!?!?!? Wow....

01-08-2013, 05:44 PM
Holy crap!!! The ONLY person to give Ron ANY chance to spread his message for YEARS..... The man almost maniacally promoting the first moneybombs.... The man thats years ahead of the curve talking about all types of encroachments on our freedoms and the constitution.... And you have the audacity to say he has nothing to do with the liberty movement!?!?!? AND...AND claim you aren' trolling!?!?!? Wow....LOL...no kidding.

01-08-2013, 05:44 PM
Screw you LE for making me defend AJ so adamantly. I never listen to the guy, don't like defending him, but I can't let that slide.

01-08-2013, 06:00 PM
Right - all because Jones was being Jones. Some guy files off the handle at Pierce Morgan - come see the freak show.

The event won't move the debate an inch one way or another. It was a mutually beneficial ratings ploy for both parties. Like I said if it was a calm and mild-mannered interview than no one would care and it wouldn't be on the front page of Drudge. Both Jones and Morgan got exactly what they wanted - attention. And honestly, I highly doubt that anyone is going to turn from pro-gun to anti-gun (or vice versa) because of this.

but the 2nd amendment isn't up for debate.
its a natural god-given right. period. end of discussion.
if you are someone talking about taking it with force, I hope someone will stand up and shout you down.

01-08-2013, 06:07 PM
If people were banned for causing a disruption for RON PAUL's campaign, that would be completely understandable since his name is on the banner, the url, and because HE is the primary reason most people signed up for this board. It was never part of the deal that I would like and support Rand, Bentivolio, Jack Hunter, Jessie Benton, FreedomWorks, Judge Napolitano, Alex Jones, Amash, Massie, or any of the other people we talk about. Some of the people I really like, some I like a little, others not so much...but RON PAUL is the man who brought me here and who unites most of us.

I hope the owner of the site remembers that going forward. The best thing that this board could do (in my opinion) is drop what divides us (campaigning for candidates not all of us agree about) and go back to what unites us: promoting ISSUES that Ron Paul supported.

check out this website: Liberty Forest (http://www.libertyforest.com) :D

01-08-2013, 06:14 PM

your claim appears to be truthful.

Hot damn, I can't believe my eyes. I used to be a member on that site about a year and a half ago, and it's rare that you'd see that many posters agreeing with Alex Jones of all people.

01-08-2013, 06:55 PM
I'm not a fan of Alex Jones, but I finally took the time to watch his interview with Piers Morgan last night. I really don't care if you dislike Alex Jones or not. The man has been correct on numerous topics. Just as he is on the topic of the 2nd amendment. He's a very passionate and emotional man, so what? Doesn't make him any less wrong on those topics. It just makes him rather annoying to listen to (for many).

Give him credit where it's due, instead of shunning someone who is in the right. You should embrace the people that speak the cold harsh truth, even if they do it in a manner you personally disagree with. We should be threatening a revolution, if they attempt to pass gun control.

TV isn't about who is right, it's about who can get the audience to listen, like him, and learn. So if the audience saw an angry man who didn't want to be civil, they won't learn or care if he was actually right, they might not even bother to check their facts.

01-08-2013, 06:56 PM
check out this website: Liberty Forest (http://www.libertyforest.com) :DYes, I know about that. It would be better to go back to that IMO. At least then, we aren't tied to any candidate.

01-08-2013, 07:04 PM
Yes, I know about that. It would be better to go back to that IMO. At least then, we aren't tied to any candidate.

We should be a debating society instead of engaging in the political process? No thanks, you guys are interesting, but not that interesting. I'm here to support a site that wants to actually engage in the political fight.

01-08-2013, 07:09 PM
We should be a debating society instead of engaging in the political process? No thanks, you guys are interesting, but not that interesting. I'm here to support a site that wants to actually engage in the political fight.
I may be mistaken, but I think she means getting back to supporting the ideas of liberty and freedom vs supporting people who may or may not use our grassroots network and not follow through on the ideals of the liberty movement.

01-08-2013, 07:25 PM
We should be a debating society instead of engaging in the political process? No thanks, you guys are interesting, but not that interesting. I'm here to support a site that wants to actually engage in the political fight.

I may be mistaken, but I think she means getting back to supporting the ideas of liberty and freedom vs supporting people who may or may not use our grassroots network and not follow through on the ideals of the liberty movement.That's exactly what I meant.

01-08-2013, 07:32 PM
That's exactly what I meant.

Supporting ideas instead of candidates? Same thing as a debating society, unless you have found an effective way to spread ideas without candidates.

01-08-2013, 07:33 PM
Alex Jones income is generated by his being seen by the largest group of people possible. His theatrics last night are guaranteed to increase his name recognition as the media crucifies him. So he wins. Piers Morgan also wins because he now has classic video of a raving lunatic right-wing nutjob to bolster his position.

The losers in the debate? Gun owners.


Alex Jones did a damn good job, save for the last 2 minutes with the 9/11 rubbish which was a setup by Morgan because all his other traps failed. Jones got in his face and mocked him. I don't even like Jones, I think he is a nutjob and kind of embaressingly in many areas. That being said, i give him a solid A+ for last night (F for 30 seconds about 9/11 stuff-even if true, it made him look bad).

We need to get in the face of these people and scream the facts right back at them! You do realize that is how the leftist gun grabbers manipulate people, right? All of you who think good arguments with emotional hysterics = hat-in-hand, eyes at the ground, polite discourse need to wake up. I don't care if people think we're a little crazy, that's more reason for them to be damn afraid of us.

Jones brought more people over to our side last night than we lost. All of the idiots who were "on the fence" weren't going to come to our side anyway, they're already dumb brainwashed sheeple.

Trust me, when you get in the face of the statists and show that you aren't afraid of them, **most** of them start to scurry away like the rats they are.

01-08-2013, 07:36 PM
As far as Jack Hunter is concerned, I remember when he was a nobody blogger who finally got a gig doing short segments on talk radio for Savage. Now I ask him to be on my medium-large sized talk radio show on 2 big pro-liberty networks and he is uninterested. Perhaps he is now too big for the non-establishmentarians. Tell Jack Hunter to come on the cbrons show. Tell Alex Jones to come on the cbrons show. I bet of the two, Alex Jones being much more popular than Jack Hunter, the "kook" (according to Glenn Beck) Alex Jones would be more likely to support the little people than the establishment hacks who walk around with their nose up at people.

01-08-2013, 07:44 PM
Supporting ideas instead of candidates? Same thing as a debating society, unless you have found an effective way to spread ideas without candidates.
In the event that you aren't being purposefully obtuse, support someone who is backing up their rhetoric until they retire or no longer back that rhetoric up. Was that really so hard to discern from my post?

01-08-2013, 07:46 PM
As far as Jack Hunter is concerned, I remember when he was a nobody blogger who finally got a gig doing short segments on talk radio for Savage. Now I ask him to be on my medium-large sized talk radio show on 2 big pro-liberty networks and he is uninterested. Perhaps he is now too big for the non-establishmentarians. Tell Jack Hunter to come on the cbrons show. Tell Alex Jones to come on the cbrons show. I bet of the two, Alex Jones being much more popular than Jack Hunter, the "kook" (according to Glenn Beck) Alex Jones would be more likely to support the little people than the establishment hacks who walk around with their nose up at people.
And that's the problem that I and others have with the Jack Hunter/Jesse Benton types and their cheerleaders, they were made who they were by supporting and championing the most principle man to ever walk the halls of Congress. But now they look down from their perches and scoff at us lowly folk that refuse to rub elbows with the establishment that we were supposed to be working to oust.

01-08-2013, 07:50 PM
And that's the problem that I and others have with the Jack Hunter/Jesse Benton types and their cheerleaders, they were made who they were by supporting and championing the most principle man to ever walk the halls of Congress. But now they look down from their perches and scoff at us lowly folk that refuse to rub elbows with the establishment that we were supposed to be working to oust.

at least they don't scoff the giant that made them rich

01-08-2013, 07:51 PM
Jack Hunter has no business calling out anybody for being ridiculous, with his voice/haircut.

01-08-2013, 07:52 PM
at least they don't scoff the giant that made them rich

By scoffing at us for not rubbing elbows with the establishment, they scoff the man that made them rich by extension. Ron Paul did a fine job without getting in bed with the establishment, and it's clear that many here don't like that and want us to roll over to make the establishment happy.

Bastiat's The Law
01-08-2013, 07:57 PM
Supporting ideas instead of candidates? Same thing as a debating society, unless you have found an effective way to spread ideas without candidates.
Agreed. Running for office was the best educational tool. Not only do you have a bigger platform to spread your ideas, but people are more tuned in during campaign season.

01-08-2013, 07:59 PM
In the event that you aren't being purposefully obtuse, support someone who is backing up their rhetoric until they retire or no longer back that rhetoric up. Was that really so hard to discern from my post?

Discern or assume? Because that's not what you said. And I thought that is what we were doing. What candidates have we supported who aren't good enough yet? I sure hope they don't dissapoint, but vetting will always be a serious concern.

01-08-2013, 08:01 PM
And that's the problem that I and others have with the Jack Hunter/Jesse Benton types and their cheerleaders, they were made who they were by supporting and championing the most principle man to ever walk the halls of Congress. But now they look down from their perches and scoff at us lowly folk that refuse to rub elbows with the establishment that we were supposed to be working to oust.

well said.

01-08-2013, 09:04 PM
As far as Jack Hunter is concerned, I remember when he was a nobody blogger who finally got a gig doing short segments on talk radio for Savage. Now I ask him to be on my medium-large sized talk radio show on 2 big pro-liberty networks and he is uninterested. Perhaps he is now too big for the non-establishmentarians. Tell Jack Hunter to come on the cbrons show. Tell Alex Jones to come on the cbrons show. I bet of the two, Alex Jones being much more popular than Jack Hunter, the "kook" (according to Glenn Beck) Alex Jones would be more likely to support the little people than the establishment hacks who walk around with their nose up at people.

Alex has been very supportive of new reporters. You may have a shot being on his show. Remember that local Fox News guy Ben Swann he recently had on and whose videos have been posted here recently?

01-08-2013, 09:21 PM
In the event that you aren't being purposefully obtuse, support someone who is backing up their rhetoric until they retire or no longer back that rhetoric up. Was that really so hard to discern from my post?I think some here are being purposely obtuse.

01-08-2013, 09:25 PM
Alex would have done better to not get so angry but I didn't hear him say anything that wasn't truthful. Jack Hunter's definition of "truth" is not the same as most people's definition of truth. In a revolution the Jack Hunter's of the world would be collaborating with the enemy while saying they are your friends.

01-08-2013, 09:25 PM
I think some here are being purposely obtuse.

And I think that some here are being purposely divisive.

01-08-2013, 09:29 PM
What can you expect from someone who backstabbed Ron Paul by defending an endorsement of Mitt Romney on Ron's own campaign website?

Weasels got to weasel, otherwise they wouldn't be weasels.

01-08-2013, 09:42 PM
I agree that Alex made gun owners look crazy, but I don't care because the interview was awesome!

01-08-2013, 09:44 PM
And I think that some here are being purposely divisive.If by divisive you mean staying true to the concepts of liberty while divorcing myself from those who wish to compromise it....OK, I'll wear that as a badge of honor.

01-08-2013, 09:52 PM
Alex has been very supportive of new reporters. You may have a shot being on his show. Remember that local Fox News guy he recently had on and whose videos have been posted here recently (can't remember his name right now)?

what was the interview about, now I'm curious what the guy's name is.

01-08-2013, 09:56 PM
If by divisive you mean staying true to the concepts of liberty while divorcing myself from those who wish to compromise it....OK, I'll wear that as a badge of honor.

Not what I meant, but proclaim yourself "most pure and true" if you wish.

01-09-2013, 02:01 AM
Holy crap!!! The ONLY person to give Ron ANY chance to spread his message for YEARS..... The man almost maniacally promoting the first moneybombs.... The man thats years ahead of the curve talking about all types of encroachments on our freedoms and the constitution.... And you have the audacity to say he has nothing to do with the liberty movement!?!?!? AND...AND claim you aren' trolling!?!?!? Wow....

I hope you changed your drawers by now. Sheesh.

Alex had Ron on because Ron gave Alex's show some credibility. Period.

It's too bad that you are so new in this movement that you had to hear about Ron from Alex, but some of us managed to hear about Ron many years before. And without Alex Jones. Imagine that.

01-09-2013, 02:02 AM
If by divisive you mean staying true to the concepts of liberty while divorcing myself from those who wish to compromise it....OK, I'll wear that as a badge of honor.


01-09-2013, 02:05 AM
Weasels got to weasel, otherwise they wouldn't be weasels.

Yeah, defending Ron's son on Ron's own website. Yeah, I'm sure that really upset Ron. :rolleyes:

Do you guys even read what you write?

01-09-2013, 03:33 AM
I don't have time to read the comments already posted but here's what happened on the show. Piers obviously knew what he was doing when he booked alex, that's why he prepared to seamlessly bring in "and who do you think was behind 9/11?", Piers completely had this planned and he accomplished his goal of making all 2nd amendment defenders look like conspiracy nuts. As for Alex, I've never been sure if this guy is a fraud completely or just someone who honestly believes in what he's doing but also wants to profit of it. Either way though, he made himself tons of money off this show, I can't remember a ron paul interview where ron makes sure to chime in "campaignforliberty.com", you get the idea. I'm really not trying to hate on Alex but what happened was precisely what Piers wanted to happen and I really don't want Alex Jones to be the speaker for me or libertarianism or the constitution.

Peace Piper
01-09-2013, 05:35 AM
I hope you changed your drawers by now. Sheesh.

Alex had Ron on because Ron gave Alex's show some credibility. Period.

It's too bad that you are so new in this movement that you had to hear about Ron from Alex, but some of us managed to hear about Ron many years before. And without Alex Jones. Imagine that.

The middle sentence again:

Alex had Ron on because Ron gave Alex's show some credibility. Period.

You're now Miss Cleo? Have you gone your entire life making such assumptions? It couldn't be because Alex actually believes in what he says, unlike the hunter/benton BS brigade, right? Just what the "movement" needs right now, people like you to spread the wondrous joys of unity.

Given a choice between the kind of condescending, snide and empty self congratulation shown above, and Alex Jones sometimes ...uhhh... unconventional sincerity (that's right, sincerity, something these hunter/benton buffoons will never begin to understand) I'll take Alex Jones any flipping time thank you very much. I don't expect you to believe me, just watch what happens next election to the slick gladhanders.

Maybe some people are just jealous of Alex- after all, he is independently wealthy and is going to talk to a few million people today on a network that he founded and grew from tumbleweeds while others play forum sniper.

Alex just makes some people feel inadequate. Real leaders are like that, sometimes. Imagine that.

PS I haven't been able to figure out why your posts are so irritating so often, but I do give you credit for consistency.

01-09-2013, 07:22 AM
I hope you changed your drawers by now. Sheesh.

Alex had Ron on because Ron gave Alex's show some credibility. Period.

It's too bad that you are so new in this movement that you had to hear about Ron from Alex, but some of us managed to hear about Ron many years before. And without Alex Jones. Imagine that.That's not what belian78 said, and you know it.

(But that's what you do, you belittle someone by implying they said something quite different from what they actually said).

belian78 didn't say HE heard about Ron from Alex; he said, Alex is "(t)he ONLY person to give Ron ANY chance to spread his message for YEARS"

01-09-2013, 07:24 AM
Given a choice between the kind of condescending, snide and empty self congratulation shown above, and Alex Jones sometimes ...uhhh... unconventional sincerity (that's right, sincerity, something these hunter/benton buffoons will never begin to understand) I'll take Alex Jones any flipping time thank you very much. +rep

01-09-2013, 08:07 AM
It's too bad that you are so new in this movement that you had to hear about Ron from Alex, but some of us managed to hear about Ron many years before. And without Alex Jones. Imagine that.

For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents. In spring of 2007 I was easing myself into this movement. I had never heard of Ron Paul. Up until then, I was 50 years old and a raging liberal. Well known and active in my little community. It was my son and another young man @ work who "forced" me to look at Ron. Anyway, I was @ circuit city one day and mentioned Ron Paul to the young man assisting me. He lit up like a light bulb. We talked and then he asked me if I had heard of AJ. I hadn't. He wrote down Prison Planet and Inforwars.com. That was my introduction to AJ. My point being, AJ was getting Ron's name out back then. I don't think it matters when you first heard of Ron or what the source was. What matters is you did hear.

01-09-2013, 08:44 AM
The middle sentence again:

You're now Miss Cleo? Have you gone your entire life making such assumptions? It couldn't be because Alex actually believes in what he says, unlike the hunter/benton BS brigade, right? Just what the "movement" needs right now, people like you to spread the wondrous joys of unity.

Given a choice between the kind of condescending, snide and empty self congratulation shown above, and Alex Jones sometimes ...uhhh... unconventional sincerity (that's right, sincerity, something these hunter/benton buffoons will never begin to understand) I'll take Alex Jones any flipping time thank you very much. I don't expect you to believe me, just watch what happens next election to the slick gladhanders.

Maybe some people are just jealous of Alex- after all, he is independently wealthy and is going to talk to a few million people today on a network that he founded and grew from tumbleweeds while others play forum sniper.

Alex just makes some people feel inadequate. Real leaders are like that, sometimes. Imagine that.

PS I haven't been able to figure out why your posts are so irritating so often, but I do give you credit for consistency.

+rep! FWIW, I have known of Ron Paul since 1980, and I'm a Alex Jones supporter who acknowledges his role in giving Paul a big platform for years when no one (outside of Lew Rockwell) would. The two points are not in opposition. The Jones bashers just seem determined create this "Paul yes, Jones no" environment in post after post. There are at least several ways to skin a cat, or to properly promote the movement. Was Jefferson at the Boston Tea Party? NO. Was Paul Revere at the Constitutional Convention? NO. Etc., etc., the different players in this enterprise are each important, and so denigrating main players in the liberty movement is bothdisappointing and counter-productive.

01-09-2013, 09:03 AM
The Jones bashers just seem determined create this "Paul yes, Jones no" environment in post after post.

To be fair, there are just as many people on the other side of the equation that think if you aren't an AJ fan then you are a brainwashed sheep.

I'm of the opinion that we aren't a big enough group to exclude anybody based on who they like or don't like. As long as you are not proposing taking my money, my life or my freedoms then you are alright with me.

Matt Collins
01-09-2013, 09:17 AM
I think some here are being purposely obtuse.You must be knew here :o

Matt Collins
01-09-2013, 09:19 AM
The only reason Jack Hunter, Jesse Benton, Collins, etc keep attacking anyone who doesn't agree with their strategy, is because they are jockeying for power and control of a "movement" they can barely understand. Uhh... this is absolute nonsense.

Jesse was with Ron before he became popular back in 2007. Jack has been a Buchanan Republican forever, and I was once a member of the LP (for a very short time).

I don't think anyone is looking for "control" but there have to be leaders in any organization; it's just the way humans work.

01-09-2013, 09:22 AM
To be fair, there are just as many people on the other side of the equation that think if you aren't an AJ fan then you are a brainwashed sheep.

I'm of the opinion that we aren't a big enough group to exclude anybody based on who they like or don't like. As long as you are not proposing taking my money, my life or my freedoms then you are alright with me.

I'm really trying to think like this as well. Keep the message simple. Freedom: support anyone who seeks it. That is how we will grow and regain what we have lost.

01-09-2013, 09:29 AM
To be fair, there are just as many people on the other side of the equation that think if you aren't an AJ fan then you are a brainwashed sheep.

I'm of the opinion that we aren't a big enough group to exclude anybody based on who they like or don't like. As long as you are not proposing taking my money, my life or my freedoms then you are alright with me.

To be fair, the AJ supporters don't, unless provoked, start threads denigrating non-AJ supporters.


It usually starts with an AJ supporter posting a link to something AJ has said or done. Then the AJ bashers make a point to go out of their way (Because honestly if AJ ain't your cup of tea why would you even click on the thread?) to shit stir.
And Jack Hunter, who dislikes anyone in the conspiracy theory vein, should just stick to fucking writing about D.C. politics instead of the shit stirring he knew this would create.

01-09-2013, 09:36 AM
lol. Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment, 9.5.

01-09-2013, 09:40 AM
To be fair, the AJ supporters don't, unless provoked, start threads denigrating non-AJ supporters.

I usually don't say a thing until forum members start performing internet fellatio on Jones. He has his own forum on his own site for such hero worship and other proclivities.

01-09-2013, 09:51 AM
I usually don't say a thing until forum members start performing internet fellatio on Jones. He has his own forum on his own site for such hero worship and other proclivities.

If you don't like AJ then why do you go into one of his thread to see if other members are "performing internet fellatio." <<<< See that. That is called shit stirring. And this forum has always been about a great deal of many things. Always. Since I can remember it from 2007.
There is a reason why I do not go into "Religion" threads anymore. I leave those threads for believers to hash out their own beliefs. It serves no one for me to go into them and "shit stir." It serves nobody for me to go into them with my "non-religious" attitude and bash.

01-09-2013, 09:55 AM
If you don't like AJ then why do you go into one of his thread to see if other members are "performing internet fellatio." <<<< See that. That is called shit stirring. And this forum has always been about a great deal of many things. Always. Since I can remember it from 2007.

Such shitstirring has been happening for years by both AJfans and others; both equally. I'm guilty of trolling AJ fans just for kicks (in the past) but something coastie said made me change my mind. It would be great if we could all stop provoking each other and instead go poke at our real enemies elsewhere and come back here and talk about it. :)

01-09-2013, 10:28 AM
Jesse was with Ron before he became popular back in 2007.

Because he was inexpensive to employ.

01-09-2013, 10:50 AM
Such shitstirring has been happening for years by both AJfans and others; both equally. I'm guilty of trolling AJ fans just for kicks (in the past) but something coastie said made me change my mind. It would be great if we could all stop provoking each other and instead go poke at our real enemies elsewhere and come back here and talk about it. :)

I agree. It would be great. But, as you say it has been going on for years so I have my doubts. I'd like to feel that I've done my part by staying away from my "hot point" issue, "Religion." Perhaps everyone could just pick one issue that causes division for them and at least try to steer clear from it.

01-09-2013, 10:50 AM
Austin Petersen is a spineless twit who I once held a lot of respect for. Same for Jack Hunter. I'm no Alex Jones fan either, but to demonize the man for speaking the truth, regardless of his delivery, just shows who the real collectivists are.

01-09-2013, 01:04 PM
Hunter and Peterson are elitist looking for a seat at the table. According to them we should not be discussing topic outside of the 'mainstream' as it ruins their image. Screw them.

Yes Alex was over the top. So what, he's an individual like all of us. Even if he spoke in a nice voice, there is no reasoning with authoritarian thugs.

01-09-2013, 01:11 PM
Such shitstirring has been happening for years by both AJfans and others; both equally. I'm guilty of trolling AJ fans just for kicks (in the past) but something coastie said made me change my mind. It would be great if we could all stop provoking each other and instead go poke at our real enemies elsewhere and come back here and talk about it. :)

If there's one thing I've been certain of ever since joining this website, it's that people here focus on the points we don't agree on far more than the points on which we do agree. It's healthy to have debates, don't get me wrong, but our movement sometimes feels divided because of smaller issues, Alex Jones being one of many things that constantly divides us, another one being Rand and his many political moves. All this divisiveness and debate is healthy, but at the same time can be a bad thing since it feels like it's harder to unify at times.

Just my two cents on the whole issue.

01-09-2013, 01:19 PM
If there's one thing I've been certain of ever since joining this website, it's that people here focus on the points we don't agree on far more than the points on which we do agree. It's healthy to have debates, don't get me wrong, but our movement sometimes feels divided because of smaller issues, Alex Jones being one of many things that constantly divides us, another one being Rand and his many political moves. All this divisiveness and debate is healthy, but at the same time can be a bad thing since it feels like it's harder to unify at times.

Just my two cents on the whole issue.
I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate

01-09-2013, 01:41 PM
Such shitstirring has been happening for years by both AJfans and others; both equally. I'm guilty of trolling AJ fans just for kicks (in the past) but something coastie said made me change my mind. It would be great if we could all stop provoking each other and instead go poke at our real enemies elsewhere and come back here and talk about it. :)

Theyre called trolls. They come in all shapes and sizes.

01-09-2013, 02:14 PM
Hunter and Peterson are elitist looking for a seat at the table. According to them we should not be discussing topic outside of the 'mainstream' as it ruins their image. Screw them.


Peterson's especially deplorable. Saw him bemoaning the fact that some stubborn libertarians couldn't just accept the fact that bombing campaigns are sometimes defenseable and necessary. He is a piece of trash.

01-09-2013, 03:46 PM

Peterson's especially deplorable. Saw him bemoaning the fact that some stubborn libertarians couldn't just accept the fact that bombing campaigns are sometimes defenseable and necessary. He is a piece of trash.

Yep, I follow his crap on facebook. He posted up Rand/Rubio 2016 and before that made arguments in favor of pre-emptive aggression. He is NOT libertarian or anything close.

Some guy posted a screen cap of his profile at sugardaddie dot com and it was hilarious! Looked to be legit.. he's out trolling.

Occam's Banana
01-09-2013, 04:06 PM
To be fair, there are just as many people on the other side of the equation that think if you aren't an AJ fan then you are a brainwashed sheep.

I'm of the opinion that we aren't a big enough group to exclude anybody based on who they like or don't like. As long as you are not proposing taking my money, my life or my freedoms then you are alright with me.

QFT. Hear, hear!

01-09-2013, 04:12 PM
I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate

LMAO!! That article is hilarious!

Obviously fake too, most likely written by a real "paid shill", spreading dumb conspiracy theories and having the nuts believe them.

Anti Federalist
01-09-2013, 04:21 PM
It's not about Piers Morgan. It's ALWAYS about the lookers-on.. the listeners.

Nobody in Morgan's regular audience would be swayed.

Nobody on "our" side watches him.

So, he was put on notice, good for Alex.

No amount of calm, cool and reasonable is going to convince a bunch of murderous Stalinists that they are wrong.

01-09-2013, 04:35 PM
LMAO!! That article is hilarious!

Obviously fake too, most likely written by a real "paid shill", spreading dumb conspiracy theories and having the nuts believe them.

A typical response from a troll when confronted with the truth. Care to get more creative? Youre boring.

01-09-2013, 04:38 PM
I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate

I've already read deeply into that and seen people discuss it on here and I realize that some of the dissent is intentional. But you also have to realize that that is simply not always the case; some people genuinely disagree with each other on here. Thinking that everyone who doesn't think like you is paid off is ridiculous. Do I think some people on here are trolling or paid to divide us? You bet your ass I do. Do I think everyone is? Don't count on it.

01-09-2013, 04:40 PM
A typical response from a troll when confronted with the truth. Care to get more creative? Youre boring.

Do you have any proof that it is the truth?

Btw, before you accuse me of "de-railing", your buddy actually started the de-railing, and I started the thread.

Maybe I am boring, can't say the same about you though, some of the shit you believe cracks me up.

01-09-2013, 04:57 PM
I like both of them. Not really an Alex Jones fan, only on some of the things he does. (Like gun control rants!)

01-09-2013, 05:13 PM
I agree. It would be great. But, as you say it has been going on for years so I have my doubts. I'd like to feel that I've done my part by staying away from my "hot point" issue, "Religion." Perhaps everyone could just pick one issue that causes division for them and at least try to steer clear from it.


01-09-2013, 05:15 PM


give it up for Lent and see how it goes....

01-09-2013, 05:22 PM

give it up for Lent and see how it goes....

How'd ya know I was Catholic? My language, or my alcoholism?

01-09-2013, 05:24 PM
How'd ya know I was Catholic? My language, or my alcoholism?

I didn't know, but I do now!

01-09-2013, 05:26 PM

ROFL. Well, it's your choice.

Matt Collins
01-09-2013, 11:55 PM
I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate
http://consciouslifenews.com/paid-internet-shill-shadowy-groups-manipulate-internet-opinion-debate/1147073/Have you ever been to www.Fiverr.com ? :cool:

Matt Collins
01-09-2013, 11:56 PM
Some guy posted a screen cap of his profile at sugardaddie dot com and it was hilarious! Looked to be legit.. he's out trolling.Austin is a liberty guy, there is no question about that.

But Sugar Daddy.com?!!? I gotta see the profile for this, I'm sure it's hilarious. PLEASE link to it!

01-10-2013, 12:00 AM
As far as I know this is the largest mainstream (for lack of a better term) audience that Jones has ever been in front of.

No, not even close. Piers Morgan only has 320,000 viewers at best. AJ has been on way higher rated shows. The View has a way higher rating.

01-10-2013, 08:21 AM
Austin is a liberty guy, there is no question about that.

But Sugar Daddy.com?!!? I gotta see the profile for this, I'm sure it's hilarious. PLEASE link to it!

some guy posted it on Facebook.. his screen name is Climbhigher on that site..... it is hilarious.. he blocked me for making fun of it..

Austin is not liberty.. he's a Rubio neocon light interventionist... screw him.

Matt Collins
01-10-2013, 08:45 AM
Austin is not liberty.. he's a Rubio neocon light interventionist... screw him.Uhh, proof?

You know he used to be the Judge's producer, right?

01-10-2013, 08:50 AM
Uhh, proof?

You know he used to be the Judge's producer, right?

I've read enough of his FB update and responses to know.

Yes I knew that.. which is why I surprised to see that from him.

01-10-2013, 08:53 AM
Austin is not liberty.. he's a Rubio neocon light interventionist... screw him.

Do you have a source for his neoconservative posts? Probably not, because he isn't one. "Neocon" is very overused on here. If anyone who disagrees with Ron Paul on foreign policy is a neocon, then there really aren't that many people who aren't neocons. Under the broad definition of "neocon" used on RPF, even Pat Buchanan and Robert Taft would be classified as neocons.

I am concerned if he is an interventionist though (you can be an interventionist without being a neocon). Do you have a source for his interventionist posts?

He says he is non-interventionist here: http://www.facebook.com/ProducerPetersen/posts/466541800071472
Doesn't even sound like a Jacksonian interventionist, let alone a neoconservative.

01-10-2013, 09:03 AM
Source? Like him on FB and read through all that crap yourself and make up your own mind, don't listen to me.

Yes he's 90% liberty, but the other neocon stuff is a deal breaker for me.

01-10-2013, 09:04 AM
He defends hellfire bombings on civilian populations as long as the state says they are acting in self-defense. So fuck whatever he is, whatever you want to call it.

01-10-2013, 09:11 AM
He defends hellfire bombings on civilian populations as long as the state says they are acting in self-defense. So fuck whatever he is, whatever you want to call it.

Exactly... and if you retaliate against hellfire bombings you are a terrorist. Same old bullshit.

01-15-2013, 11:44 AM
Alex Jones responds to Austin Petersen

01-15-2013, 12:15 PM
Austin also has a new article about what he perceives to be the links between the conspiracy movement and Nazism. I've edited it into my OP.

01-15-2013, 12:26 PM
Subtitle of the article

The attempted commandeering of the cause of liberty should be rejected at every turn, says Austin Petersen

I couldn't agree more, Mr. Petersen. The question is, who is commandeering whom?

01-15-2013, 12:38 PM
Alex Jones is really on a roll lately.