View Full Version : Jim DeMint gets it kind of wrong.

12-07-2012, 02:45 PM
I'm driving to pick up some hay this morning and Beck is on. He has Jim DeMint on the line for a good 1/2 hour and for the most part he did pretty well, I suppose, but on one issue he surely screwed the pooch.

He asserted that the reason Republicans did not win this last election is because the GOP has failed to properly express conservative positions.

While that may have been a contributing factor, it is not the overriding reason.

The main reason they did not gain the Oval Office is because a thin majority of Americans are stupid, lazy, corrupt, and feel perfectly entitled to receive the better things in life on the backs of others.

Perhaps the senator was playing politics there - after all, how well would it go over were he to blast it across the land that he thinks the majority of Americans make morons look like aerospace engineers? Still, it bothers me to hear someone either getting it wrong or just plain lying in order not to offend the delicate sensibilities of people whose opinions are shit to begin with.

12-07-2012, 03:25 PM
eh, it's often 50/50. 12, 8 years ago Bush won.

We didn't vote for Romney. A lot of other conservatives didn't either. When your base isn't enthused, you have troubles.

It's always a bunch of things

12-07-2012, 04:20 PM
Romney lost because anyone who wasn't a flag waving fanboy for the Red team had no reason whatsoever to vote for him. I give Demint credit for NOT adopting the cop out I am hearing from Republicans that the Democrats won because they promised more goodies for the masses.

12-07-2012, 05:30 PM
I think he was right. The GOP is at fault. It has damaged its own image so badly that the only people who decide elections now are democrats and people who stay home on election day. And when you slam doors in faces of people trying to join your party, they're gonna stay home. 40% of the American people don't even get involved in voting, but many might if there were actually any difference between the two parties. Rather than offering Americans an alternative to the Democratic party, Republicans are trying to mimic the democratic party.