View Full Version : Stop Feds from Snooping in Your Text Messages

12-06-2012, 09:34 AM
Stop Feds from Snooping in Your Text Messages

A conglomerate of law enforcement agencies is lobbying Congress to create a 2-year record of your text message history. The government is attempting to force wireless providers to keep a log of its customers’ private correspondence.

This egregious affront on personal liberty is a consequence of a rapidly growing federal government. As the tentacles of Washington D.C. continue to expand, the average citizen is unable to maintain any semblance of privacy.

If grassroots activists don’t stand up for their 4th amendment rights, nothing will stop the federal government from continuing its push to monitor every movement of every citizen.

Send a message to your representatives right now and demand they protect the privacy of your personal text messages.


12-06-2012, 09:45 AM
So what you are saying is there is a marketplace for easy encrypted transmissions.