View Full Version : Re-Vitalizing the Tea Parties (and possibly saving us from global serfdom)

12-05-2012, 06:53 PM
I've just started soliciting mostly Tea Party groups to directly educate the public (via pamphleting) about real climate science, in the hopes that we can sink carbon taxes, which Senator Vitter has recently told us are being negotiated in secret. What follows below is my standard email.

I normally post at the progressive blog site firedoglake.com, but realized (with help :-) ) that I am mostly wasting my time. (One of the most recent insults hurled my way accused me of taking "blood money".) I keep challenging people to DEFINE the phrase "climate change denier" in a way that's not double-speak, but almost nobody is willing to do that. They are either that ignorant, or that afraid of what confronting their brainwashing will cost them, psychologically.

While it's likely that many people think in terms of putting pressure on Congress, but I am more concerned about educating the public, directly, about the global warming scam. I don't want to go into the reasons why, but suffice it to say that an enlightened public is more likely to pressure Congress, on their own.

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Howdy. I’m an independent populist, who sympathizes with the Tea Party on some issues, progressives on other issues, and libertarians on a couple.

According to Senator Vitter, there’s secret negotiations going on to implement a carbon tax. (All other tax negotiations are not secret.) See

http://www.rollcall.com/news/vitter_carbon_tax_discussions_should_be_done_openl y-219519-1.html?pos=oplyh

Never mind that the CO2 climate catastrophists’ dire predictions are mostly wrong. E.g., about a month ago, a global temperature surface temperature data set, called HADCRUT4, was released, and it showed no statistically significant warming IN SIXTEEN YEARS. Indeed, the error bars were wider than the meager increase, itself – which means that the earth may have COOLED in these sixteen years! See:


I think Vitter was being a tad disingenuous when he wrote:

“We cannot allow them to legislate by administrative fiat, withhold information and circumvent the law.”

The EPA can impose carbon taxes if there’s an “endangerment finding”, which apparently held up in court, this past summer. So, what is probably going on is that Obama is trying to finagle enough Republican votes to pass legislation towards this end, since everybody knows he can achieve much the same end result with EPA regulation. He can use the EPA pathway as a stick, and of course, there’s always lots of boodle to offer for the home district, to serve as a carrot.

How heavy a tax is this likely to be? I don’t know, frankly, but my guess is that the tax will either start out as heavy as Australia’s (which passed this year, and has been in operation a few months), or else ramp up to that level, in just a few years. Australians are now paying a carbon tax that comes out to about $2,500 for a family of four, per year. Meanwhile, the Chinese CO2 per capita footprint grew by 9% last year, so this tremendous financial sacrifice by the Australians will do essentially nothing to mitigate worldwide CO2 levels.

If you don’t want the Republican Party to own a carbon taxation scheme, right along with the Democratic Party, you need to act, NOW. The Tea Parties can mobilize a rapid, effective educational campaign, which can help sink carbon tax legislation.

There’s LOTS and LOTS of research – both data and analyses – showing how wrong the CO2 climate catastrophists are. However, the task before you is describing that research in language that laymen can understand, and then TRANSFERRING that knowledge to your fellow citizens. And that means, principally, fellow citizens who DON’T watch Fox News. I personally don’t think much of Fox News, but on this issue, they’ve given knowledgeable skeptics of CO2 Climate Catastrophism a much fairer hearing than the rest of mainstream media.

Since I don’t think Fox News would help you with your needs for written source material for battling carbon taxes, motivated by CO2 climate catastrophist “cooked science”, you should probably talk to Anthony Watts of the #1 climate blog, wattsupwiththat.com; as well as the Heartland Institute, which has given the climate catastophist institutional players conniptions, at about 1% of their funding!

How will you reach your non-Fox News listening fellow citizens?

I grew up in a NJ suburb (West Orange), and there’s basically only 2 public spaces that seem appropriate for pamphleting in any suburb – which is my preferred, low cost method of outreach. One (my favorite) is on the public sidewalks next to public and private schools. The other is public sidewalks next to little strip malls. Main Street is mostly dead, nowadays, but I basically never see political stuff, of any stripe, in one of the big indoor malls, so I doubt they will let anybody pamphlet about anything.

Almost all homes have PC’s, internet, and personal printers. The mechanics of widespread distribution of truth telling carbon tax pamphlets is a piece of cake. What is not a piece of cake is ORGANIZING the effort – which is where the Tea Parties can come in.

I’m not a member of any Tea Party, and don’t follow them closely, online, so am not sure how to compare their political strength now, with the situation a few years ago, when the Tea Parties were always in the news. (Big news coverage, I feel, both reveals and obscures the underlying strength of a movement, much like Occupy Wall Street.) However, my basic impression is that they are mostly stagnant, having made quiet gains behind the scenes, while suffering some demonization via the Media, which has dropped their favorability poll ratings, compared to a few years ago.

IMO, the Tea Parties need revitalization as the PUBLIC face of a DYNAMIC movement. Saving us from a politically motivated carbon tax might well provide a shot in the arm, just by itself. However, I personally consider that a limited goal.

A bigger educational goal for the Tea Parties, which will help garner them considerable public favor, is to be had by exposing the globalist intentions behind the CO2 hysteria. While I haven’t read the book or chapter, myself, Senator Inhoffe says, in this interview:


that the chapter written by his daughter is the must-read one, which goes into the political origins of global government via CO2 catastrophism scam. The game afoot, here, is not just “bigger government”, which is a big concern that I hear from the Tea Parties. Rather, the game afoot is GLOBAL government. The Obama Administration is currently negotiating a Trans Pacific trade deal
>> http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-trans-pacific-partnerships-global-economic-coup-secret-negotiations-behind-closed-doors/5304389

that has these characteristics:

* Allow corporations to sue nations if laws such as those protecting the environment or labor conditions interfere with corporate profits.
* Create a private corporate tribunal to hear these cases in which the judges are largely corporate lawyers.
* Extend the patent period for pharmaceuticals which will keep prices high and medications out of the hands of those who need them.
* End “Buy America” provisions which will lead to greater job outsourcing.
* Further de-regulate Big Finance.
* Undermine internet freedom of speech, right to privacy and due process, and hinder peoples’ abilities to innovate.

Nice guy, that Obama! A real patriot, huh?!