View Full Version : A Sound Dollar Salute to Ron Paul

12-04-2012, 08:09 PM
"Editor’s Note: Last month, one of the most-memorable members of the House of Representatives stepped down after more than 35 years of service. Ron Paul’s history of service to this country is nothing short of remarkable, but his commitment to — and living embodiment of — sound-dollar principles is why we’d like to ask you to join us in saluting him today."

Dear Friend,

It was 1976, the bicentennial year, when Rep. Ron Paul (I-Texas) first took a seat in Washington. He gave his farewell address in mid-November, but his legacy will not soon be forgotten.

Although only one of 435 congressmen, he was distinguished from the beginning by his uncommon determination to serve the cause of peace and prosperity by championing individual liberty. This he did with a consistency that baffled the plastic politicians of both parties.

Politics has ways of bending such lesser men, and molding even the well-intentioned to become servants of the state.

The tools are many: Congressional leadership bribes and bestows its favors, from plum committee assignments to nicer Capitol offices. Who wouldn’t prefer the spacious corner office to the one more-suited to serving as the janitor’s closet?

The parties reward the lockstep-marchers, too. For those who stay in step, there are endorsements and campaign funds. Meanwhile, for those who march to a different drummer, the party will recruit primary opponents — even from the other party.

And then there is the simple social pressure to which men whose eyes are not focused on a polestar of principle soon succumb. The description you’ve heard of Washington, that you have to go along to get along, is all too true.

A True Representative
Ron Paul never succumbed. He never sold out for a better assignment, a nicer office, lobbyist largesse, or shallow conviviality.

Nor has Congressman Paul ever taken a taxpayer-paid junket. He has never voted for a congressional pay raise. Nor has he ever voted for a tax increase or an unbalanced budget.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program. He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. Treasury every year. And he has never voted for a bill that contravenes the plain language of the Constitution.

That alone is enough for him to stand apart. But my regard, born of experience, runs deeper.

more at link: http://www.sounddollarcampaign.com/a-sound-dollar-salute-to-ron-paul-1121

then in conclusion:

‘A Life Uncommon’
As he acknowledges, there are no federal buildings or highways or major pieces of government-growing legislation named after Congressman Ron Paul. But his impact will last and his name will be remembered long after the untold thousands of plastic politicians have been forgotten.

Indeed, the singer Jewel has a stirring song that will forever remind me of Congressman Paul’s political career. She urged that if we would but lend our voices to the sound of freedom and fill our lives with love and bravery, then we shall lead lives uncommon.

Congressman Paul has inspired millions with his voice of freedom. He has led a life uncommon.

For your Freedom and Prosperity,


but the whole thing is worth reading.