View Full Version : Solution to money now - money later debate

11-20-2007, 09:46 PM
Think of Bydlak's plea for money today as a traffic ticket. Nothing you can do about it. Pay the $50 and suck it up.

Think of Tea Party as a planned outlay you HAVE to make...like your car payment. You wouldnt let a ticket stop you from paying your car on time would you?

Bitch about the traffic ticket all you want...just pay it AND stay on your goal for 12/16. We are being pushed by HQ like General Patton pushed his troops. They werent always happy about Pattons demands...until they won!

Find a way to come up with extra cash. You would if it were a traffic ticket wouldnt you?

Make no mistake...RP is literally risking his lfe. The leaset we can do is give until it hurts....both in time and effort.