View Full Version : GOP: Get involved NOW

11-17-2012, 02:14 AM
I went to a local GOP meeting earlier today. The mood was, in a word shellshocked. They had no answers, no path forward. An establishment flack tried to steer things towards the "we need to pander to Hispanics like Democrats do" line (which is apparently the official establishment line now) and the mood was not very receptive towards him - they could see that to continue down the GOP's current path is doomed due to demographics alone.

I supplied a few answers which were really nothing more than RP's usual boilerplate and attracted a lot more interest than I anticipated. Maybe I shouldn't have been all that terribly surprised to find human liberty to be an easy sell. But even still I was quite surprised to find people receptive to things like ending the drug war (their only hope of being competitive with the minority groups that were identified as the Achilles' heel of the party) and I think I even turned a few away from the neocon war mindset by pointing out all the contradictions in our strategy. One guy even went from "kill 'em all" attitude to acknowledging that it was wrong to kill innocents and that was in fact what we are doing all around the world, in the course of a 15 minute conversation. The idea that the GOP needs to become more libertarian was actually raised by three separate people without any prompting. Stressing moral concerns was a big winner with everyone I talked to.

The time is ripe, the ground is fertile. The GOP rank and file is hungry for answers and we're the only ones who have them. Locate your local GOP groups, attend and speak out. Speak truth, and don't be afraid to challenge the establishment flacks peddling their lame 'let's adopt Democrat policies' line.

11-17-2012, 10:23 AM
ping for the morning crowd so this doesn't get buried

11-17-2012, 11:02 AM
Great job. Be cautious, though. FoxNews will have them back in line before lunch time.

It's so funny how easily I can go out into the community and get people to agree with us on nearly everything, but when I see someone a week later, I have to do the whole routine again. It the difference between giving them a fish and teaching them to fish I guess. They don't really care where they get their fish from, but they really like the taste of the fish they get from FOX. Yeah, they're hungry, but as long as FOX keeps giving them the company line, they'll fall back asleep.

It happened with the Tea Party, too. People started to realize that FOX was just as bad as the rest of the media - they thought they were going to win but Fox lied to them. Now they're feeling it again. How do we avoid the same mistake as last time? We can get the movement started by feeding them fish, but how do we get them to fish on their own?

(did I beat that analogy to death, or what?)

11-17-2012, 11:07 AM
Now more than ever. Most states (but not all) elect party officers in the odd years (like 2013), so a convention effort starting now will bear a lot of fruit. Chances are if you are not hooked up with your local Paulers, you will be surprised to learn that they have a 2013 convention plan already in full steam.

11-17-2012, 11:14 AM
Great job. Be cautious, though. FoxNews will have them back in line before lunch time.

It's so funny how easily I can go out into the community and get people to agree with us on nearly everything, but when I see someone a week later, I have to do the whole routine again. It the difference between giving them a fish and teaching them to fish I guess. They don't really care where they get their fish from, but they really like the taste of the fish they get from FOX. Yeah, they're hungry, but as long as FOX keeps giving them the company line, they'll fall back asleep.

It happened with the Tea Party, too. People started to realize that FOX was just as bad as the rest of the media - they thought they were going to win but Fox lied to them. Now they're feeling it again. How do we avoid the same mistake as last time? We can get the movement started by feeding them fish, but how do we get them to fish on their own?

Really, the party takeovers are a big way to do that, because when you make your succession to leadership inevitable, the undiscerning unreasoning majorities will fall in line with the inevitability, and those who come to conventions have a powerful influence on the people around them who do not.

If Paulers end up owning 30 State Parties at the end of 2013, the inevitability of the dominance of our platform will put the follower majorities in our camp, and sheeple or no, they are GOP activists and will tend to go home and research 'their new position' so they will know how to properly sycophant on us.

I think the key to drawing the most partisans to our platform and philosophy will be to establish peaceful takeovers of the establishmentarian leadership frameworks within the party, and THEN actually doing a good job at those positions. At that point, the migration of the GOP to the strict Constitutionalist platform becomes inevitable, and so the masses of team-player sheeple types will come in droves in order to continue being team players.

11-17-2012, 11:25 AM
I know my precinct leader is a Ron Paul supporter and didn't really know that until recently seeing her wear a ron paul hoodie at a football game. I will try to go to the county meetings when they take place.

11-17-2012, 11:27 AM
I know my precinct leader is a Ron Paul supporter and didn't really know that until recently seeing her wear a ron paul hoodie at a football game. I will try to go to the county meetings when they take place.

Precinct Chairs should be on the County ExComm.

11-17-2012, 11:41 AM
I went to a local GOP meeting earlier today. The mood was, in a word shellshocked. They had no answers, no path forward. An establishment flack tried to steer things towards the "we need to pander to Hispanics like Democrats do" line (which is apparently the official establishment line now) and the mood was not very receptive towards him - they could see that to continue down the GOP's current path is doomed due to demographics alone.

I supplied a few answers which were really nothing more than RP's usual boilerplate and attracted a lot more interest than I anticipated. Maybe I shouldn't have been all that terribly surprised to find human liberty to be an easy sell. But even still I was quite surprised to find people receptive to things like ending the drug war (their only hope of being competitive with the minority groups that were identified as the Achilles' heel of the party) and I think I even turned a few away from the neocon war mindset by pointing out all the contradictions in our strategy. One guy even went from "kill 'em all" attitude to acknowledging that it was wrong to kill innocents and that was in fact what we are doing all around the world, in the course of a 15 minute conversation. The idea that the GOP needs to become more libertarian was actually raised by three separate people without any prompting. Stressing moral concerns was a big winner with everyone I talked to.

The time is ripe, the ground is fertile. The GOP rank and file is hungry for answers and we're the only ones who have them. Locate your local GOP groups, attend and speak out. Speak truth, and don't be afraid to challenge the establishment flacks peddling their lame 'let's adopt Democrat policies' line.

I live in Chicago where there really is no GOP but my mom who is out the Republican Suburbs echoed these sentiments.

Now is the time to steer the party from the ground up, but we've got to be delicate in the way we go about explaining things. We have to identify what it is that's important to these people and then show them how liberty would be the best way to get it.

11-17-2012, 12:13 PM
Speaking further with some of the local leadership, I am hearing a lot of resentment towards the establishment. People want an alternative, let's give it to them.

As a side note, it appears I have acquired the role of webmaster for my local GOP club. I suggest that those of you with Internet savvy can quickly earn friends by lending your tech skills to these GOP groups. Since these groups are dominated by older people there is a strong chance that your skills are desperately needed.

Okie RP fan
11-17-2012, 02:19 PM
Seriously people, get to your local GOP/political meetings and start thrusting liberty ideas into them. Just don't bring up Ron Paul's name, you'll be seen as obnoxious.

11-17-2012, 07:59 PM
word coming from other parts of VA, establishment is also peddling same line, getting cool to hostile reception from grassroots

11-17-2012, 08:03 PM
Sounds like these people would accept any idea at the moment , including bad ones that are worse than the previous ones. Spread liberty, but remember the hacks and frauds pedaling their ideas always sound more convincing.

11-17-2012, 08:17 PM
It depends on how your local party operates. Some are much closer than others. In my area, things blew up in everyone's face this time around. The Ron Paul supporters largely went for Gary Johnson, or --- and this blows my mind --- Obama with the Obama-now-Rand-in-2016 strategy. The local GOP also suffered losses in smaller offices, and they are regrouping around the "youth vote." The trouble is that I'm in one of those areas where the "youth vote" was mostly Romney. STAUNCHLY Romney. Lastly, this state is just too huge to go a Ron-like person's way anytime soon.

So while I can imagine some areas where getting involved with the GOP will yield a positive result, I doubt the area I live in is one of them. Maybe that's why I'm much more likely to support people in other areas where they have a chance of winning, than I am to run locally or attend my local GOP meetings.

11-17-2012, 08:42 PM
Off topic posts deleted. Thread is not about whether or not to work within the GOP, it is about encouragement and how-to for working within the GOP. If you have a better path to achieve liberty, make a seperate thread and go about doing it, but please do not derail and discourage other's efforts. Thank you.

+ Posts should respect the intent and desires of the Topic Starter.


11-17-2012, 09:38 PM
Off topic posts deleted. Thread is not about whether or not to work within the GOP, it is about encouragement and how-to for working within the GOP. If you have a better path to achieve liberty, make a seperate thread and go about doing it, but please do not derail and discourage other's efforts. Thank you.


Ok,sorry. Best of luck to you guys who try to bring about liberty through working with the GOP. I personally have other methods to achieve individual liberty, but if you think Republican party politics is the best way to gain freedom, then good for you.

11-17-2012, 10:52 PM
Ok,sorry. Best of luck to you guys who try to bring about liberty through working with the GOP. I personally have other methods to achieve individual liberty, but if you think Republican party politics is the best way to gain freedom, then good for you.

I can totally respect that you don't believe the GOP is a valid vehicle for advancing the cause of liberty. I'll even go as far as to acknowledge that you may in the end be correct.

On the other hand, I do believe some good can be done by engaging the GOP to change it into an ally of liberty - if not on the national level, then definitely on state and local levels. The potential rewards of success I believe are enough to compel us to make the effort.