View Full Version : Baltimore Sun oped: Mitt Romney has no future in the GOP

11-12-2012, 06:25 PM
Mitt Romney has no future in the GOP (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-witcover-romney-20121112,0,5067088.story)
Failed nominee is embraced by neither conservatives nor what's left of the Republican moderates

Baltimore Sun

As if Mitt Romney's defeat weren't a cross enough to bear, the kind of campaign he ran could make him uniquely a man on the outside of his party looking in.

His chameleon-like shades of Republicanism — he presented himself as "severely conservative" during the GOP primaries to appeal to the party base but then moved toward the center as Moderate Mitt from Massachusetts to woo independents — could make him a pariah in both circles from now on.

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