View Full Version : Any advice on OK State Questions?

11-04-2012, 02:45 PM
SQ 758: Reduce Property Tax Valuation Cap - Yes

SQ 759: Ban Affirmative Action - Yes

SQ 762: Remove the governor from the parole process for nonviolent offenses - Yes

SQ 764: $300M bonding authority in case of water and sewage treatment loan defaults - I DON'T KNOW

SQ 765: Eliminate the Oklahoma Human Services Commission - I DON'T KNOW (Are they replacing a gov. dept with another one?)

The measure adds a provision to the Constitution authorizing the Legislature to create a department or departments to administer and carry out laws to provide for the care of the aged and the needy. The measure also authorizes the Legislature to enact laws requiring the newly-created department or departments to perform other duties.

SQ 766: Exempt intangible property from property taxes - Yes