View Full Version : Gary Johnson Voting For Johnson in 2012

10-23-2012, 09:33 AM
I view as a Ron Paul supporter that it is wise for Ron Paul supporters to vote for Johnson because while he doesn't agree with everyone of Paul's principles he is my view the best of the candidates. Like many Ron Paul supporters I originally had my heart set on Ron Paul this election year myself, but I realized he is not running. As a libertarian I can't force anyone to not write in Ron Paul I just view your vote is better off with Johnson. Like last year the libertarian candidate probably won't win but it is a matter of principle in my view, a wasted vote is a vote for someone you don't believe. my .02

10-23-2012, 09:35 AM
I agree a wasted vote is for someone you don't believe in, which is why I am writing in Ron Paul.

10-23-2012, 01:09 PM
I agree a wasted vote is for someone you don't believe in, which is why I am writing in Ron Paul.
I find your lack of faith... disturbing.

10-23-2012, 10:26 PM
If Johnson gets 5% of the vote, it's a big deal for funding and thus popularity, and it will be a big step in stopping the two-party beast.

Votes for Ron Paul can get mixed in with "other," get the entire ballot thrown out, or simply go unreported by the news.

10-24-2012, 09:10 AM
My only issue with GJ is he's not pro-life. Every other policy of his I am fine with and they are just about the same as RP. I'm putting aside my one difference and voting GJ. He's on the ballot and RP is not.

The people who are so nitpicky that they like RP and not GJ will be the end of all we've worked for because if you're that nitpicky the chances of somebody you agree with getting in power are just about zero.

10-24-2012, 09:31 AM
My only issue with GJ is he's not pro-life. Every other policy of his I am fine with and they are just about the same as RP. I'm putting aside my one difference and voting GJ. He's on the ballot and RP is not.
GJ has a similar end result for abortion as RP does: let the states decide.

I think GJ's immigration policy is terrible. I sent him/his campaign an email asking for more details on how he thinks it could possibly work with all the welfare spending, etc, but all that got me was placed on their news spam list.

GJ's not going to win the election anyway. But getting 5% of the vote is another form of win.

10-24-2012, 09:33 AM
My only issue with GJ is he's not pro-life. Every other policy of his I am fine with and they are just about the same as RP. I'm putting aside my one difference and voting GJ. He's on the ballot and RP is not.

The people who are so nitpicky that they like RP and not GJ will be the end of all we've worked for because if you're that nitpicky the chances of somebody you agree with getting in power are just about zero.

People say they want to respect the right to choose what you want to do with your own body but a unborn child is a body and that unborn child never got the right to choose. Being pro-abortion is anti-libertarian in my view.

10-24-2012, 09:42 AM
If I'm already voting for someone who I know isn't going to win, why would I want to vote anything but my conscience?

I'm voting Ron Paul. I'll make an impact further down the ballot, but at the top, I'm putting in the person who I believe should be President. And I will sleep well.

I don't to play games with my vote. I don't want to think strategy with my vote. My vote is my voice. Ron Paul best displays my voice. I completely understand voting for Gary Johnson and will support that decision for anyone who decides to do that, but for me, it's Ron Paul.

10-24-2012, 09:48 AM
I know, I find it strange that apparently so many Ron Paul people are outspokenly opposed to Gary Johnson.
I mean, Johnson ENDORSED Ron Paul They share about 90% of the same platforms. Yes, Johnson is pro choice, and not as intelligent, good looking, or principled as Ron, but who is.

I am wondering. How many of you guys that despise Johnson also dont like Rand Paul? I am guessing prolly most, but you might surprise me, let me know!

10-24-2012, 11:50 AM
Being pro-abortion is anti-libertarian in my view.

Naw, it's usually just being biologically ignorant.:D

I plan to vote for Johnson (despite his views on abortion, and his unwillingness to speak out against Obama's policy of assassination by drone) because NC state law means that all write-ins except for Virgil Goode are lumped. If I was registered in California, I'd write in for Ron Paul.