View Full Version : Romney’s Foreign-Policy Speech: More War, Bigger Budgets

10-08-2012, 05:55 PM
Jack Hunter shared this article on Facebook, with this comment:

Daniel McCarthy is absolutely right. If Romney is intent on doing his best Bush-McCain impression, his campaign will go the way of that Republican brand.

Romney’s Foreign-Policy Speech: More War, Bigger Budgets
By DANIEL MCCARTHY • October 8, 2012, 1:41 PM

Mitt Romney’s speech at VMI today confirmed every realist’s and non-interventionist’s worst fears about him: not only is his foreign-policy vision indistinguishable from that of George W. Bush — except that it may be more utopian and Wilsonian — but there’s no indication that any realist has the slightest influence on his strategic thinking.

That includes political realists: anyone who might convey to Mitt what a price the GOP paid for Bush’s wars in 2006 and 2008 — the price it will pay again in 2012, the way Mitt is going. Romney promised military Kenyesianism and was as demagogic as the best-paid Pentagon lobbyist in claiming “our defense spending is being arbitrarily and deeply cut.”

He attacked Obama for failing to extend America’s mission in Iraq — “America’s ability to influence events for the better in Iraq has been undermined by the abrupt withdrawal of our entire troop presence” — as if many more months (or years?) and untold scores of American lives lost would have done for Baghdad what eight years of nation-building failed to do. That’s a war Americans of all political backgrounds (even, quietly, not a few neoconservatives) are glad to see the back of, yet Mitt wants more. With a mindset like that, how long will he keep America’s sons and daughters fighting in Afghanistan?

He stopped short of saying he would send troops to Syria and Iran on day 1, but he telegraphed a clear commitment to brinksmanship and regime-change:

Read the rest... (http://www.theamericanconservative.com/romneys-foreign-policy-speech-more-war-bigger-budgets/)