View Full Version : Donate to Denny Rehberg Today! Help Defeat Incumbent Tester!

10-06-2012, 10:16 AM
Dr. Ron Paul endorsed Congressman Denny Rehberg for Montana Senate: http://www.libertypac.com/ron-paul-endorsements/denny-rehberg/

I was puzzled for a while because Rep. Rehberg is not the best fiscal conservative. He has some strengths, but also some weaknesses.

But I checked on civil liberties, and Congressman Rehberg is fantastic:

Opposed Patriot Act Reauthorization: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2011/roll066.xml
Supported Congressman Amash's Amendment on NDAA: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2012/roll270.xml
Spoke in favor of Auditing the Fed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axvXm3U1w0Q

Tester is ok on the Patriot Act, but he supports Obamacare and has refused to support auditing the fed (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:SN00202:@@@P)

Rehberg opposes Obamacare, is good on civil liberties, supports auditing the fed, and has been endorsed by Congressman Paul. And maybe...Senators Paul, Lee, and Demint can rub off on him some fiscal responsibility (an area he needs to get a little better on).

Rehberg currently leads by 2-3%, but he needs as much help as he can get. Donate to him here: http://dennyrehberg.com/

10-06-2012, 11:14 AM
Ron is really really offended by NDAA. that could easily be the issue.

10-06-2012, 01:36 PM
Rehberg is a corporate whore, and former Lobbyist.

The people of Montana deserve better - Dan Cox (polling 9%).

10-06-2012, 01:46 PM
Ron is really really offended by NDAA. that could easily be the issue.I also found that he was helping Paul get people to vote for audit the Fed, but as mentioned below he is a corporate lobbyist. At best he is a mixed bag, but as usual, clearly better than the Democrat.

10-06-2012, 07:22 PM
Rehberg is a corporate whore, and former Lobbyist.

The people of Montana deserve better - Dan Cox (polling 9%).

You have the right to support whoever you want to. But it should be noted that there is a reason why Congressman Paul doesn't follow the ways of the purist. He knows that purism doesn't advance liberty...and he's shown it through his endorsements. Liberty will be advanced when purists realize that no candidate is going to be 100% in agreement with them. It should be realized that even the founding fathers had arguments over the Constitution...just think-they were the ones who wrote it!

Pick the best candidate and go with him/her. That's what Congressman Paul has done, and I thank him for doing this. Purists should consider following his example.