View Full Version : Russian General: USA Will Follow the USSR's path of implosion

10-02-2012, 09:24 AM

In the United States lives 5% of the world’s population, but Americans consume 50% of the world’s energy resources. The global mafia sees this as a problem.

…Some of our people who fled to the US, and now live there on welfare, live better there unemployed than they would have lived in Russia even if they were employed.

The slave masters think that this situation in the US is unacceptable because even the slaves live relatively well there. so the United States is doomed too in this sense.

Even if you’re the head of a mighty state and you don’t understand global politics and don’t understand the methods of global politics you’re still a hostage of the global mafia. The leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the USA carried out internal and external politics, but the global mafia carries out global politics.

The USSR collapsed and the same fate has been prepared for the USA.

I actually talked to a fellow employee from the Ukraine and he tells me that the average unemployed doofus in America lives a charmed life compared to his or her's EMPLOYED counterpart in the Ukraine.

10-02-2012, 09:55 AM
Something to look forward to I guess

10-02-2012, 10:00 AM
On a related note, Mr. Zuckerberg has gone to Moscow.


So glad I quit Facebook/Twitter. Don't miss them one whit.

10-02-2012, 10:09 AM
In Soviet Amerika, country collapses you!

10-02-2012, 10:19 AM
Of course it will. It's how Leviathans roll (http://blog.independent.org/2009/11/02/can-the-rampaging-leviathan-be-stopped-or-slowed/).

take heart from the knowledge that ultimately this criminal enterprise will attain such bloated size and scope that its own survival will no longer be possible, and it will implode, as the Soviet Union and other similarly overreaching politico-economic orders have imploded. Governments that grow and grow ultimately find that their predation becomes greater than their prey can support, at which point such predators are doomed. Thus, the present system of government in this country and many others contains the seeds of its own destruction

I hope the one Russian prof. is right about us busting up (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123051100709638419.html) too. Not being divvied up between foreign countries though.

10-02-2012, 10:58 AM
Vote Obama, get the pedal to the metal on this implosion.

10-02-2012, 11:55 AM
Vote Obama, get the pedal to the metal on this implosion.

Or Romney.. NAFTA, CAFTA and Federal Reserve and More War.

It really doesn't matter which one,, they have the same agenda.

10-02-2012, 12:01 PM

I say this to give you hope. The Keynesians seem to be dominant today. They are dominant because they have been brought into the hierarchy of political power. They serve as court prophets to the equivalent of the Babylonians, just before the Medo-Persians took the nation.

They are in charge of the major academic institutions. They are the main advisers in the federal government. They are the overwhelmingly dominant faction within the Federal Reserve System. Their only major institutional opponents are the monetarists, and the monetarists are as committed to fiat money as the Keynesians are. They hate the idea of a gold-coin standard. They hate the idea of market-produced money.

There was no overwhelming outrage among staff economists at the Federal Reserve when Ben Bernanke and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) cranked up the monetary base from $900 billion to $1.7 trillion in late 2008, and then cranked it up to $2.7 trillion by the middle of 2011. This expansion of the money supply had no foundation whatsoever in anybody's theory of economics. It was totally an ad hoc decision. It was a desperate FOMC trying to keep the system from collapsing, or at least they thought it was about to collapse. The evidence for that is questionable. But, in any case, they cranked up the monetary base, and nobody in the academic community except a handful of Austrians complained that this was a complete betrayal of the monetary system and out of alignment with any theory of economics.

The Keynesians are eventually going to face what the Marxists have faced since 1991. Literally within months of the collapse of the Soviet Union, when members of the Communist Party simply folded up shop and stole the money that was inside the Communist Party coffers, any respect for Marxism disappeared within academia. Marxism became a laughingstock. Nobody except English professors, a handful of old tenured political scientists, and a tiny handful of economists in the Union of Radical Political Economists (URPE), were still willing to admit in late 1992 that they were advocates of Marxism, and that they had been in favor of Soviet economic planning. They became pariahs overnight. That was because academia, then as now, is committed to power. If you appear to have power, you will get praised by academia, but when you lose power, you will be tossed into what Trotsky called the ashcan of history.

This is going to happen to the Keynesians as surely as it happened to the Marxists. The Keynesians basically got a free ride, and have for over 60 years. Their system is illogical. It is incoherent. Students taking undergraduate courses in economics never really remember the categories. That is because they are illogical categories. They all rest on the idea that government spending can goose the economy, but they cannot explain how it is that the government gets its hands on the money to do the stimulative spending without at the same time reducing spending in the private sector. The government has to steal money to boost the economy, but this means that the money that is stolen from the private sector is removed as a source of economic growth.

10-02-2012, 12:04 PM
Vote Obama, get the pedal to the metal on this implosion.

Go big or go home. Vote for full fledged statism mixed with class warfare, currency manipulation and some good old autocratic despotism. Obama simply delivers the full spectrum package that doomers like me have been patiently waiting for. :) A Romney administration would be simply too slow for my liking as opposed to scab ripping the Obama Administration will employ. We need a smiling dictator like Obama to tell the lost children that everything will be OK despite the substantial evidence to the contrary. LOL

10-02-2012, 12:24 PM
An old dear friend of mine was professor of journalism at LSU who related a story to me that he had a student from Poland who apparently worked extra jobs to send back home while studying, so he could invite his Father from Poland when he graduated.

My friend saw someone weeping a little in the back row so he went over to him and said " tears of joy no doubt" to which the fellow from Poland said " no, tears of sadness, all my life I heard stories about how America was free. Now I'm here and see with my own eyes it's not and becoming less free every day "

I paraphrase a bit ( not much ) but that's pretty much what he told me. He was a great friend. G-d bless you Dr d'Hemecourt

10-02-2012, 12:48 PM
I was more thinking towards Rome but that's just a good a response I suppose.

10-02-2012, 01:43 PM
Of course it will. It's how Leviathans roll (http://blog.independent.org/2009/11/02/can-the-rampaging-leviathan-be-stopped-or-slowed/).

I hope the one Russian prof. is right about us busting up (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123051100709638419.html) too. Not being divvied up between foreign countries though.

We can't even police some areas of our cities now. Imagine what would happen after a collapse. On top of that, imagine what would happen to a foreign occupying force. The only country on Earth dumb/arrogant enough to try to invade and occupy a well-armed populace would be a relic of the past if America falls apart, so I can't imagine any sort of invasion taking place in this scenario.

10-02-2012, 01:47 PM
As bad as our economy is, it is nothing like the Soviet system. Corporatism might be robbing the middle class, welfare-ism might be creating a dependent class, and warfare-ism might be destroying wealth, but America still has a complex, robust economy. We've got plenty of natural resources, we can grow and export food, we have culture, entertainment and tourism, we've got the best higher-education system on Earth, and we have an infrastructure that could quickly support the largest manufacturing base on Earth. The Soviet Union didn't have this, and they did everything they could to destroy the creative capacity of every individual subjugated under the regime.

We're lucky to be wealthy enough to cover-up the mistakes of our foreign policy misadventures, for now. They weren't. Blah to the Soviets.