View Full Version : Anyone watch "The Project"?

09-28-2012, 04:44 AM
I do not watch Glenn Beck. I do not watch The Blaze. I do not trust Beck for reasons I will not repeat here.

But the other day I was driving to New Joizey with the wife and he was on the radio and mentioned "the Project" and went on and on about it. I was unable wto watch part 1 but saw pasrt 2 last night. I am wondering whether anyone else watched it and the impression it left. One of the things Beck appears to do is take manifold disparate elements, each of which I am often well able to accept by itself, and weave them together in ways I cannot trust - OK, I guess I AM going to discuss it.

Part two, if taken at face value - and here I am not saying his conclusions are false, but that I cannot locate a basis for accepting them as true - paints a very disturbing picture of what it is that is going on in the "Muslim world". Is our government's policies and other "handling" of these people part of a great conspiracy or is it just badly misguided good intentions? Beck would imply the former, and it may be the case, but there appear to be leaps of logic I simply will not follow.

The other thing that makes me suspicious of the real purpose of this production is the apparent rah-rah job done for Israel. Do not misunderstand - I am not disparaging Israel but why are their problems so heavily emphasized? In this, Beck & company seem to hint at ulterior motives, but again it cannot be established with any certainty.

Is there any sense here of the truth value of his more global conclusions regarding, for example, the goals of establishing a global caliphate, or is this just propaganda to justify further war through even larger government in apparently diametric contradiction of his endless "smaller government" talk? They seem solid, but the art of bullshit has been so finely developed anymore that it becomes very difficult to separate the wheat from the cow dung.

09-28-2012, 09:30 AM
ahhh, didn't see it but this whole muslims are evil thing is just another rouse in my opinion to get Obama out of office.