View Full Version : Regina Tasca update [via Will Grigg]

Occam's Banana
09-26-2012, 01:52 AM
Remember the case of Regina Tasca? If not, here are a couple of reminders:


William Grigg at LRC has an update.

FTA: How To Kill a Law Enforcement Career: The Case of Regina Tasca (http://lewrockwell.com/grigg/grigg-w283.html)

What does it take for a police officer to get fired?

Regina Tasca, a 20-year veteran officer from Bogota, New Jersey, was terminated by the Borough Council on September 21. This decision came after a lengthy investigation into her purported misdeeds.

Prior to her termination, Officer Tasca had never generated a single citizen complaint or official reprimand. She was being considered for promotion before she got in trouble in April 2011.

What horrible deed led to Officer Tasca's dismissal?

[... snip details of several other cop-tyranny incidents not directly related to the Tasca case ... ]

It so happens that the incident that led to Regina Tasca’s firing offense also involved an emotionally disturbed and unarmed individual who was perceived as a threat to officer safety. Did she shoot and kill the subject, or use disproportionate force in subduing him?

No. As the officer in charge of the situation, Tasca followed the Bogota Police Department’s use-of-force policy to the letter by intervening to protect the victim from a criminal assault committed by an officer from another department.

As Officer Tasca summarized the matter in an interview with Pro Libertate last spring: "I didn’t fail to aid another officer; I acted to stop a beatdown." Tasca interposed herself to stop Sgt. Joe Rella’s assault on 22-year-old Kyle Sharp, an emotionally troubled young man who had done nothing to justify police violence of any kind.

About two days after the episode, Tasca was labeled a "danger" to her fellow officers and suspended by the department. Following a year of disciplinary reviews, psychological evaluations, and a spurious legal process worthy of the Soviet Union, Tasca was fired.

Tasca was on patrol on April 29, 2011 when she got a call for medical assistance. Former Bogota Council Member Tara Sharp, concerned about the erratic behavior of her son Kyle, called the police to take him to the hospital for a psychological evaluation. As noted earlier, requesting police intervention, particularly in cases of this kind, is never a good idea. Sharp was exceptionally fortunate that Officer Tasca was the first to respond: She has years of experience as an EMT and had just completed specialized training on situations involving psychologically disturbed people.

Once on the scene, Tasca acted quickly to calm down the distraught young man, whose mood changed abruptly when he saw the other officers arrive.

The official report on the matter, which was written by retired Judge Richard Donohue, claims that Kyle "was aggressive [and] started to walk away…." Only someone incurably inhospitable to both logic and honesty would describe walking away as "aggressive" behavior. Kyle also instructed the police not to step on his property, which was a lawful order the police were required to obey. Instead, Sgt. Chris Thibault tackled Kyle, wrapped him in a bear hug, and attempted to handcuff him. Within an instant, Sgt. Joe Rella piled on and began to slug Kyle in the head while his horrified mother screamed at the officers to stop.

According to Thibault, it was necessary to assault Kyle because he believed "danger is near for us if we let this kid go."

No, really. That’s what Thibault said, under oath, during Tasca’s disciplinary hearing.

Tasca instinctively did what any legitimate peace officer would do: She intervened to protect the victim, pulling Rella off the helpless and battered young man. Tasca’s act was one of instinctive decency, genuine principle, and no small amount of courage. It was also the action dictated by her department’s use-of-force policy, the first page of which specifies that it is "the responsibility of law enforcement to take steps possible to prevent or stop the illegal or inappropriate use of force by other officers."

In his report on the case, Judge Donohue acknowledged that Tasca acted in compliance with the use-of-force policy – but he dismissed that fact on the preposterous grounds that "no evidence was presented to establish that Officer Tasca even knew about the document."

Only an uncommonly inventive sophist would pretend that the important question is whether Tasca was aware of the document stating the policy, rather than whether her actions were in accord with that policy.

[... snip description of another incident in which Tasca comported herself with decency & honor ...]

After being put on suspension, Tasca was subjected to a psychological evaluation by Dr. Matthew Geller, a psychiatrist who does contact work for New Jersey law enforcement agencies. Geller’s assessment reads like something compiled by a State-employed psychiatrist in the Brezhnev-era Soviet psihuska. Geller claims that Tasca suffers from something called a "mixed personality disorder," displaying "a personality type characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiose self-importance and exaggerated sense of talent and achievement."

This purported dysfunction, once again, wasn’t noticed until after Tasca displayed the character and integrity to take the morally appropriate action – one dictated by the official guidelines of her department – in defiance of pressure from her peers and superiors to conform.

Tasca, an openly gay female police officer, believes that at least some of the problems she’s experienced are the product of a cultural clash with what she describes as "the Old Boys Club." Judge Donohue’s report mentions two instances in which she was criticized by for not extending what is euphemistically called "professional courtesy" by writing traffic citations against another officer.

Despite such frictions, Tasca’s job appeared secure – until the moment she behaved like a peace officer, rather than a law enforcer, and crossed the "Blue Line" by coming to the defense of Kyle Sharp.

Fidelity to the tribal interests of the punitive priesthood will cover a multitude of crimes, but taking the side of a Mundane being attacked by a member of the Brotherhood is an unpardonable offense.

Henry Rogue
09-26-2012, 02:35 AM
I had not seen that, that is fing ridiculous. Maybe one of theres has just joined ower ranks.

Austrian Econ Disciple
09-26-2012, 06:24 AM
Cops are scum. The average person is finally getting a taste of what blacks have had to endure for ages.

Like I said before, the 'good cops' don't exist because they get railroaded like this principled lady.

Anti Federalist
09-30-2012, 08:53 PM
oops, double post on my part