View Full Version : How you like this for End the Fed Charlotte today at high noon?

09-22-2012, 02:19 AM
Heloooo Carolina! Welcome to Charlotte North Carolina, banking capitol of the Southeast region, and home to one Charlotte Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank.

These banks, really a cartel of self-interested private bankers, set the value of money and inflate bubbles by suppressing interest rates, transferring mass economic value from every dollar holder nationally into the hands of the twelve authorized private entities who all get the new cash first.

That is, billionaire executives who go from bankruptcy to multimillion dollar bonuses because we let Bernanke shave 10% from every dollar in our pockets.

Now we hear that QE3 is coming only this one never really ends, so it should be QE Forever, and even at the projected $40 Billion a month, we will surpass TARP in 18 months and just keep going. For another four and a half years at least.

QE Forever will build inflationary pressure like nothing Americans have ever experienced, and the people in this very building behind me are helping to make it happen. Every decimal of inflation takes a grain of value from the dollars in your pocket and gives it to some rich bankers selected by the guys who run these banks behind me.

Now with QE3 they have license to do it indefinitely without end, and stand us well in danger of triggering a hyper-inflationary spiral avalanching with an Asian selloff of US Bonds leading to a global selloff and potentially across the threshold into irrational hyperinflation.

This is where we have gotten from Congress ignoring the Constitution, and refusing to take their proper role as fully responsible for monetary policy. This is what has happened because of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

So listen up Carolina! Is everybody here ready to shred the Federal Reserve Act and End the Federal Reserve Bank?


Instead of consulting the lawyers, if we just open the Constitution and read it, two sections in Article 1 stand out to us as we stand here in front of the Charlotte Federal Reserve.

Article 1 Section 8 - under "Powers of Congress The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;" Congress is directly and unambiguously given the power to regulate the value of money.

followed by

The Article 1 Section 10 requirement, being stated as a directive to the state that "No State shall ..make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;"

When the federal government abandoned gold it should have given the States a positive legislative responsibility to authorize gold and silver for the same purpose, if our intent were to obey the US Constitution. If taken in the most literal sense, in fact, it would

One of the privileges the US Constitution guarantees to Americans, is access to money that does not rot away. It is set up so if the Feds abandon the offering, the States have to take it over. 'No State shall make anything but..." at the very least requires the making of the thing that follows into a tender, by logic alone.

With all of the authorities that our governments do usurp, this one explicit responsibility they utterly, and even aggressively neglect: to regulate the value of money. The Constitution does that by putting it into the hands of the voter. We are blatantly ignoring that.

Like refusing to bring the *H448 North Carolina Constitutional Tenter Act, simply recognizing that Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution applies in North Carolina, before a committee to be heard.

The value of money is directly attached to public election for a reason. Without it, our savings and our children's savings are stolen by the inflation tax, and we don't even have a voice. No taxation without representation! It seems I've heard that before. You would not vote to lay debt upon your own children while stealing the value of your money, so you are not being represented.

The Fed's claim to fame is that it's private and secret, so it's away from political pressure. No, it's just taken away from the voters, now. Why would you want to do that?

If we are obey the federal Constitution, since Washington will not provide one, then North Carolina has to at least authorize one for the public use. The US Constitution blatantly requires that all Americans have at least access to sound money.

Congress! You have ignored your Constitutionally mandated responsibility to regulate American money for ninety nine years today. It is time to take back your Constitutional charge and openly regulate the value of American money! Put it BACK in the hands of the voters where it belongs.

The wealthiest land in the world has been bankrupted by manipulation, and so I say it's time, finally, to end the Federal Reserve Bank.

Bring back real money!


I want to share some real hope also, even if some of us here are not really going to like this part, please bear with me as I talk to those of us who like I did in 2007 took Ron Paul's advice and became involved with the Republican party with an eye to transform it into a vehicle to elect Constitutionalists.

We all know by now of course that not much will change in Washington DC no matter what happens in November. Most people are voting just to speed it up a little or slow it down a little, while the pundits fight over what is forward and what is reverse.

It's time to start looking past 2012 into next year, and then what we can do there that will strengthen our stand and representation in 2014, 2016, 2018, and so on, because if we keep building, then growth will become inevitable, like a rising tide.

In August in Tampa Florida, the Republican National Convention for the first time adopted as a plank of the platform the need to perform a full audit of the Federal Reserve Bank.

If only two thirds of you guys who have come out here to End The Fed today -- that's probably fewer than those of you who are already registered Republican for Ron Paul now -- if only two thirds of this crowd were to come out to the conventions in February, March and on up to the State Convention in June, then we will be able to affect the most dramatic change going forward in North Carolina political history, and in four years completely transform the complexion of the General Assembly in a dramatically Constitutional direction.

If we all invested ourselves in attending four conventions over the course of next year - 2013, then by End the Fed 2014 I believe we will all be in a profoundly different place, and even if we are in a profoundly worse economy we will be able to recruit our own candidates at will, and establish the strict Constitutionalist philosophy as the building block for American reconstruction.

And this is not even out of context, because a strict construction of the US Constitution would not permit the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to exist, and as a matter of platform the Republican Party is already becoming a vehicle to use against the Federal Reserve.

We have finally gained a stable foothold in Normandy, and now we need to bring the heavy armies ashore so we can break out and liberate the whole continent. I am asking if you can to help us in 2013, by coming to the four conventions: precinct, county, district, and state; and maybe even attending a couple county meetings when you can so you don't scare the willies out of them when you show up to vote.

Then with your help again in 2016 we can bring enough people to change the platform from "Audit the Fed" to "End the Fed," and maybe, just maybe nominate a certain Senator from Kentucky for President of the United States of America!


But of course we have more pressing and immediate matters. Under QE3 we will be under irrepressible inflationary pressure within 18 months, and a wide spectrum of economists (not just Austrians) are getting worried about a hyper-inflationary spiral by the end of 2014. When we drop off that fiscal cliff, by that time I want every last American to pin it on the Federal Reserve by default, because you and I have told them so many times why this is happening that they remember it, such that finally Ending the Fed becomes inevitable in the mind of the average American.

Congress, and our entire monetary system is in blatant violation of the US Constitution, and one of the most critical components of restoring the Constitutional order is to restore a Constitutional monetary policy, by repealing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and ending the Federal Reserve Bank.

We can all work together to enact a Constitutional restoration and an end to the Federal Reserve Bank each in our own separate way, which is right for a movement of sovereign individuals, but I am also hoping that many of you will choose to come with me into the Republican Party Conventions of 2013 and help me fight to put "End the Fed" into the official North Carolina Republican Party Platform in 2013.


Whatever path we choose to work going forward, I am glad for every one of you that have come out today. A few short years ago, scarcely a soul even knew that the Federal Reserve was. Today, because of the courage, honor, and undying principle of Congressman Ron Paul - who just held an emergency QE3 Committee hearing yesterday morning that every American needs to watch - more Americans than ever know about the evil intent and outright thievery that is the Federal Reserve Bank.

I want to finish by thanking my good friend Chuck Suter for organizing End the Fed Charlotte and honoring me with an invitation to speak, Nicole Revels for helping with logistics, strong principles, and growing compassion for our fellow activists, Jessica Hult, Todd Bennett, and Blair Morris for setting the whole State east of 95 on fire for liberty, and Daniel Rufty for helping gather 2013 delegates into one place.

I also want to encourage everyone to support Steve Royal for NC Treasurer, Ed Goodwin for Secretary of State, and please help my friend Mark Hopp for Alamance County Commissioner.

Just to see this wonderful crowd gathered here in Charlotte for End the Fed 2012 warms my heart because the more you grow, and continue to grow, then the more certain it is that we will finally rise up and put the Federal Reserve Bank out of business for good! Thank you!

09-22-2012, 03:56 AM
LOL It's a keynote for goodness sake, if it's really bad then tell me. :p

09-22-2012, 04:51 AM
any time left for a rewrite is quickly drawing to a close.

09-22-2012, 05:53 AM
May have to just wait and find out if it was horrible when I give it. Like usually happens. :p

09-22-2012, 06:09 AM
Gunny it's FABULOUS. Go get 'em, and have a good time doing it. Hope there's media there.

09-22-2012, 06:09 AM
OH, and PLEASE have someone tweet pictures. What's the hastag?

09-22-2012, 06:12 AM
Pure awesomeness.

09-22-2012, 06:14 AM
I wasn't fishing for compliments, I honestly never know how these things are going to go... :p

09-22-2012, 06:16 AM
It will go WELL. THIS is pure win.

If only two thirds of you guys who have come out here to End The Fed today -- that's probably fewer than those of you who are already registered Republican for Ron Paul now -- if only two thirds of this crowd were to come out to the conventions in February, March and on up to the State Convention in June, then we will be able to affect the most dramatic change going forward in North Carolina political history, and in four years completely transform the complexion of the General Assembly in a dramatically Constitutional direction.

09-22-2012, 06:18 AM
OH, and PLEASE have someone tweet pictures. What's the hastag?

I honestly don't know and I should know.

09-22-2012, 06:22 AM
It will go WELL. THIS is pure win.

LOL thank you, I tried to bring the handover into an End the Fed rally in a way that wouldn't make anybody upset haha. Oh someone is going to cry over this paragraph, delete. Someone else will get bent up over that one rewrite. :p

09-22-2012, 07:13 AM
Looks good. I like QEternity instead of QE4eva, but it's all good.

09-22-2012, 07:33 AM
Heloooo Carolina! Welcome to Charlotte North Carolina, banking capitol of the Southeast region, and home to one Charlotte Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank.

These banks, really a cartel of self-interested private bankers, set the value of money and inflate bubbles by suppressing interest rates, transferring mass economic value from every dollar holder nationally into the hands of the twelve authorized private entities who all get the new cash first.

That is, billionaire executives who go from bankruptcy to multimillion dollar bonuses because we let Bernanke shave 10% from every dollar in our pockets.

Now we hear that QE3 is coming only this one never really ends, so it should be QE Forever, and even at the projected $40 Billion a month, we will surpass TARP in 18 months and just keep going. For another four and a half years at least.

QE Forever will build inflationary pressure like nothing Americans have ever experienced, and the people in this very building behind me are helping to make it happen. Every decimal of inflation takes a grain of value from the dollars in your pocket and gives it to some rich bankers selected by the guys who run these banks behind me.

Now with QE3 they have license to do it indefinitely without end, and stand us well in danger of triggering a hyper-inflationary spiral avalanching with an Asian selloff of US Bonds leading to a global selloff and potentially across the threshold into irrational hyperinflation.

This is where we have gotten from Congress ignoring the Constitution, and refusing to take their proper role as fully responsible for monetary policy. This is what has happened because of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

So listen up Carolina! Is everybody here ready to shred the Federal Reserve Act and End the Federal Reserve Bank?


Instead of consulting the lawyers, if we just open the Constitution and read it, two sections in Article 1 stand out to us as we stand here in front of the Charlotte Federal Reserve.

Article 1 Section 8 - under "Powers of Congress The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;" Congress is directly and unambiguously given the power to regulate the value of money.

followed by

The Article 1 Section 10 requirement, being stated as a directive to the state that "No State shall ..make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;"

When the federal government abandoned gold it should have given the States a positive legislative responsibility to authorize gold and silver for the same purpose, if our intent were to obey the US Constitution. If taken in the most literal sense, in fact, it would

One of the privileges the US Constitution guarantees to Americans, is access to money that does not rot away. It is set up so if the Feds abandon the offering, the States have to take it over. 'No State shall make anything but..." at the very least requires the making of the thing that follows into a tender, by logic alone.

With all of the authorities that our governments do usurp, this one explicit responsibility they utterly, and even aggressively neglect: to regulate the value of money. The Constitution does that by putting it into the hands of the voter. We are blatantly ignoring that.

Like refusing to bring the *H448 North Carolina Constitutional Tenter Act, simply recognizing that Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution applies in North Carolina, before a committee to be heard.

The value of money is directly attached to public election for a reason. Without it, our savings and our children's savings are stolen by the inflation tax, and we don't even have a voice. No taxation without representation! It seems I've heard that before. You would not vote to lay debt upon your own children while stealing the value of your money, so you are not being represented.

The Fed's claim to fame is that it's private and secret, so it's away from political pressure. No, it's just taken away from the voters, now. Why would you want to do that?

If we are obey the federal Constitution, since Washington will not provide one, then North Carolina has to at least authorize one for the public use. The US Constitution blatantly requires that all Americans have at least access to sound money.

Congress! You have ignored your Constitutionally mandated responsibility to regulate American money for ninety nine years today. It is time to take back your Constitutional charge and openly regulate the value of American money! Put it BACK in the hands of the voters where it belongs.

The wealthiest land in the world has been bankrupted by manipulation, and so I say it's time, finally, to end the Federal Reserve Bank.

Bring back real money!


I want to share some real hope also, even if some of us here are not really going to like this part, please bear with me as I talk to those of us who like I did in 2007 took Ron Paul's advice and became involved with the Republican party with an eye to transform it into a vehicle to elect Constitutionalists.

We all know by now of course that not much will change in Washington DC no matter what happens in November. Most people are voting just to speed it up a little or slow it down a little, while the pundits fight over what is forward and what is reverse.

It's time to start looking past 2012 into next year, and then what we can do there that will strengthen our stand and representation in 2014, 2016, 2018, and so on, because if we keep building, then growth will become inevitable, like a rising tide.

In August in Tampa Florida, the Republican National Convention for the first time adopted as a plank of the platform the need to perform a full audit of the Federal Reserve Bank.

If only two thirds of you guys who have come out here to End The Fed today -- that's probably fewer than those of you who are already registered Republican for Ron Paul now -- if only two thirds of this crowd were to come out to the conventions in February, March and on up to the State Convention in June, then we will be able to affect the most dramatic change going forward in North Carolina political history, and in four years completely transform the complexion of the General Assembly in a dramatically Constitutional direction.

If we all invested ourselves in attending four conventions over the course of next year - 2013, then by End the Fed 2014 I believe we will all be in a profoundly different place, and even if we are in a profoundly worse economy we will be able to recruit our own candidates at will, and establish the strict Constitutionalist philosophy as the building block for American reconstruction.

And this is not even out of context, because a strict construction of the US Constitution would not permit the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to exist, and as a matter of platform the Republican Party is already becoming a vehicle to use against the Federal Reserve.

We have finally gained a stable foothold in Normandy, and now we need to bring the heavy armies ashore so we can break out and liberate the whole continent. I am asking if you can to help us in 2013, by coming to the four conventions: precinct, county, district, and state; and maybe even attending a couple county meetings when you can so you don't scare the willies out of them when you show up to vote.

Then with your help again in 2016 we can bring enough people to change the platform from "Audit the Fed" to "End the Fed," and maybe, just maybe nominate a certain Senator from Kentucky for President of the United States of America!


But of course we have more pressing and immediate matters. Under QE3 we will be under irrepressible inflationary pressure within 18 months, and a wide spectrum of economists (not just Austrians) are getting worried about a hyper-inflationary spiral by the end of 2014. When we drop off that fiscal cliff, by that time I want every last American to pin it on the Federal Reserve by default, because you and I have told them so many times why this is happening that they remember it, such that finally Ending the Fed becomes inevitable in the mind of the average American.

Congress, and our entire monetary system is in blatant violation of the US Constitution, and one of the most critical components of restoring the Constitutional order is to restore a Constitutional monetary policy, by repealing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and ending the Federal Reserve Bank.

We can all work together to enact a Constitutional restoration and an end to the Federal Reserve Bank each in our own separate way, which is right for a movement of sovereign individuals, but I am also hoping that many of you will choose to come with me into the Republican Party Conventions of 2013 and help me fight to put "End the Fed" into the official North Carolina Republican Party Platform in 2013.


Whatever path we choose to work going forward, I am glad for every one of you that have come out today. A few short years ago, scarcely a soul even knew that the Federal Reserve was. Today, because of the courage, honor, and undying principle of Congressman Ron Paul - who just held an emergency QE3 Committee hearing yesterday morning that every American needs to watch - more Americans than ever know about the evil intent and outright thievery that is the Federal Reserve Bank.

I want to finish by thanking my good friend Chuck Suter for organizing End the Fed Charlotte and honoring me with an invitation to speak, Nicole Revels for helping with logistics, strong principles, and growing compassion for our fellow activists, Jessica Hult, Todd Bennett, and Blair Morris for setting the whole State east of 95 on fire for liberty, and Daniel Rufty for helping gather 2013 delegates into one place.

I also want to encourage everyone to support Steve Royal for NC Treasurer, Ed Goodwin for Secretary of State, and please help my friend Mark Hopp for Alamance County Commissioner.

Just to see this wonderful crowd gathered here in Charlotte for End the Fed 2012 warms my heart because the more you grow, and continue to grow, then the more certain it is that we will finally rise up and put the Federal Reserve Bank out of business for good! Thank you!


Go, Gunny!

09-22-2012, 09:41 AM
Helooooo= Wazupppppppppppppppp?

Looking forward to see your update on how it went...

09-24-2012, 11:52 PM
My notes broke at the very end, I was so embarrassed lol. I only like to write speeches out sometimes, of course they come out better spontaneously. This one I had a whole bunch of specific things I wanted to cover all to a specific depth, so I made a speech.

The sun cooked my iPad on the music stand. It's just fine now, but it sure stopped giving me my notes like 3-4 paragraphs from the end.


09-24-2012, 11:56 PM
Helooooo= Wazupppppppppppppppp?

Looking forward to see your update on how it went...

Not as many people as I expected, and I had a hard time finishing my remarks so I was awake some 40 hours when I spoke. I had 40% of it done before Tampa, and I could never figure out what else to do with it. QE3 is what struck my inspiration, right there at the very end, and I was finally able to finish it. But I was already exhausted before I got up to speak, so I know personally it could have been about 4x stronger. Still, it went better than it felt like at the time. Every perception is drained and a little depressed when you are totally exhausted. :p

09-25-2012, 12:22 AM
+rep.. Great speech! And you handled your broke notes just fine. You picked right up and kept going.
Thank you for your hard work.

09-25-2012, 04:12 AM
Thanks everyone, here is the next one. Actually some time left to make it better!


Working Poor
09-25-2012, 05:22 AM
What a great speech. I think everyone needs to click on the video link and share this speech in their networks. I wish I could have made it but I did not find out about it until after the fact.

09-25-2012, 07:24 AM
What a great speech. I think everyone needs to click on the video link and share this speech in their networks. I wish I could have made it but I did not find out about it until after the fact.

Thanks! I'm also interested in working up the one for the 30th towards more mainstream Teapublicans.


09-25-2012, 07:29 AM
This event was more lightly attended than I would have liked, but the folks who came had a good time nonetheless. Lots of great pictures were taken, which will come in handy for convincing more people to turn out the next time.

09-25-2012, 07:34 AM
This event was more lightly attended than I would have liked, but the folks who came had a good time nonetheless. Lots of great pictures were taken, which will come in handy for convincing more people to turn out the next time.

People are starting to fall back asleep on the Federal Reserve. Won't be long though. I suspect End the Fed 2014 is going to be a big deal as the gears of the crisis start rendering their pounds of flesh. It will be a lot harder to hide it then.

09-25-2012, 07:36 AM
Some of the other speakers:

Terry McIntyre

2012 National Ron Paul Delegate Daniel Rufty

Young Americans for Liberty activist Craig Holland Dixon

2012 National Ron Paul Delegate and candidate for Mecklenburg County Commissioner Matthew Ridenhour

And yours truly, acting in my capacity as NC State Coordinator for Campaign for Liberty

09-25-2012, 08:12 AM
Thanks, Gunny, for putting yourself out there :)

09-25-2012, 09:47 AM
My notes broke at the very end, I was so embarrassed lol. I only like to write speeches out sometimes, of course they come out better spontaneously. This one I had a whole bunch of specific things I wanted to cover all to a specific depth, so I made a speech.

The sun cooked my iPad on the music stand. It's just fine now, but it sure stopped giving me my notes like 3-4 paragraphs from the end.


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