View Full Version : Encouraging positive press and challenging negative press...

11-19-2007, 12:28 PM
We must remember that people new to Dr. Paul's message will thirst for more of it, as I still do.

The way to reach to vast majority of older voters is still the MSM and word-of-mouth, so we have to play the game at least a little.

We have effectively fought to get Dr. Paul covered MORE in the MSM, and now we must continue to fight for MORE of that coverage to be FAVORABLE.

The way to do this is with serious debate on the issues, not hate mail and attacking people's intelligence.

We must remember that many people will have to question their entire belief system in order to support Dr. Paul. They need to hear the LOGIC and COMMON SENSE that is so clear in Dr. Paul's message once you take the time to learn more.

As for me, my belief system has been turned on its head in the last couple of years and I am embarrsed to know how wrong I have been on so many things.

I encourage everyone to think about the best way to go about getting Dr. Paul's message out without polarizing and/or motivating the competition.

11-19-2007, 01:50 PM

a good question works better than a statement.

explore a person's core ideals and appeal to one that's already close to Ron's.

Devaluing dollar? Peace? Taxes? Less federal intrusion? Guns?

11-19-2007, 01:58 PM
I popped my conversion cherry today, with three people that work at the hotel where I am currently staying.

I just started a conversation with them, to find out what was important to them.

The first one was a hunter, and clearly cared deeply about gun rights and not much else. He was a young guy, 21. He also liked the message about getting rid of the IRS, and especially the Tax Free Tips act.

The second one was a mother of 3 and a registered democrat, but said she didn't think much of any of the candidates, and expressed a dislike for Hillary especially. I shared Dr. Paul's "Just come home" motto and showed her the Stop Dreaming video. She was consumed by it.

The third sort of held back in sharing what was important to her, but she listened and expressed support especially for the Tax Free Tips act.

They all three got excited when I offered a slim jim and a bumper sticker. My goal now is to get them to be active and vocal supporters.

I will measure my success by whether THEY ASK ME something about him the next time I see him.