View Full Version : Ron Paulers Still Upset On Final Day Of RNC

08-31-2012, 07:59 AM

TAMPA – On the final day of the Republican National Convention, Ron Paul supporters vented their anger over the party establishment's suppression of grassroots delegates.

Disgruntled Paul supporters greeted media members on their way through the security check points before the final day of the convention.

Jason Batch, 39, held a sign reading "We the people, hold you, the RNC, in contempt." He was unhappy with changes to delegate and voting by-laws that were approved by the party's Rules Committee.

"This sign is about the agreement of millions of people around the nation and around the world that are just taken aback with the RNC’s behavior, their behavior that was wrong," said Batch, describing his sign.

"I am a little taken back with Speaker Boehner’s teleprompter reading of 'the ayes have it' in the midst of what should have been a roll call at that point being an equal amount of roars from Yeas and Nays," Batch continued.

Wait, House Speaker John Boehner actually read the whole thing from a teleprompter?

Watch the video after the jump.



08-31-2012, 09:01 AM
I'm depressed myself.

08-31-2012, 09:04 AM
Forty-eight hours later and they're still pissed about the disenfranchisement and removal of the general public from the Republican Party's republican process? Well. Obviously they have freakishly long memories. Must be mutants or extraterrestrials or something.

08-31-2012, 09:18 AM
The Rule of Law is a pipe dream.

08-31-2012, 10:04 AM
I feel, it will fade out in a week, then everyone will somehow think a candidate in 2016 will be the one. Then the powers that be can write more EO's and pass more bills to delete more liberty in that four year period. When 2016 rolls around, they will cheat to win, cheat to get their guy in place and we will be OUTRAGED for a week, again.

If we couldn't not win with this much momentum then I think we are fucked, in 2016 the internet will be far less free.

Revolt is all that is left in my opinion. Im not saying its hopeless, Im saying the system is broke, time to revolt against the system itself.

We are literally being told to SHUT up, SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, you WILL get behind the nominee, if they will change any rules they want, then what rules do we have?

08-31-2012, 10:09 AM
I feel, it will fade out in a week, then everyone will somehow think a candidate in 2016 will be the one. Then the powers that be can write more EO's and pass more bills to delete more liberty in that four year period. When 2016 rolls around, they will cheat to win, cheat to get their guy in place and we will be OUTRAGED for a week, again.

If we couldn't not win with this much momentum then I think we are fucked, in 2016 the internet will be far less free.

Revolt is all that is left in my opinion. Im not saying its hopeless, Im saying the system is broke, time to revolt against the system itself.

Maybe the RNC Sham video should get a sticky as a reminder? If I could recapture the harsh outrage in that video on a weekly basis, I know I'd stay hyper-motivated.

08-31-2012, 10:13 AM
Maybe the RNC Sham video should get a sticky as a reminder? If I could recapture the harsh outrage in that video on a weekly basis, I know I'd stay hyper-motivated.

I'm with that!

I do feel that the only way for action to take place is for us to STAY pissed, look at all the stuff that has happened in the campaign with Ron Paul, in just the past 6 months I have seen cheating by the media and GOP like no other, these people are ANIMALS and will do ANYTHING to keep this 100 year plan in place, over the last year I have seen so much slide, missing vans with votes, Romney taking foreign contributions, we always let it go, its time to KEEP it in our minds and STAY pissed. We should NEVER stop exposing M.R...

"I want Obama to lose but do not want Mitt Romney to win"

08-31-2012, 11:54 AM
Think about how this is going to play out if we stay involved in the GOP. In 2016 my state, Iowa, will dominate once again for a liberty candidate. Will the RNC be so foolish as to unseat the elected delegates of Iowa? I hope so. We need to shame the RNC. Think Gandhi and MLK.

08-31-2012, 12:45 PM
Think about how this is going to play out if we stay involved in the GOP. In 2016 my state, Iowa, will dominate once again for a liberty candidate. Will the RNC be so foolish as to unseat the elected delegates of Iowa? I hope so. We need to shame the RNC. Think Gandhi and MLK. Ok, will do, but you better start thinking about Capt. John Parker (http://thomaslegion.net/captain_john_parker.html), Isaac Davis (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/04/19/remember-minuteman-isaac-davis/), and Samuel Whittemore (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1660160/posts) as well.