View Full Version : The Terror of Sequestration Has Gripped the Nation

Thaddeus Kosciuszko
08-28-2012, 12:25 AM
Just about anything is better than democrat,
But don’t expect much more from R copycats.
Neither Party has Constitutional obedience,
And both act in the interest of political expedience.

Only a fool thinks either of them can save them,
Watch as they create debt ceiling mayhem,
And wring their hands as they raise it again;
It is so predictable—tough reelections will abstain.

The TV will explain why it absolutely must be,
And will impugn the likes of one man’s sanity,
But if one man is insane—who has credibility?
Do they say 100% debt : GDP—is not a vulnerability?

D & R Corp blocks the way to public and private prosperity,
They expect us to acquiesce to their wars and prodigalities.
It’s a joke—but the People can change it on Election Day;
Pick up your broom and sweep Dems & big gov Rs away!

T Kosciuszko

The state’s dichotomy of right-left is not right,
It has a circular reference that blocks the light.
Well—it’s up to us to dust the cobwebs away,
And allow the light to illuminate the dark pathway.