View Full Version : The Expected Ayn Rand Onslaught Has Begun

08-21-2012, 12:58 PM
All over the net it's "Attack Ayn Rand Mercillessly." In particular, this piece is so laughably bad, completely disconnected from economic basics.


Like Rand, he believes that when the government increases student aid, institutions raise tuition. "The goal of federal financial aid is to make college more affordable, but there is growing evidence that wholesale increases in aid have had the opposite effect," he wrote in a recent column. "Instead of helping more students achieve their dreams, these increases are simply being absorbed by (and potentially enabling) large tuition increases."

There are two problems with that line of thinking: First, Ryan fails to offer solid evidence to support his claim. Second, he does not mention that as state governments cut funding, public institutions of higher learning are being forced to raise tuition and other fees, not to mention implementing hiring freezes and eliminating courses and entire departments.

On his website, he wrote: "Rather than relying on the federal government to ensure students are given the capability to fulfill their potential, education ought to be governed by state and local boards more ably qualified to determine student need."

WTF did I just read????

08-21-2012, 01:54 PM
im not sure where the relation to rand is in that statement, but most of it sounds about right to me.

08-21-2012, 02:11 PM
If this is an attack on Mr Ryan, it's laughably bad. I've proofread papers by college freshmen that are better than this column.

08-21-2012, 02:38 PM
LOL! It's not about needs, it's about funding the leaches in the education system, so many of which were in the government systems. So let's put that in Layman's Terms remembered through Eddie Murphy's skit "Ice Cream/Welfare/You're Too Poor -- 101"

So I head into the neighborhod trying to sell Ice Cream @ 25 cents a bar, because it's what the ghetto kids can afford and things go along for some time until government steps in. Uncle Sugar says, "Here's some EBT cards so all of you can buy all the Ice Cream you want and no longer think you're poor!".

Well, demand goes up, lines get longer at the Ice Cream Truck... well, now I'm going to charge $1 per Ice Cream bar, because all this stolen/borrowed/robbed government money/EBT credit is chasing my Ice Cream for whatever price I charge. Hell, if the government keeps throwing all this credit/money and the dumbass people keep paying my price for Ice Cream Bars... well, I'm charging $2/bar next summer. Plus regulations and mandates from every conceivable government dept/organization has forced my costs up... (too long to write the causes)

So not only has the government recklessly spent stolen money for hard working businesses and people in their redistribution schemes, they disrupted all the economic cycles on both sides of the equation. Most likely with government spending to help the poor, it's borrowed money on the backs of businesses and earners, but especially today's government accounting of the 'borrowed future' for today's elections... which all of it leads to INFLATION (you know, the hidden tax government never tells you it's there!)

Government latest forced laws on students/Americans: You can never default on student loans. Clinton signed it into law for government student loans and Bush signed it for private student loans. It's law that Social Security belongs to the US government and they can and continue to control and withold SS from Americans that defaulted/owe money on student loans or owe the IRS in any of their alleged accusational schemes. Government is funding vast portion of student loans, creating all sorts of systemic bubbles... where's Obama and the socialists forcing/charging one price for education at every institution? Yeah, just what I thought, another sham of government clowns and their "Affordable Everything Squabbles" fooling the serfs/mundanes.

Secondary educators; salaries, benefits, and termination packages of have skyrocketed over the past 25 years... well beyond what free markets would pay and rates of inflation. Government controlling and rigging the education money game has skyrocketed costs to once again, the taxpayers/people. What's next? A national 25 new fees/taxes and a 10% education collective tax for that propaganda legislation coming down the politically corrupt propaganda pipe called "Affordable Education Act"?

Don't even get me started on the mandated government regulations side of the equation... you can spend days how that has ruined economic cycles and costs us all more.

here's a great great piece on Inflationary State/Health sectors over the pass 50 years. Education costs at the federal level adjusted for inflation today costs 7 times for than the same education in 1960! Almost 6 times as much today at the state level. The more government involved and controlled, the higher prices havce become.


Federal: Education
1960: $ 70
2010: $ 485
adjusted: $ 3,740

State: Higher Education
1960: $ 49
2010: $ 342
adjusted: $ 1,061

08-21-2012, 02:45 PM
Who cares.. let her be the scapegoat. She's not worth defending.

08-21-2012, 03:02 PM
If this is an attack on Mr Ryan, it's laughably bad. I've proofread papers by college freshmen that are better than this column.
But better than college seniors?

08-21-2012, 03:11 PM
But better than college seniors?
Didn't do any proofing that late in my college career, so I couldn't say.

low preference guy
08-21-2012, 03:12 PM
Didn't do any proofing that late in my college career, so I couldn't say.

you weren't able to fool people anymore?