View Full Version : Neglecting Ron Paul Can Be Bad For Republican Party Future

08-13-2012, 12:21 AM


08-13-2012, 02:39 AM
I used to have the stupid notion that Ron Paul actually like Romney because he could be manipulated. He also did not attack Romney as much. Then i just realized Romney is probably the least worst of all the stupid candidates.

08-13-2012, 06:29 AM
My comment to the article:

I have bad news for the Mitt Romney campaign. NOBODY who supports Ron Paul will, would or COULD vote for him. He is the problem (as is Obama) and Paul Ryan as VP is a joke. Way to piss off the people who DO vote (the elderly – and in numbers). When they start to talk about cutting back our military adventurism FIRST then perhaps we can have a conversation but as long as they believe that war is the answer to everything that ails us and that the wealthy need tax breaks at the expense of the middle class and poor, there can be no conversation. Finally, war is the enemy of liberty and liberty is what drives we humble supporters of Ron Paul. I, personally, will write Ron Paul in on the ballot if necessary. Many will vote for Gary Johnson. Many will simply not vote for president and many more will vote for Obama simply because we want OUR MAN, Rand Paul, to have a shot in 2016.

So the short, short? Forget it Mittens. You don’t have our vote. You don’t have the vote of the retirees and you don’t have a shot at the presidency. Given a choice between you for 8 years (another 8 long years of war and loss of liberty) or only 4 long years of Obama, you lose and hopefully, in the end, liberty wins.

08-13-2012, 05:32 PM
Dear Romney, Yeah..... Bromance............... I will leave the tabloids to you.