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08-10-2012, 09:05 AM
Title - The Rest of the World: Ron Paul Revelations

The article recieved "2 likes" and 82 comments were given; these are the most "popular" comments and all of them have at least 14 "likes".

I will let the comment section explain the views of this article (tried to edit the profanity without distortion) :

Ron Paul Supporter - This article is a load of sh*t. Go do your research and you would see that most "foreign aid" is often given to corrupt leaders who use it FOR genocide and terrorism. Last time I checked, the Syrian opposition has been linked to alqueda and mohmar was thrown out of power shortly after suggesting to OPEC to switch from the declining American dollar to a gold standard. If you believe Ron Paul is the problem, then maybe you should actually do some fact checking before you rant about how terrible he is. And also, Saddam was put into power and was given the resources that allowed him to do what he did BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.

Lazzaro - Matt Johnson doesnt understand this...way over his head. He lacks what is termed "common sense"

danielsolina - I thought this would be a well-educated article about how 90% of the world wants Ron Paul as the next POTUS, but unfortunately it's just another one of the slanderous MSM piece of crap articles as always.

bird - this guy is just as missinformed as the majority of the public ,listening to only corperate drivin psyop,s against a man ,politician ,doctor ,father ,grand father ,great grand father ,perfect voting record ,champion of liberty not state religated liberty...America is BROKE,BROKEN,and Busted ,we do need a doctor and Ron Paul will get my vote as allways.

Newzealand4444 - that is the worst article I have ever read....

jahsoul - It would be nice if the author would have given the benefits of the United States being an interventionist country. Whether you like Ron Paul or not, you have to ask yourself, what is the purpose of giving all of these countries aid when we are in such messed up state? You talk about giving aid to these countries but look how disasters are handled within our own border. What is the benefit of the United States being in NATO and the UN? The United States had no business meddling in Egypt, Libya, and now Syria especially seeing who at the core of these uprisings. (if you didn't know, the ones we were fighting in the so called "War on Terror.") But people have to see facts for themselves. Arguing with a fool essentially makes you a fool also.

BTW, it's Stanford. *thumbs up*

*quick edit*
I have just come to the conclusion that pieces like this is done for hits. I'm not even going to fall for the bait anymore. The creation of news instead of the reporting of it kills journalistic integrity.

Poopdog37 - "...and gathered my wits." obviously not too much, champ, but i guess thats why you are still in college, so keep up the good work.

I love you neo cons, telling me that if we dont do it noone weill, as if Germany and the rest of europe would have allowed the former yugoslavia to continue in that fashion if our precious military hadnt stepped in (and dont try to tell me their military's are not up to ours; the germans have one of the best trained armies in the world).

As for all the FEDERAL foreign aid, 9/10 that goes to dictators who use it to start more wars or to repress further their people. Its basically a buy off for the country in questions permission for our military bases, or to ensure corporate trade to extract that country's resources.

Federal aid to disaster victims sounds great, until i realize that americans are the most generous givers PRIVATELY in the world; think of how much more money could be donated to organizations such as teh red cross if families like MINE had more of OUR MONEY....but i forgot, govt knows how to spend my money better than me. :/

Before you link articles about the 'massacre' in libya, how about you google the actual civilian casualties that were taking place. here this might be a good starting place:


I truly love though how it is americas duty to get involved in every single conflict or disaster in the world. What you dont understand is that when we fuck up, when we drone strike countries and kill civilians, they get pissed, and they plot to come get us. We then attack them, killing more civilians, thus restarting the vicious cycle.

I know you have heard all of thsi before, so let me leave you with something that may open your eyes: we are broke. Yes, your beloved FED can continue to print fiat currency which the ultra rich sit on, but they arent investing, confidence is dwindling; we are a fiat currency and confidence is everything. Assets have not been liquidated and prices have not fallen, investors will not invest and the FED will keep printing money to pay for our vast govt debt. what happens when we default on our loans? do you truly believe america will have teh money or teh WILL to go on all of these international endeavors you so crave?

When there is a depression, people do not care about the rest of the world, and whether you want to intervene somewhere or not, you cant. Thats what you neocons do not realize, u dont realize that when the shit hits the fan the only thing that matters is america.

Please tell me how i am wrong.

ron paul or die - matt johnson you are an idiot. Go do research.