View Full Version : We need to submit questions for other candidates for YouTube debate.

11-17-2007, 06:31 PM
Face it, the media is lazy as hell. We need to step up and do some of their work for them. So expose other candidates with questions. Make it a leading question: "You've done this and this....how can we trust you to do the right thing in office"

-Ask Giulliani about the Kerik, and his authoritarian stances.
-Ask Romney about his flip flops and ask him how we can trust him to keep his campaign promises. Also ask him how much more of his money does he plan to invest in buying this election, and what kind of shady deals he plans to do to get his money back once in office
-Ask McCain if he still supports amnesty.[Remind the GOP about his stance there]
-Ask Huckabee about his pro-illegal immigration position and his begging for taxes question.
-Ask Thompson if he thinks he can win by promising this country 4 more years of Bush.

Ask all war mongers, how they plan to win when 70% of the country is against the war in Iraq. Ask them why we stopped looking for Osama.

etc etc, some hard hitting questions that will expose to the average viewer w/o an internet connection what scum bags these guys are. And of course make it sound like you are a concerned citizen who is undecided.

11-17-2007, 06:34 PM
and of course the economy/plummeting dollar etc.

also ask whats more important occupying Iraq and driving Iran, China and Russia into an anti-U.S. alliance or bringing our troops home and protecting the homeland .

and for Giuliani come out with some question about economy and tell him: "Without using the words 9/11, please tell us how you plan to ____________"

Lord Xar
11-17-2007, 07:05 PM
Ask ANY and all of the top TIER ABOUT

THE COUNSEL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS (that WOULD never get on the air).. but worth a try.

BTW.. When is the deadline for questions?

11-17-2007, 07:31 PM
Ask Giuliani if he would support a mandatory life sentence for US citizens convicted of spying for foriegn nations.

PLEASE PLEASE someone with the capability ask this question. It needs to be asked.

11-17-2007, 07:40 PM
I'm going to ask an open question to all the candidates. "Do you think that the 315 billion we've spent in Iraq and Afghanistan and the 10 billion in aid we've given to Pakistan would be better spent helping students like me struggle to pay for college? Should we continue pumping money into these middle eastern economies while our domestic student financial aid programs are getting taken out of the budget?"

Dr. Paul will be the only one able to give a good answer to that one. If Dr. Paul weren't on the stage, I'd make the question relate specifically to increasing the Pell Grant, but him having to explain he's against the DoE and for a market solution to the problem wouldnt be as effective as if he'd just forcefully agree that domestic education>Iraq.

11-17-2007, 08:10 PM
Instead of building on the shortcomings the media is already reporting on, and sweeping under the carpet, maybe we should present them with a questions that come at them from the side. Questions that would be softballs for Ron Paul but would leave the likes of Guilliani with a deer in the headlights look.

Here's a few instances:

Mr. Guilliani, recently the Federal Reserve decided to issue $47 billion* in currency to banks that made bad investment decisions in order to ensure these banks remained successful. Since the Federal Reserve would not reimburse my money had I made bad investment decisions, do you think the Fed's decision to restore wealth to these banks was a fair one?

* Replace $47 billion with the actual amount, I don't know it off the top of my head.

Mr. Romney, The U.S. Dollar is taking a beating. It's sliding against international currency, and the people of this nation are beginning to feel the effects of inflation. Most of this inflation causing debt can be attributed to war spending. These inflationary effects are only going to get worse as our debt climbs. At what point does the livelihood of American families become more important than the war on terror.

Mr. Huckabee, government invasion of our health care industry, like HIPPA has driven consumer prices so high, that many cannot afford health care without government assistance. This is a huge factor in favor in liberal socialized medicine. As President, how do you propose to stave off these liberal measures by reducing the cost of care so more Americans can afford it.

These questions would be knocked out of the park by Dr. Paul, but Guilliani, Romney and Huckabee would be caught off guard I think.

11-17-2007, 08:35 PM
Key is to phrase your question in such a manner that CNN will actually use it.

A very good question to ask is: "Recent polls show that the majority of American voters feel the war in Iraq was a mistake and are in favor of a quick withdrawal of cobat troops. In addition, a majority of Iraqi citizens polled said they want an immediate withdrawal of US-led forces, with nearly three quarters of Baghdad residents saying they would feel safer without US forces in their country. It seems clear that most people believe this war has gone on long enough. Even the people we are supposedly protecting think we're only making the problem worse by staying longer. So my question for each candidate is: With such a large majority of voters opposed to the war, how do you plan to win the general election if you gained the Republican party's nomination?"

11-17-2007, 11:18 PM
yeah definitely a good idea to use statistics to show the GOP how they've lost their way