View Full Version : Ron Paul: Lesson From Colorado shows Govt Cannot Protect Us From All Harm

07-22-2012, 10:54 PM


07-22-2012, 11:02 PM
Very good message from Ron. I had to share it on FB and twitter: https://twitter.com/TheLoneCoyote/status/227267007345729536

Thanks, sailing :)

07-22-2012, 11:05 PM

07-22-2012, 11:05 PM
There were so many great lines in that one.

07-22-2012, 11:14 PM
Why couldn't we have a President that spoke and encouraged people like that?

07-23-2012, 02:04 AM

07-23-2012, 04:13 AM
So grateful for men like Ron Paul: Here is a very good article (I wish I could take credit for it, but it was posted on another blog by a man named Joshua)

Every time there is a shooting anywhere in the country, the reaction from the left is--invariably--a call for stricter gun control. We all agree that even one life lost to gun violence is a tragedy, and we mourn the victims of such mindless evil. However, taking guns away from law-abiding citizens is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

Has anyone ever wondered for example, why Switzerland was virtually the ONLY country bordering on Germany that Hitler did NOT invade during WWII? Sure, the Alps Mountains presented somewhat of an obstacle (tanks in mountains is not a good idea—too many factors against them), but the main reason was that the Swiss are probably the best-armed populace in the world. Every able-bodied male (maybe now female as well) is required to undergo (I believe) two years of training/military duty. Afterward, each person takes his/her weapon home and receives periodic refresher training.

In such an environment, one would expect mayhem and daily “shoot-em-ups” to occur, according to liberal logic. Does it? No—the Swiss have one of the lowest incidence of gun violence in the world, as well (whodda thunk?).

Now, imagine what would have happened if EVERY country bordering Germany had followed Switzerland’s lead? There is no question that Hitler would probably NOT have invaded his neighbors. Even if he had, the conflict would have ended long before 1945 and Hitler (including the other two Axis Powers—Italy and Japan) would have been soundly defeated.

I have seen estimates ranging from about 50-70 million killed in World War II. Sensible gun policies worldwide could have prevented that Great War. Six million more Jews would be alive today (actually many times that because of their progeny). Over 20 million Soviet citizens, and their progeny—also alive!

Another consideration is this: Out of 50 million people, about 1 in 250 would statistically be in the 140+ intelligence range (50,000,000 / 250 = 200,000). Even assuming a paltry 5 percent rate, at least 10,000 of them could be expected to have made some meaningful contribution to mankind, if they had lived (200,000 X .05 = 10,000). This number is actually way low, because I have not factored in their progeny. However, I don’t think there can be any argument that at LEAST 10,000 meaningful contributions (advancements in...inventions, engineering, sciences, agriculture, political, diplomatic, etc) to society at large has been destroyed—by Gun Control!

Would we have had a cure for cancer by now...discovered by a Hungarian Doctor? What about a breakthrough in agriculture that doubles food production worldwide? Perhaps a Jew from the old Soviet Empire would have pioneered in that area. Would the Israeli/Palestinian "problem" be just a dim memory by now? Perhaps a brilliant statesman (or stateswoman) to-be from Kansas was struck down while storming the beaches of France--never to fulfill that destiny. Thousands of potential examples abound.

I would therefore argue, that gun control has been one of the most devastating evils of all time! Think about it.

07-23-2012, 09:57 AM
Esssentially, gun control is giving the larger "force" to another and thrusts an artificial "inequality" upon the innocent.