View Full Version : Some cool stuff happened today.

11-16-2007, 11:10 PM
1. I was on my way to college at around 7:50AM. It was pouring (and was snowing a bit earlier) going to school and I was stopped at a stop light. I look over to my left and see a guy on a recumbent towing a child seat trailer with Ron Paul signs in spots for side views and back views. To get a basic idea of what it sort of looked like:

I just thought this was insane dedication. He was all bundled up hehe. This is taking place in New Hampshire btw.

2. I was watching a repeat of Fox News about 20 or so minutes ago. Laura Ingram was talking to some other people including Hugh Hewitt of Townhall.com. They were talking about the Democratic debate and how the lower tier have to go and pack up and they emphasized Kucinich. This is what Hugh Hewitt said in frustration of Kucinich hangin in there "He hasn't raised any money. He's not like Ron Paul who has raised millions and millions of dollars...."

Thanks Hugh!!!

P.S I heard a Ron Paul ad again on the Radio and I saw a Ron Paul ad on TV the same day! NH is getting Ron Pauled!

11-16-2007, 11:15 PM
hahaha awesome day man... ron paul is starting to become an everyday name i think... he's spreading everywhere.

11-16-2007, 11:18 PM
NY is still pretty cold to Dr. Paul, I don't know one person that has even heard of him here, and have so far only seen one other guy promoting him besides me (with a RP t-shirt).

I wish I lived in NH..

11-16-2007, 11:18 PM
Thanks for the update. Thats what we live for, good, positive news.

11-16-2007, 11:23 PM
OMG I paused the TV (Comcast cable DVR) after Hugh Hewitt said that . Well apparently he called Kucinich a burden of the Democrats but that the Republicans have their burden, and that the Democratic burden is a lightweight. So he is saying Ron Paul is a heavyweight burden lol...i'll take that as a compliment, but he's an ass anyways. Then it goes to commercial....and a Ron Paul commercial pops up lol. :D

11-17-2007, 12:11 AM
NY is still pretty cold to Dr. Paul, I don't know one person that has even heard of him here, and have so far only seen one other guy promoting him besides me (with a RP t-shirt).

same here. i only saw stuff that i put on myself :(.

the upside is that i haven't seen anything for any other candidate either. but i still worry that NY will be a very tough sell.

11-17-2007, 01:34 AM
New York will get Paul if others lead the way...

11-17-2007, 01:37 AM
OMG I paused the TV (Comcast cable DVR) after Hugh Hewitt said that . Well apparently he called Kucinich a burden of the Democrats but that the Republicans have their burden, and that the Democratic burden is a lightweight. So he is saying Ron Paul is a heavyweight burden lol...i'll take that as a compliment, but he's an ass anyways. Then it goes to commercial....and a Ron Paul commercial pops up lol. :D

LOL !!

11-17-2007, 02:12 AM
Hugh has been scratching his head since the Texas Straw Poll. Yes, Townhall did manage to help Duncan win the day but when Hugh went out looking for longhairs to interview, he bit off more than he could chew. The Paulites talked monetary policy, personal responsibility and small government much to Hugh's amazement. He finally gave up in frustration and has never recovered to his former unshakable neocon self. He knows exactly what is coming down and why. Eventually he will understand that this is just a replay of the 76' Reagan revolution but with a different set of players and a different set of rules, none of which he can control. Hence, the heavy burden. All the same - thanks for the plug Hugh.