View Full Version : Why he flipped Romney the bird, and why we ALL should too.

Anti Federalist
06-28-2012, 08:09 PM
I swear, this man must have crawled around in my head for a few weeks.

Mittens Comes to Town

June 27, 2012

By eric


Yesterday, I needed to get some new Heli-Coil inserts to fix some damaged threads, so I hopped on one of my bikes and headed into town – “town” being Roanoke-Salem in southwest Virginia. On the way home, I encountered a traffic jam. This is a rare – almost nonexistent – occurrence down here. Almost always, there’s an accident and that’s what’s holding things up.

This time, Mittens was holding things up.

Mittens had come to town – along with his Praetorians, a motorized consort of black SUVs with black tinted windows and what appeared to be every cop in town (and perhaps the surrounding towns, too). “Keeping us safe,” apparently, takes a back seat to keeping Mittens safe from us.

Mittens’ time is also valuable – while ours of course is not. A Praetorian had closed down the intersection I – and dozens of other motorists – were hoping to pass through. The intersection we paid for, mind. But which Mittens and his kind may exert exclusive ownership over at any time.

For a long time, nothing happened.

No Mittens.

Nonetheless, we were required – at gunpoint – to wait for the royal procession of the GOP dauphin. Any of us mere Mundanes who dared to perform a U-turn or do anything other than freeze in place risked the ire – and the gunfire – of the Praetorians. And so, we sat – and stewed. It was easily 90 degrees outside. But no doubt, Mittens’ chariot is air conditioned.

At least fifteen minutes went by; the cars were now stacked up for a good half mile – as far back as I could see, at any rate. I shut off the bike. Unlike Mittens, I pay for my own fuel and so try not to waste it. I suppose when you are the elected king and have unlimited access to the public exchequer then such things are not much bother. Only the “little people” pay for their own gas, after all.

Then, in the distance, a sound – and a flash! He was coming.

To the accompaniment of his Praetorians – blue lights flashing, surrounded by his protective begleitkommando – Mittens’ gigantic tour bus arrived. As it approached, emotion welled up within me and boiled over.

I could not help myself. stood up and gave Mittens the universally understood “up yours” salute and jeered at the black-windowed bus as it passed by.


It is my fervent hope that Mittens saw at least one proletarian who will not remove his cap and bend his knee when in The Presence. Who knows the emperor has no clothes. That he is just some guy – a guy who wields tremendous power, it’s true. But that’s just the point. Nothing makes Mittens – or any of them – worthy of deferential treatment. It’s just some guy. Some guy – who wants to control your life.

Screw him! If you met such a character on the street – and he didn’t have Praetorians backing him – you’d probably tell him precisely that. The fact that most of us are afraid to do it when it’s Mittens – and his Praetorians – speaks volumes about the nature of our relationship to the government.

So, the experience was cathartic. I felt good for the rest of the day.

I wish more Americans would do the same – or similar. In fact, I regard it as essential that more of us do the same. That more and more of us refuse to be respectful. After all, what is there to respect?

It would be a healthy thing for liberty if creatures such as Mittens – and Barry and Newtie and the whole stinking gaggle of them – dared not venture outside their fortified compounds lest they see and hear and feel the utter, withering contempt in which they are held by those they imagine themselves born to rule. By people who cherish liberty – and so, despise them.

Caesar Augustus was more in touch with the average Roman than these latter day Elagubali – and in defense of the imperator, Augustus had some admirable qualities.He was not a poltroon. And he did exhibit a degree of civic virtue.

But these people? Glad-handers and tools. Front men for money men – not the honest kind who produce wealth. Rather, the kind that manipulate money. Other people’s money. Street corner shysters in $3,000 suits – paid for with money stolen from the citizenry. Disposers and redistributors of other people’s life’s work. Mass murderers, who glibly throw away other people’s lives.

The pomp and circumstances accorded these cretins is literally sickening. Even more so the way most people deferentially oblige. The expressions of reverence whispered by the average American toward the presumptive Imperious Leader – the would-be auctioneer of other people’s liberties. These beady-eyed hustlers and power-lusters. These dissemblers and demagogues.

It is a bleak thing indeed that so many people no longer reverence their rights – and instead instinctively defer to any manifestation of power that intends to deprive them of their rights.

They are in awe of power.

Which renders them very small.

Whatever happened to the America – to the Americans – who didn’t like being told what to do? Who respected authority only when it respected them? When did this nation become a collection of servile, scraping submissives? Of eyes-lowered authority lovers?

It is sad – and tragic.

I view the likes of Mittens as unworthy of the respect I owe any honest laborer – including the humblest ditch digger. Because that ditch digger is doing an honest job – and isn’t putting a gun to my head and telling me to like it as he smiles through his set of $5,000 capped white piano-peg teeth. He has earned the right to be respected. But Mittens? Or The Chimp? Or Barry? Or any of them (excepting of course Ron Paul)… ? They are less deserving of respect than a common street thug. Because at least one has a sporting chance against the thug – and no common thug would have the audacity to insist that he was “helping” you by victimizing you – and expect you to thank him for doing so. We’d kick him in the balls the moment we had the opportunity – and would feel great if we succeeded.

Americans need to get off their knees – and give creatures such as Mittens, et al, a healthy rebel yell. Or maybe the “up yours” salute.

They have earned it.

06-28-2012, 08:15 PM

06-28-2012, 08:17 PM

06-28-2012, 08:18 PM
If nobody voted, they would lose all legitimacy.

06-28-2012, 08:23 PM
Nothing can drive you crazy like stopped traffic, especially for nonsense like this.

The Police blocked off a major intersection in my area and gave no way out (due to an accident that it took them hours to clear). A kid did a u-turn and burned out to express his frustration. The Police chased him down, blocked him in with unmarked vehicles, and shot him dead in his seat. True story.

06-28-2012, 08:34 PM
They are going to have airspace clearance whenever a VIP arrives or leaves the Tampa airport. They will have it at various spots in Tampa. It just makes me hope we have a blimp all the more.

06-28-2012, 08:35 PM
If nobody voted, they would lose all legitimacy.

Nope. He would vote for himself and declare that he has a clear mandate to do the "will of the people". /s

Nice find, thanks AF.

06-28-2012, 08:58 PM
If nobody voted, they would lose all legitimacy.

In theory that is great. But since the corporate controlled media will lie to us and say it was the biggest turn out in years. So when TPTB rig the elections it will be business as usual.

06-28-2012, 09:07 PM
In theory that is great. But since the corporate controlled media will lie to us and say it was the biggest turn out in years. So when TPTB rig the elections it will be business as usual.

So why vote either way then? Am I missing something from your response?

06-28-2012, 09:13 PM
So why vote either way then? Am I missing something from your response?

You didn't miss anything. There are no free elections. Just the appearance that there is. That's why I said, 'in theory' your idea would be great.

06-29-2012, 09:04 AM
Hey mittens!

06-29-2012, 09:11 AM
Dude...Eric Peters is from my home town. I did not know that....:)

Must meet him sometime.

06-29-2012, 09:13 AM
I'm in.

06-29-2012, 09:15 AM
Hey mittens!


06-29-2012, 09:20 AM
this dude may need a welfare check up.....any volunteers?

06-29-2012, 09:33 AM
And if you boo at the National Convention, you will be forced to leave the event you paid $5G's for.

06-29-2012, 09:59 AM
I explained this to a couple after Newt was booed at the GA State convention. Basically I told them newt was plundering, lying, murdering scum and I felt that people like him deserved to be booed. I was respectful and didn't even curse when I explained to them that I don't clap politely for people who represent what he represents.

06-29-2012, 11:18 AM


tod evans
06-29-2012, 11:21 AM

06-29-2012, 11:25 AM
F. U. Mittens!

06-29-2012, 11:42 AM
This (almost) makes me want to reserve a spot for the 2013 inauguration just so I can flip off whichever Barmitt Robomananey bot get's (s)elected.

Anti Federalist
06-29-2012, 11:59 AM
Dude...Eric Peters is from my home town. I did not know that....:)

Must meet him sometime.

No kidding!?


Well, if you ever do, tell him "Anti Fed" is a huge fan and keep up the good work.

06-29-2012, 12:04 PM
Hey Willard!


06-29-2012, 12:09 PM
If nobody voted, they would lose all legitimacy.

I can't endorse this message enough.

Anti Federalist
06-29-2012, 01:29 PM
I can't endorse this message enough.

More from Eric Peters on that:

What Not To Do on Selection Day

June 28, 2012
By eric


The only way to shatter the illusion of consent – the keystone of majority-rule “democratic” tyranny – is by making it obvious to nearly everyone that the Fuhrer (oops, “president”) has been selected by, at most, a minority of the voting population. That in addition to being a cretinous philosophy as such (i.e., mob rule) “democracy” is also a lie at its most basic level.

Because the majority doesn’t rule.
Consider: In a modern presidential selection, only about 50-something percent of the people eligible to vote actually do vote – thus, the “winner” is the one who gets appx. 26 percent or so of the 50 percent. In other words, a quarter of the voters determine who is selected Duce (excuse me, “president”).

For example, in the 2000 presidential selection, The Chimp received 50,456,002 votes. His WWF-style opponent, Captain Planet, received 50,999,897 (see here for more). Even though Captain Planet received 48.4 percent of the so-called “popular vote,” he lost the selection to The Chimp – who received 47.9 percent. But the key thing is that neither won anything close to a majority of the votes of the eligible voters.

In the 2000 race, the voting age population was 205,815,000. Go back a sentence or two and re-read the actual turnout numbers. Combine The Chimp and Captain Planet’s tallies. You get 101,455,899 . There is some dispute about the “fine print” – for example, The American Presidency Project claims 105,586,274 cast ballots in the 2000 presidential selection (see here). But the essential point remains: The American Caudillo (oh, yes, excuse me … the “president”) was selected by about 50 million Americans – about a quarter of the eligible pool of voters.

So much for mob/majority rule.

We in fact have minority rule in this “democracy.” Have had it, for decades.

Many people are unaware of this fact – which is carefully camouflaged by the MSM. Because the MSM – and the PTB behind the MSM – know very well that their gooses will be thoroughly cooked if the scam ever becomes common knowledge. Even the dullest of Clovers still buys into the “majority rule” essence of democracy. He feels he is “represented” – and that the government operates with the “consent of the governed.” This confers legitimacy on the government in the Clover mind.

Once you peel away the curtain of consent, it’s over.

But it won’t be over so long as enough people continue to play along.

Imagine if enough people did not play along.

If enough people simply stopped being useful idiots. If the number of people voting dropped below 40 percent – or even less. The “winner” thus selected by 15-20 percent of the country would be as obviously illegitimate as the “winner” of a selection in Uganda. It would be damn hard to maintain the illusion of “consent of the governed” – the shaky foundation upon which rests the entire rickety, corrupt and despicable edifice “democracy.”
Mob rule as a political ideal is vile – but it has traction in the minds of careless thinkers because of the seemingly egalitarian premise that underwrites it.

But what if the majority – the mob – doesn’t rule? What if the average American has about as much say over what is done to him – in his name – or in the name of a majority of his fellow Americans – as a Kazhak prole had over the doings of the Politburo in Soviet Russia? Don’t forget – they had regular selections in the old Soviet Union, too.

Of course, democracy is more cunning. Instead of a single leader representing a single party, democracies have plural leaders representing the same party – the party of government. You get to choose between them. Like choosing high fructose Coke vs. high fructose Pepsi.

Real soda – with sugar – is not on the table.

It’s a brilliant con – perhaps the most effective form of totalitarianism ever conceived. Because it keeps the masses quiescent. Because they believe they have a choice – and because the majority has ruled. It is time to disabuse them of this fantasy.

One way to really drive the point home would be to hold a nationwide “sit in” – or rather, stay home on Selection Day. Instead of long lines at the polls – the boilerplate story the MSM runs every year with depressing predictability – imagine if the MSM were compelled to report that most polling stations were as vacant as the “ideas” of Mitt Romney and Barry Sotero? That the next Jefe (pardon me, “president”) was in fact selected by a small minority of the voting public – a minority comprised overwhelmingly of tax leeches and assorted parasites casting ballots in what the magnificent H.L. Mencken searingly – because accurately – described as a “sort of advance auction of stolen goods”?

Ah yes! What then? Indeed!

The whole rotten thing would come tumbling down. People – enough of them, at any rate – would be disabused of the filthy lie that they are “represented.” It would be clear as the Berghoff’s famous plate glass window that what America has – and has had, for generations – is a kind of elected king. A king selected by a minority of the population – who confer upon him effectively unlimited authority to act in the name of a majority that never had a say in the matter.

That’ll sour the milk right quick.

I’ve suggested in previous columns that progress can be made in small steps – as evidenced by the successful efforts to roll back “gun control” laws (see here for my column about that). But imagine a more frontal assault. A direct – but peaceful – jab in the eye of “democracy” and “majority rule.” Now that might get something going. And we’d better start doing something soon. Peacefully or otherwise, change is coming.
Whether we can believe in it remains to be seen.

Throw it in the Woods?

Anti Federalist
06-29-2012, 01:30 PM
dupe a derp a dupe

06-29-2012, 01:37 PM
I can't endorse this message enough.

Don't vote, it only encourages them.

06-29-2012, 01:38 PM
If nobody voted, they would lose all legitimacy.

If only five people voted in the entire United States they would still claim it was legitimate, and the media would sell it to the sheeple.

06-29-2012, 01:42 PM
Don't vote, it only encourages them.

I voted for Ron Paul in our primary. It didn't matter. I'm voting for Ron Paul in the general election too. It won't matter.

06-29-2012, 02:12 PM
If only five people voted in the entire United States they would still claim it was legitimate, and the media would sell it to the sheeple.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to GunnyFreedom again.

06-29-2012, 03:06 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to GunnyFreedom again.

What he ^ said. The penalty for not participating in politics is to assure that you will be governed by your inferiors.

06-29-2012, 03:49 PM
What he ^ said. The penalty for not participating in politics is to assure that you will be governed by your inferiors.

Liberty loving individuals have been "participating in politics" for 236+ years with virtually no substantive, lasting positive results. WRT the modern "liberty movement," they've been attempting to "fix" things through political action for well over half a century. The result has been more tyranny with each passing year.

Politics doesn't work. It quite literally cannot work. EVER. Politics is, after all, the root cause of the problems.

The sooner liberty advocates start to realize this simple fact, the sooner we can get to work finding the things that DO produce the results we want.

06-29-2012, 03:57 PM
And if you boo at the National Convention, you will be forced to leave the event you paid $5G's for.

In today's world, the proletariat would best be served by turning their boos into cheers.

--Big Brother 2012

06-29-2012, 05:19 PM
I voted for Ron Paul in our primary. It didn't matter. I'm voting for Ron Paul in the general election too. It won't matter.

It matters to me.